RandyBlue: Jake Price

Jake Price at Randy Blue

Jake Price at Randy Blue

Jake Price at Randy Blue

Jake Price at Randy Blue

Watch Jake’s Teaser Clip | Visit RandyBlue.com

Randyblue wrote:

If ever there was a guy on Randy Blue that gave you that feeling of a down home southern boy, it would be Jake Price. Starting with his shaggy mane of dirty blond curls, gorgeous retro sideburns and handsome face, he gets second looks everywhere he goes. I wouldn’t say he commands attention, instead he politely asks for it and gives his all in return. I took him out to dinner and everyone from the waitress to the people sitting at the surrounding tables couldn’t stop sneaking peeks at this beauty. I think the thing that works for him is that he’s not your typical Hollywood type hunk, but rather someone who’s real. The kind of guy you could run into on the street who just happens to have an amazing body. And speaking of bodies, this one’s been gifted with a tall, lean frame with just the right amount of light musculature that I doubt he has to spend much time at the gym to keep up. He’s also one of the most polite guys I’ve ever met. No attitude and always a please and thank you no matter what you are doing. This isn’t his first modeling gig by any means, but this is the first time I’ve had the pleasure of working with him. And I would have to say that pleasure is the best way to put it. I always talk about how much I love my job, and working with someone this cute and sweet makes me appreciate it even more. And I can’t finish telling you about this stud without mentioning his enormous cock. It is just the right size and shape. In taking his photos I could not stop looking at it. And watching him work it, the way his face and neck flush just a bit, the way his abs tense up a bit and the way he fondles his balls while stroking the entire length all in one fluid motion, it’s just breathtaking.

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john says:

woah, he is absolutely perfect

CasperFan says:

Hotness-isn’t it Cooper from Sean Cody with longer hair?

irwin says:

No comment…

adam says:

yeah, it is – still gorgeous though :)

Anton says:

Cooper is still sexy. Shame that RB is still taking leftovers from SC. Cooper/Jake Price will always be known as the one who topped Harley first. Lucky bastard.

Darren says:

I hate site jumpers, no matter how cute they could be. He´s just as anton said, a leftover…

PBlunt says:

I really don’t understand the “exclusive studio thing.” What is this, Holly-fucking-wood in the 1940s? Then other people bitch if a studio uses the same models too much. Sheesh! Let the boys find work where they find it.

And just to annoy you more, Jake was briefly Zadan over at militaryclassfieds.com.

At Sean Cody he only topped, never sucked, but was an avid kisser. Let’s see what RB gets out of him.

randy p says:

Good, not great.

Skyler says:

Pasty skin is a turn off. Someone should introduce the sun to this “sutherner” boy.

Andr_ag says:

I totally support PBlunt. Not all this kids have the luck AND the brain to be spacecraft engineers, so the must go where the job calls, specially in times like these.
Above all, good to see this man again.

Riley says:

HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F**K ME in front of that fire until we both blow our HOOT SWEATY LOADS!!!!!

The real RJ says:

He looks cuter with longer hair… “Enormous cock”, give me a break, it’s nothing to scoff at, but it isn’t enormous by any measure, they write such BS.
Anyway, I wish he would have stayed at Sean Cody because RB duos are a snore.

jason says:

very nice long lines on his body…

John says:

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phunky says:

Hot! He does have a very nice cock. I love how long everything is. His legs, his torso. Nice!

MikeB says:

Yum … better now than on SC.

Prancer says:

If he ends up doing more on this site then at Sean Cody I’ll be pissed, because I dont like RB. Theres some hot models, but the vids suck.

The site jumping thing is only annoying to me when models I dig jump to sites I dont like and wont join..like JakeC for example.

The real RJ says:

Funny, his ModelMayhem page says “No Nudes! Don’t ask!”, I guess he doesn’t want artistic nudes, only porn, LOL

Guy says:

I loved Cooper on Sean Cody and glad he hasn’t disappeared, though I agree that RB isn’t the best site. Still, a hot guy. Wish he would go back to Sean Cody though.

tyrone says:

site jumpers? don’t see that as a problem – these guys, just like those running the sites, are in it for the money – you go where the work is. some complain that sites use the same models too often so maybe the models aren’t getting as many repeat calls as before and are “site jumping” to get work – everybody doesn’t subscribe to the same sites and many don’t subscribe to more than one so it really shouldn’t be a big issue …

ThomT says:

I went back to Sean Cody and checked out Cooper. The longer curly hair sure makes a difference for me cause I remember liking him before but not so much at RB.

Tobias says:

He was a NO then, he’s a NO now.

josh S says:

How about these guys stick to just one name in the industry. Every time they move to a different site, they change names, and it’s getting tiresome. Stick with one and let that be that for crying out loud!!!

He really should’ve stuck to SC. Randy Blue isn’t that exciting most of the time. Every now and then, they actually have something great, but other than that, it’s just plain and dull.

aj says:

i really hope the moderater will remove the comment that stated the dudes real name. if these guys knew that their real names would be released and people in their lives would know what they are doing then they would most likely opt not to dabble in porn, and that would be a loss to us all.

Ryan- says:

Wow, it’s Cooper from Sean Cody with longer hair looking a hell of a lot cuter.
I am preying that he bottoms, he didn’t do it on Sean Cody but I think it’s his time to shine now. Awesome looking guy, 9/10

PBlunt says:

I’m actually torn about the “revealing names thing.” On the one hand the guys are all adults, have signed releases and *should* be smart enough to know how the internet works and that images posted here will last (and follow them) FOREVER.

On the other hand, telling names has real world consequences. Just recently “Andy” from Sean Cody was stripped of the title “Mr. Panama” when those Sean Cody images were found. He’d only done j/o there but there was a no nudity clause in the contest contract.

Von Schlomo says:

Trust me, some major gay porn blogger will link to his model mayhem profile. I mean, if your already a male model, your on many people’s radar screen. Pop up in porn, and its only a matter of time. Its not like he’s a teacher or works at Best Buy.

Zeke says:

mmm I would like to get into bed with him.

John says:

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Dan says:

He was hotter when he was Cooper on SC, he does nothing for me what that ridiculous haircut…

Shyguy says:

Josh S – The reason they stick to their name when moving on to another site is Sean Cody “owns” the names he makes and threatens to sue. To avoid any hassle all are told to just pick a new model name.

Jason says:

I honestly don’t get it. If you’re already modeling, why risk your career and any accolades to make money jerking off? It’s all about patience… the money will come if you work at it.

Now the guys that want to do and enjoy porn and revel in their porn careers, I have no problem with. But to do something like be on RB then try to have a career where these pictures and videos could taint whatever you’re doing… just don’t make any sense to me. Now we know his real name… that’s what happens when you want money too fast for your looks.

Jon says:

Randyblue has never really fancy me in the past…but oh gosh is it going to change with this beauty. Hopefully we will be able to see him bottom this time around!

Josh says:

Well so far this guy continues to do major modeling. Seemingly the porn material he has done has had no effect on his main stream modeling. He is represented by a major London agency and has been doing work in Europe as well as the US.. Cooper, Jake, Zack, keeps on ticking. Oh by the way bro… please go bottom sometime. Your ass is perfect !!!!

britbrit24 says:

is cooper! i love himmm! ♥

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