JakeCruise: Joe Thunder (Massaged)

Joe Thunder (Massaged) at Jake Cruise

Joe Thunder (Massaged) at Jake Cruise

Joe Thunder (Massaged) at Jake Cruise

Joe Thunder (Massaged) at Jake Cruise

Joe Thunder (Massaged) at Jake Cruise

Watch Joe Thunder at JakeCruise.com

Jake wrote:

This is truly a dream massage for me. Not only does Joe Thunder have an amazing body builder physique, but he has body hair as well! A great combination, in my opinion. After oiling up this massive hunk, I have the pleasure of rubbing, kneading and caressing every inch of his gorgeous 6′ 4″ frame, and that includes his tight little butt hole. When I give Joe my patented blow job/hand job treatment, he’s a little overwhelmed and the cum flies everywhere!

phunky says:

Damn what a hunk, too bad that old guy is in it! Major turn off for me.

Windy says:

I personally don’t mind seeing Jake in his own site’s films. Them’s the perks, guys!!! I do have to say that I’m also glad to see Jake getting back into the massages. Something about seeing the slow yet intense physical buildup is much hotter than his straight to the sex vids.

TC says:

I have nothing against Joe except his eyebrows.
I know i might be too harsh for judging his “almost bald eyebrows”, but even Jake’s eyebrows is better than his.
That’s all.

Alfred says:

Not sure which guy is harder to look at. They are both overstuffed, balding old men.

And it certainly is disappointing when you see such a small cock attached to such a huge guy.

Mike11903 says:

You are just jealous because you will never have a muscle guy that looks so hot, you must be a troll.

wqq says:

EWW at both of them

Thom Tam says:

Now that Joe Thunder is a HOT GAY MAN, emphasis on MAN. Whew what a hunk. What a mountain of masculinity. What a gay turn-on. Wowee zowee. You go Jake. Don’t the let the 12-years who find this site tick you off, which, of course, I’m sure they don’t as you laugh at them all the way to the bank.

Vinnie Niagara says:

Hey Phunky, grow up. Some day, if you’re lucky, you’ll be an old man, but I gotta believe you won’t look anywhere near as masculine or hot as Joe or be as rich and as lucky as Jake. What a foul, pathetic thing to write Phunky. How immature. How sadly homophobic. How ageist. How prejudicial. That’s the trouble with you young morons, you’ve got the IQs of zebras and the jealousy of a 10-year old girl. Sad. very sad. You have no sense of reality and no idea about what the future holds for you. But one thing we do know, Phunky, is that you won’t be looking as spectacular as Mr. Thunder.

Vinnie Niagara says:

Oh, and Alfred, the same goes for you. Your comments are beneath contempt and beyond redemption. Joe Thunder is hardly “overstuffed.” And, I gather the bald on purpose doesn’t exist in your neck of the woods? Get out and travel more you putz.

Jake would never get this much cock if his son wasn’t Tom cruise. He could never afford it on his own.

Reginald says:

Vinnie, your comments have no basis in reality. You comment on the two hot, young guys in the Corbin Fisher vid as generic and the Corbin Fisher site as dreary, but the steroid enhanced, older model in this video you refer to hot and masculine. That may be your opinion, but respect other people’s opinions as well.

Mentioning that a model is old is NOT and insult, nor is it “ageist” or homophobic…just as saying a model is young is not an insult. It is stating the obvious.

Learn to be a little more tolerant of others and their likes and dislikes.

MM says:

this is so sick.sex with retarded people is a serious crime.rip- taste intelligence class dignity, jc is the new standard for porn.

Yancey says:

He actually looks like someone Jake should be having sex with instead of the usual young boys.

john says:

also known as Apollo Phoenix.

GG says:

Vinnie, you are so off. Yeah we will get old but in the mean time we like to see people our age leave the old farts for you. Get a life dude

Bree says:

Guys.. Stop complaining.. Just shut up and enjoy!

Vinnie Niagara says:

I rest my case. Children with computers are the bane of adult websites.

Bryce says:

Reginald and GG: Buy a clue. The closest either of you will ever get to seeing a man like Joe naked is the internet. And it bugs the hell out of you. It amazes me how much prejudice from gay men who claim to be young exists on the internet – prejudice against older men. I’m in my late-40s, and I am so-o-o glad I was able to have as much sex as I wanted in the late 70s and early 80s. The trouble with you little turkeys who attack Jake Cruise and those who defend him is that you are clueless about life and the future. In fact you fear the future. And you’re PO’d that you missed on the wonderful sex era. And what’s the point of bringing up and attacking comments from another Sequence Thread, Reginald. Are you so lazy that you can’t comment in TWO threads? Real gay men like Joe Thunder are much more interesting and a hell of a lot more fun than the pasty twinks on Corbin Fisher. As for Jake Cruise, he’s a genius who’s getting laid as often as he wants and is making money hand over fist sucking and fucking for your enjoyment; rather the enjoyment of MATURE ADULTS who aren’t afraid of gray hair or a belly or men who look and act like men. But please, Reggie and GiGi, please keep your silly comments coming. It makes the vast majority of us laugh and we all need a little humor in our lives.

Geoff says:

Dude??? Who writes “dude?” Oh wait, pre-teen boys use that word. Hilarious. Thunder is booming that’s for sure. Jake you are so lucky. I hope I’m that lively when I hit your age. Time for you to throw a huge party in your home town – advertise it well and charge admission for a gay charity or two – and have all of your stars there so that we can all meet your porno boys face-to-face.

Gary in Rochester says:

I see the kids have access to the computer again. I guess they all plan to die when they hit 30. Or use botox when they hit 40. Or have lipsuction when they hit 50. Or have plastic surgery when they hit 60. The comments from the haters in some of these threads are truly pathetic and often totally comic. They can actually look at a real man like Joe Thunder and wish he were a twink. They have no room at the table for the vast diversity of gay manhood. Completely dumb. No wonder the country’s falling apart. A lousy educational system breeding immature fools. Sad.

Jerry B. says:

I can’t believe someone criticized someone for being bald or for having their head shaved. Don’t they have a television? Or leave their house?

Firenze says:

I’m waiting for one of these kids to write: “Ewww, gross.” It is to laugh, isn’t it? How sad are GG and Reginald? How hot is Joe Thunder? Mighty dang hot.

Tyler says:

hahahahahehehhehe… our mantally challenged Joe is back! and now he’s doing it again with this fat ass Jake… There is just no hope for humanity!

wave the red cape says:

Hot! Just wish Jake had given him one of his special prostate massages, preferably bareback….

james says:

why would they do it with an old fucker? just 4 money? ewww

Eric says:

I do not understand this colony of “Jake-haters.” I love Jake Cruise. When I was in my 20’s, this is exactly the kind of guy I was hot for. I love his balding pattern, I love his grey hair (face and body), I love his eyes, I love his beard, I love his body. There are two things that make me feel bad… Jake seems awfully bottom, and I wanted a top; plus even at my best I never looked like those models. I don’t like your hateful comments, but at the same time it gives me hope. I can’t wait to feel loved, appreciated and fulfilled while you continue to bitch and moan. We should all be so lucky as to have a wonderful man out there waiting to meet us.

Peter says:

Yo waz up
I think joe should massage my ass and my hard long dick
I’m ready for u man come and fuck me hard until my ass is red

Peter says:

Yo come here now
Suck my long hard dick
Fuck my ass so hard
Lick my ass hole until ur face is red
spray my mouth with ur dick and cum

Mike11903 says:

He is so hot, what a great body and he really is a nice guy, he has a very good personality.