Watch Justin at Pride Studios, Scene Summary:
Broad shouldered, square necked and with a baby face hardened by a nose that has been broken at least once on the scrimmage field, Justin is that hunky serving of football player we all lusted after at one time or another. This in spite of – or maybe especially because of that more than just standard-issue cargo bay between his legs. With the impossible to resist clumsiness of a guy so helplessly straight, but with an inner porn star just dying to make a one time appearance. Justin wastes no time in showing off those meaty smooth pecs, tanned, muscled arms and a stomach that has seen as many empty beer cans as it has sit ups.
This is the real deal, guys, and Justin was more then happy to show off that untouched bubble butt before putting on a half time show with a thick, hard, eight inch cock that is definitely worth going into overtime.