BuzzWest: Isaak

Isaak at BuzzWest
Isaak at BuzzWest
Isaak at BuzzWest

Isaak at BuzzWest
Isaak at BuzzWest

Watch Isaak at

Buzz wrote:

Isaak is a furry Brazilian stud, working his way through school here in California. “I like the beaches, surfing, and hot girls”, says Isaak. “It’s a personal thing, so I don’t really have a type”. Isaak has such perfect skin, and a nice amount of fur on his chest! I was so happy that he didn’t shave anything, and he said he wouldn’t even consider it. I just LOVE the heavy accent, and he seems SO innocent. Isaak is working on getting a car, and just passed his driver’s test here in California. He’s excited that he will be able to actually take someone on a date. Pick me! Pick Me!

Rich says:

You gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me.

Drz says:

a younger, skinnier, just about as gross RAY ROMANO?

DMWN says:

Well, at least he’s “different” for BuzzWest. It seems for the longest time, all they featured were these sort of vanilla sandy blond, slight chubby-faced boy next door types.

clifton says:

I think i just threw up a little in my mouth… ugh…

Chris says:

Oh yeah…that’s nasty. YUCK!

Bobby says:

Love that hairy body…yummy

blah says:

Ok, a hairy body is one thing, but did they have to keep the unibrow?

swifty says:

niiiiiice ass