All-American Heroes: Fireman Cody

 Fireman Cody at All-AmericanHeroes
 Fireman Cody at All-AmericanHeroes
 Fireman Cody at All-AmericanHeroes
 Fireman Cody at All-AmericanHeroes

Normally shoots and debuts a solo scene of a new hero before they match him up with another male. In the case of married Fireman Cody they shot two scenes of him sucking cock and taking facials in his face and mouth before shooting this solo masturbation scene.

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mk says:

he is also known as mathew from randyblue, just in case he looked familiar.

darkthunder1983 says:

He did and thanks!

Xeph says:

yummy….i like it

Daniel says:

He is SO HOT it’s mind-blowing! What a hot cock – he should be topping instead of always bottoming