MenOver30: Green Eyes

Green Eyes at MenOver30
Green Eyes at MenOver30
Green Eyes at MenOver30

Green Eyes at MenOver30
Green Eyes at MenOver30
Green Eyes at MenOver30

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MenOver30 wrote:

Green Eyes has just turned thirty, is built like he is twenty, and from the size of the load he shoots, he must have hormones to match. Puerto Rican-born Green Eyes has a solid body that is naturally muscled, naturally smooth, and far sexier than he seemingly has any knowledge of at all. Green Eyes is that classic Latin…

Petr says:

OMG, Green Eyes is so fucking sexxxxy.Since I favor Latin Males I want him to go with me each month on my trips to PR so I can use him as a translator and, and, and well, what ever he wants I’ll take care of him. He is beautiful.