RandyBlue: Damian Rios

Damian Rios at Randy Blue

Damian Rios at Randy Blue

Damian Rios at Randy Blue

Damian Rios at Randy Blue

Damian Rios at Randy Blue

Watch Damian’s Teaser Clip | Visit RandyBlue.com

Randy wrote:

People always ask me if the models on Randy Blue get along outside of the shoots. The answer is yes. Pretty much everyone gets along really well, which makes it a lot of fun when I take a bunch of them out for a public appearance. So knowing this it’s no surprise when some of the guys bring their buddies along to be on the site. I talked to Blake Riley the other day and couldn’t stop talking about his friend Damian Rios. And Blake is such a great guy I know if he refers someone, they’re going to be perfect. So I had Damien come over and on first look I knew we had a winner. He is so sexy, with a nice lean smooth body, and a great looking cock. I really like the unique tattoos he has running down his right side, with the stars on his lower stomach and angel wings on his back. It gives him a little bit of that bad boy look to contrast with his softer features. I had seen him on other sites so I knew he worked well with other models and has had some incredibly hot sex scenes. The one thing I had never seen him do was a solo. Well, this is how Randy Blue got started in the first place… if I want to see something on the internet that I can’t find, I’ll make it my own damn self. So here we are with Damian Rios doing his first solo, wanking his dick with that beautiful tattooed arm and moaning with that deep sexy voice, and finally shooting a nice thick wad of come on that smooth flat stomach of his.

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Austin says:

Those briefs are hot!

Blah! says:

This is a big fat “NO!”

elephunk says:

ugh, no. plus the tats are hideous.

Tobias says:

Goodness what a mess. Not only is he not attractive in any way – certainly not erotic or exotic, but that melange of tattoos is just so poorly thought-out.

phunky says:

The only thing hot about this is his underwear!

Yancey says:

The tats ruin this poor guy. He’s actually really cute but it’s hard to look at anything but the ink.

rob says:

I think hes hot

brad says:

He is very hot, but I agree that the tattoos are overpowering. The ones on the chest aren’t so bad, but all that mess on his back is ridiculous.

Vic says:

If he had ANY redeeming qualities they are unfortunately far overshadowed by the tastelessness and overkill of the tattoos.

Vinnie Niagara says:

One of the worst Randy Blue offerings in quite a while. Those tattoos totally detract from anything of value, like his cute smile. But overall, he’s nothing special.

mikeb says:

Not a real find for Randy Blue. I like rugged and Latin, but this guy has a lot of mileage on him to be used on RB’s site.

don says:

He used to be cute, but now he’s looking a little drawn. It would be a shame if he were doing drugs. But I’ve seen this guy bottom, he’s pretty hot.

Kyle Saguaro says:

He has a very cute ass. But those tats are distracting as hell

HOTTY says:

what a bull shit.

fattyacid says:

he used to be hot…but he changed a lot since then.

his tats are not really that well-thought of.

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