BuzzWest: Clay

Clay at BuzzWest
Clay at BuzzWest
Clay at BuzzWest
Clay at BuzzWest

Clay is a straight but curious guy from Arkansas. He was so nervous, it was very cute. Clay is the typical 18 year old, into snow boarding, BMX biking, running, and all things athletic, and it really shows. I think the guns are just to help him get chicks, and a good excuse to show off his body, and it works! There is something about this one that really gets me going. I don’t know if it was his slight nervousness, his bedroom eyes, or just that I’m a horny bitch, but there was something! I’m gonna watch this one over and over. Clay is a must see Angelic stud…for the upcoming Holidays of course! Enjoy!

Watch Clay at

Sukang Paombong says:

I love it when dudes shave their pubes but not their pit hair… musky.

Griff says:

Once again, on one more nice-looking guy, tacky, senseless tattoos ruin the whole look. I will never understand the power of, and attraction to tattoos. PLUS they are permanent guys – think about it.

Chris says:

He’s cute but that’s about all he’s got going for him unfortunately.