NewYorkStraightMen: Vinko’s Full-Service Session

Vinko's Full-Service Session at New York Straight Men
Vinko's Full-Service Session at New York Straight Men
Vinko's Full-Service Session at New York Straight Men
Vinko's Full-Service Session at New York Straight Men
Vinko's Full-Service Session at New York Straight Men
Vinko's Full-Service Session at New York Straight Men

Watch Vinko & Christian at

NYSM wrote:

Meet Vinko! He is a hot stud originally from a small village in Croatia and had been living in NYC for the past two years.

He is anxiously awaiting the arrival of his Girlfriend, because as he puts it “no one sucks cock like my gf.” When we met him he was in such need for a decent BJ that we he agreed with minimal resistance to have a guy suck his cock as long as it was done right.

Boy, was Vinko in for a treat! Little did he know that now only did Christian give a decent BJ, he would be getting one of the best blow jobs available in The City!

twinkletongue says:

Vinko, I think is AKA ‘Brad’ from ‘Bukbuddies’-amazingly hot

chiguy4m says:

You’re joking, right, twinkletongue? Whatever name this Vinko guy goes by he’s ugly.

twnkletongue says:

Not the sucker chiguy4m, the suckee