ShaneSlater: Lex Meets Buttplug

Lex Meets Buttplug at ShaneSlater
Lex Meets Buttplug at ShaneSlater
Lex Meets Buttplug at ShaneSlater
Lex Meets Buttplug at ShaneSlater
Lex Meets Buttplug at ShaneSlater
Lex Meets Buttplug at ShaneSlater

Shane Slater wrote:

Lex answered one of our KC ads a few weeks ago and during our phone conversation, Lex told me that while he was a bit curious, he had never messed around with another dude. I decided to take a chance and on the night of the video, I gift wrapped a few small toys and lube and stuck them under the tree. When Lex arrived, I told him of the toys and he said that he might give one a shot but would have to think about it…