SeanCody: Keefe

Keefe at SeanCody
Keefe at SeanCody
Keefe at SeanCody
Keefe at SeanCody
Keefe at SeanCody
Keefe at SeanCody

Sean writes:

Keefe just finished his tour of duty with the military. He’d been abroad (bet you can guess where) and was really, really glad to be home. He wanted to try something different and make a little money while he transitions to civilian life.

He played football in school and he’s definitely built for it. He’s got big, powerful legs — but what’s most impressive about his body is the huge piece of meat dangling between those legs. I don’t know what it is with military guys having big dicks, but they always seem to be packing. Keefe’s dick is long and fat. He told me off camera that he likes to have anal sex (alas, he’s straight). How he gets that monster up some girl’s ass is beyond me!

Watch Keefe at SeanCody

chris says:

The very best yet. Aboslutely the best. How could anyone want anything other than a body like that and the TOOL to go with? Hats off to a guy who really goes to the effort that Keefe did and does to maintain such a beautiful living work AND to allow the rest of us to enjoy the view. He will be totally hard to top, ‘er, do better than. You know what I mean.

Tom says:

Hell yer!!!! We can only live in hope that Keefe decides to experiment some more soon, god i would love to be the one he experiments with