JakeCruise: Aden Graham Serviced

Aden Graham Serviced at Jake Cruise

Aden Graham Serviced at Jake Cruise

Aden Graham Serviced at Jake Cruise

Aden Graham Serviced at Jake Cruise

Aden Graham Serviced at Jake Cruise

Watch Aden Graham at JakeCruise.com

Jake wrote:

Young Aden packs a real power tool between his legs, though you might not guess it at first. But oh, how it grows … and grows, as I give it some special attention. I made several attempts to deep throat the monster, and it was no easy task. Later, I played with Aden’s cute, furry ass. Then, he fucked my face, a dangerous prospect considering how much heat he packs. But we both survived – Aden one load lighter, and me with that same load all over my face.

Lame. says:


Edward says:

“Young” Aden? Well, I guess compared to Jake.

LA Clergy says:

Jake should know that there are no teeth on oral sex. I am sure the old man has no teeth he could have given him a gum job. Aden Graham is now damaged goods.

Brad says:

What is this? Did Jake pick up this “young” “model” at a local gas station? No more decent-looking men willing to be in the same room as Joke Cruise so he has to resort to this fugtard?

Yancey says:

Well, this might be hot in a backwoods Arkansas trailer park which is where Aden probably came from.

Zee Brat says:

I love that guy. Did anyone else notice him on Sober House? He was one of Andy Dick’s friends that came over. I was like, well… that answers that question.

Now stop letting Jake Cruise touch you for money lol.

wes says:

Bryan(CM)and Jake i bet they scout in alot of trailer parks and crack houses..

rayman says:

there it is again – that stupid shitting eating google eyed grin as he spreads the guys ass cheeks – creepy doesn’t even begin to cover it – the guy looks to have a nice big dick and I think it looks even bigger because he’s so thin …

CarlBrego says:

Jake is one vile, disgusting creature!

vouyer says:

Lame..shut the f*ck up!!!! Jake is far from hot!! The only good feature on his site is the hot guys, then he always has to f*ck it up by participating. If I wanted to see out of shape ugly bears then I’ll go to those sites. Thank God for Sean Cody, Fratmen, etc….where the real good looking ones are at without any fat f*cks f*cking up the scenes….Jake, you’re such a boner kill!!

Canuck says:

Jake must make his mother so proud.

ben says:

man, i really liked aden. too bad. =(

Dillon McCoy says:

This Graham guy has aged….I remember when I first saw him on “Guys that can suck their own dicks” pillow fighting with his roommate….sucking one another…etc and that wasn’t that long ago.

ewwww says:

Who watches this shit? How does he make money? I would rather run in front of a moving car before letting him touch me. The only good thing about his videos are reading the comments on this site about how absolutely everybody wishes he would go away.

Carbine09 says:

Please do it ewwwww. PLEASE do us all a favor and run in front of a moving car

daniel says:

@vouyer – i believe lame was being sarcastic.

@carbine09 – why the anger? if you think jake is so hot, why are you reading comments instead of jerking off? get a grip!

jake is a fat ugly slob with no self-respect, and clearly has a distorted self-image because he is so self-absorbed and seems to think he is hot. age has absolutely nothing to do with it – he’s so gross, he would be ugly at any age.

@canuck and ben – i agree.

Edward says:

Dillon, I think either the lifestyle that drives you into this business or the lifestyle that you go into after joining this business ages you rapidly. And then you end up in shoots like this one.

Patrick says:

Well, Jake is a lucky guy. He has sex with various young(er) men who probably wouldn’t look at him in bars and gets money for it as well. Quite clever.

Sarcastic Sam says:

Jake is the single hottest piece of man candy on the web. You all are crazy for thinking otherwise, therefore making my opinion superior to yours.

Lame. says:

Thanks for clearifying, Daniel.
Apparently some people aren’t allowed to hold or express conflicting opinions on this site without being bitched out by some queen.

tyrone says:

believe me luck has nothing to do with it – it’s all about the money – most of these guys wouldn’t talk to Jake let alone have sex with him if he didn’t wave a fistful of money under their nose – the only credit I’ll give Jake is for being sly enough to have figured out a way to get other people to pay for his sex addiction.

JayD says:

jake im not hating do your thing but you make me cry.. lookin at all of that…

David says:

Jake doesn’t think he’s “hot.” He KNOWS he has money and a porn site. More power to him. Nothing on a JC site has given me even a tingle, no less a boner, but discovering the hate on him is wildly amusing. As for the younger man in this shoot–I bet if he showed up at your door, neigborhood bar, etc, and expressed some interest in you– I mean you, porn watching,dissing, perfect one- his flaws would soon vanish. You guys are a riot.

AFV says:

So Aden finally caved. I dunno I found it hotter when he wouldn’t let a guy blow him.