SeanCody: Piotr

Piotr at SeanCody

Piotr at SeanCody

Piotr at SeanCody

Piotr at SeanCody

Piotr at SeanCody

Piotr at SeanCody

Watch Piotr at

Sean wrote:

“I like to fight and fuck.” That’s how Piotr, a 23-year-old straight guy from Russia, described himself.

He’s been in the U.S. as a permanent resident for about 10 years now. When he first arrived he didn’t speak a word of English. As I was listening to him speak, I wondered if he learned English in Boston!

He’s into martial arts and showing off his big, uncut dick to the ladies.

He says he likes girls who are into “dirty, nasty fucking.”

“I like to slap,” he said. “Pull hair, that kind of shit.”

Sounds fun!

Remy says:

Sean Cody is going down the tubes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmmmmmmm can u say Corbin Fisher Snydrome!!!!!!!

I going to Randy Blue or Fratmen.

Kuu says:

I’d rather screw a lawn mower :S. Fight and Fuck……does he think he lives in Fight Club? O_O

John says:

What’s wrong with you queens? This man is beautiful!! The story is probably bullshit, but how is this man not gorgeous?!

Iggie says:

Seriously, is that Sean Cody’s apartment or some kind of ugly set? I sure hope it isn’t his apartment because he might just be the only gay guy with no sense of style. The gay kid is cute – regardless of what Cody writes about “girls” (more homophobia), but the tattoo is stupid. I’m thinking Piotr will soon be taking a pole or two up his butt. So much for those “dirty, nasty” girls.

Marcus says:

I´m not interested on his story or whichever apartment his into. What an amazing dick! Geez.

D says:

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the guys who leave the negative comments on here are rarely even close in looks to some of these guys. They are just jaded, and expect guys to fall into their concept of beauty.

It’s sad what bitter trolls they have become, especially since this guy is great.

Enlightened One says:

Me LIKEY I Would ride em all day and night!!!!!!!!!!!

Yancey says:

I think he’s cute.

phreshmeet83 says:

He is a cute guy. Looks like a gymnast I went to high school with that I wanted to fuck all day and night. Wonder if his dick is as big…mmm.

Coral says:

To those who bitches about people giving negative comments here, it’s called expressing your opinion .. look in to it. Just because they differ from yours doesn’t make it any less valid. And opinions can be negative just as often as it is positive. Jeez. This guy .. looks like a rat. And that? is my opinion.

Matt says:

Hopefully this is this guys one and only appearance on SC.

Nasa says:

Has anybody heard about those wrestlers that got caught modeling for FRATMEN?

It alot more important than this Sean Cody update…… Next please!!!

GG says:

Piotr is cute and sexy. He could have at least some tan and he would be as hot as ever. Constructive criticism here.
Yeah I wonder about the queens that notice everything else but the model.

Get'Em says:

To those who bitches making negative comments here, must all look like rats, because only a rat would bitch whenever you get something for free. And that? is my opinion.

Get'Em says:

BTW if you really like getting fucked, Russian men know no boundrys. One night in Moscow will have you walking funny for a week. Oh it hurts so fucking good. If you don’t want Piotr, send him to me. I’ll see to it he gets a tan and everything else he wants.

Iggie says:

Hey D, what, you’ve got magic powers? X-Ray vision? You can see through time and space. You know what everybody looks like? What a crock. Are you under the delusion that the only good-looking people on the planet are doing porn. Lots of good-looking in the world D. Suggest you get out of the house more.

Ron says:

Everyone has their own ideas and opinions about what is happening on these sites, and I don’t think anyone takes issue with constructive criticism. But there are a whole crowd of guys who post nothing but rude, unkind and nasty comments. They hate the models and hate the host sites and seem to want to out do each other in spiteful comments. It is those guys most of us find offensive and frankly I think a lot of these guys are working thru some real sick personal issues and I think they are pathetic. Piotr may not be your kind of guy but to me he is hot, and sexy and I would love to have him in my bed any day.

ecodude says:

Does anyone else think he looks like Hillary in the first shot hanging in the tree?

strawber says:

hahaha..ecodude after all the pointless bitchin back and forth thats been going i found your comment pretty entertaining..fuck its like high school up in here..its just porn..btw its kind of freaky but he does favor her a little

Iggie is stupid says:

shut up you moronic BITCH!!! maybe in real life you look like shit!!! we don’t want to hear yah!! so shut the fuck up!!!

likethat says:

he was on the tv show date my ex joe and slade!