BuzzWest: Slammer & Juggalo

Slammer & Juggalo at BuzzWest
Slammer & Juggalo at BuzzWest
Slammer & Juggalo at BuzzWest

Watch Slammer & Juggalo at BuzzWest

Buzz Writes:

Slammer and Juggalo are two young Marines just out of boot camp and looking for a good time, and I was more than happy to help them out. Juggalo is from Texas, and I don’t know what it is about a “slow talkin southern boy” that gets me all giddy, but I couldn’t stop having fun with these guys. Slammer is a mid-west boy and also has a bit of an accent.

Juggalo has some fun barracks stories, and he sure like to tell them too. Juggalo got so excited he shot a load right before I had them stand up and show off their asses. He snuck it out, so I didn’t find out until later, but I caught it on the second camera!!! It was so hot when I went back through and watched it unfold, and YES I caught all three cum shots. Two from Juggalo, and one big nut from Slammer! They both hadn’t gotten off for 6 days before they came over! Hope you all enjoy this one as much as I did. Turn off the volume if you want to avoid me flirting with them though…cause I tease the shit out of em!