BlakeMason: JB & Ryan B.

JB & Ryan B. at BlakeMason
JB & Ryan B. at BlakeMason
JB & Ryan B. at BlakeMason
JB & Ryan B. at BlakeMason

JB & Ryan B. at BlakeMason
JB & Ryan B. at BlakeMason
JB & Ryan B. at BlakeMason
JB & Ryan B. at BlakeMason
JB & Ryan B. at BlakeMason

Watch JB & Ryan B at

BlakeMason wrote:

It was late November 2006 when I unleashed the gorgeous charms of JB upon the world, and what a fortunate day that was! You see, I have been longing to get him back for a duo shoot and finally, last week, everything fell in to place. Ryan B came good on his promise to take JB’s thick fat cock up his ass and I was in filming heaven… ;-)

jason says:

why are they so red?


Though I am bisexual you eat pense that a man could attract so much, it(she) is immense the attraction that I sit(feel) for ryan b. is incleible, ojala the mail address could obtain, they agradeceria if they me collaborate.

Earl says:

Yeah the last message is not understandable!!!
Jason afater and during sex we get a flushed, white folks are like that. I know not very attractive but that is how the cookie crumble.

LA Clergy says:

just AWESOME!!!!!!!

gaygay says:

i think ryan b is pure sex god in my eyes and that he is extremely sexy lol

i like him alot and would not mind being taken by him as hard as he can give would be great lol