SeanCody: Buck

Buck at SeanCody

Buck at SeanCody

Buck at SeanCody

Buck at SeanCody

Buck at SeanCody

Buck at SeanCody

Watch Buck at

Sean wrote:

Buck is 29 years old and the owner of a construction company.

“You are a general contractor?” I asked.

“Yeah, I just built my first house,” he replied.

Man, why is it that all of the contractors I’ve ever used have been fat, straight, and not exactly easy on the eyes?

It’s not hard to imagine Buck all sweaty with his hammer and drill, wearing a tight, white, almost see-through tank top!

Will says:

Looks like he has waxed just the top half of his pecs and the shoulders. wonder if he did drag in an off-the-shoulders gown? Still, I wouldn’t kick him out of bed unless he was better on the floor.

Costumer says:

He’s pretty good. Not as good as some of SC’s other recent guys (Carl, please please please come back), but I wouldn’t kick him out of bed.

Also, does the comment about all of SC’s previous contractors mean that Buck is gay? Or am I just reading it funny?

Dz says:

His face looks all-American, circa the ’50s, no? [Or an extra from “Mad Men?”] Too bad about the half-shaved pecs.

peter says:

hey, i will be glad to have Buck as my general contactor, I mean contractor, and he can do all the contacting, I mean contracting, he prefers.

Vic says:

He’s just so so. Certainly no one I’d say “OUT SPOT” to UNTIL I got to the asshole,(my fave). I came to an abrupt halt. I couldn’t possibly risk that ZIT bursting on me! A spot my face would normally be! Oh well, it simply wasn’t meant to BE!!!!!!!!!! NEXT——

phunky says:

Why is his chest shaved like that? So weird. Hot guy though, not as hot as some recent guys.

Jason says:

I don’t see any “zits.” Looks like a normal asshole to me.

jeremy says:

his hole looks nasty. i wouldn’t eat that.

Vic says:

Jason: None are SO blind as those who will NOT see!

Austin says:

He is hot!

Caelus says:

owner of a construction company? yeah right.

Tobias says:

Odd chest hair pattern, but I guess he has to live with that. I’m sure there’s hair above that line, but the studio lighting washed it out. If he owns a construction company, Sean, why’s he doing porn? Seriously, Mr. Cody, you have zero imagination for storylines. And where’s his tool belt? And hardhat? And cool work boots? And loose-fitting jeans with the bulge just right? Geez, I should be one of these porn writers. Anyway, just another bland guy standing on the San Diego waterfront hoping to be a star. No eroticism or imagination anywhere from Sean Cody regarding this one.

Churchy says:

Too bad about the tattoos.

don says:

“Man, why is it that all of the contractors I’ve ever used have been fat, straight, and not exactly easy on the eyes?”

Wait…does this mean Buck is lean, gay, and very easy on the eyes? Does this mean he’ll be back for man-on-man action? Please please please?

Blah says:

Ok, if this guy was on his back and spreading his hole open, that weird bump thing on his hole would totally look like a clit.

Vic says:

I think you might be on to something Blah! I also found that by rotating the picture about 20 degrees to the left, Buck’s hole bears a striking resemblance to my aunt Dora Clare who died sometime during the 80’s.
Will have to admit though, it’s considerably MORE attractive than I remember Aunt Dora Clare being….

RJ says:

Well, owning your company sucks then! LOL. If you can’t sustain yourself and have to whore yourself out…

chrisrocks says:

It looks as if the poor guy just finished shaving his goods.
Razor Burn. Little Red Dots. OUCH!
Good thing he didn’t have any sex. Talk about “Blood to Blood” Contact!
Another thing…it’s a bad idea to floss your teeth prior to sex. You make all those small cuts along your gum line…Protect yourself and your partner.