RandyBlue: Brett Swanson & Caleb Strong (Flip-Flop)

Brett Swanson & Caleb Strong at Randy Blue

Brett Swanson & Caleb Strong at Randy Blue

Brett Swanson & Caleb Strong at Randy Blue

Brett Swanson & Caleb Strong at Randy Blue

Brett Swanson & Caleb Strong at Randy Blue

Brett Swanson & Caleb Strong at Randy Blue

Watch Brett Swanson & Caleb Strong’s Video Clip | Visit RandyBlue.com

RandyBlue wrote:

I can’t tell you how many people wrote in when Caleb Strong first appeared on Randy Blue and suggested that we pair him up with Brett Swanson. And the moment I saw them side by side I knew it was a great idea. On the surface they have the same build, are both absolutely adorable and most importantly they both poses that unique quality of coming close to being a twink but with more muscle definition. And with this being Caleb’s first time messing around with another guy in a gay porn video, I knew Brett would be a good choice to show him the ropes. First Caleb goes down on Brett, giving him an incredible blowjob. Then Brett takes a turn and shows Caleb a thing or two from his experiences in servicing the many cocks he’s had in his mouth. Pretty soon they’re all about fucking each other’s hot asses. And while he really got off on fucking Brett, the look on Caleb’s face as Brett rams his big dick deep into hiss tight hole is priceless. And you just know after a pounding like that he’s gonna be back for more.

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AaronJL says:

I dunno why, exactly, but Brett makes me all hot and bothered, in a good way. Wonder if he likes to cuddle. Rainy day like today is meant for cuddling. Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?

clusterfuck says:

Eww Caleb was penetrated by a clitoris

Res1 says:

I don’t know about that, because Caleb is pretty gay to me. Although, his performance was lackluster. I mean, their dicks weren’t hard during penetration. It’s sad, too because I was really looking forward to Caleb’s performance. Definitely wasn’t worth the wait. But yeah, dude has serious gay face, just look at him. LOL

Brett, I’ve passed on him ever since he was limp dicked in that xtube video sexing a girl. That shirt doesn’t make me change my mind either.

jmdrwac says:

I like the queen in the pink shirt.

custard says:

Brett has grown into an industrious young woman.

And thank God for strap-ons!!

Dave says:

OMG, Hilarious!!!

Daniel says:


FeydRautha says:


Well, maybe the reason neither of them was hard is because they’re both bottoms? I dunno…

Brett’s a puzzle. Every time I see him, I can’t help but recall his screaming out, “Oh yeah, you’re hitting my spot!” while Nicco Sky fucked him; you get your “straight card” revoked after that AFAIC. Yet, there are several vids out there on the interwebs of him sticking it to fish (however unconvincingly). Now he’s wearing this t-shirt… Legalize Gay what?

JKW1L says:

Where are the vids of Brett? I can never find any and he’s my perfect bottom!

Res1 says:

I’m not buying it. But whatever.

Res1 says:

I’m not buying it. But whatever.

And that entire shirt thing is comical and confusing.

elmtree says:

Hmmm, I didn’t think much of Caleb during his solo but he looks pretty damn hot here.

In the write up for Caleb’s solo, RB noted the following: “I’m already looking forward to seeing one of our other Randy Blue studs working a tongue in there (Caleb’s ass), getting it ready for a good hard ass pounding. Or maybe a wild three way where Caleb gets filled at both ends. It’s so exciting having a new guy, there are so many possibilities”. So why no ass licking? And, with all the ‘possibilities’, why pick Brett for the honors???

jayare says:

Brett is like a pretty lady and a cute guy..rolled up in a wallet stuffed in a purse

Trophy says:

I happen to LOVE Brett! He is super inconsequently sexy. Can’t see him like this off cam but then again I CAN! HaHa.

Riley says:

What do you mean you CAN Trophy are you part of La Industry*porn for those who don’t know I just added the La for extra effect* or is Brett a GOOD Friend ;)?

Jared says:

Why all the homophobia on a gay porn board? Every complaint is about their lack of masculinity. I don’t find Brett feminine. So what if he is a bottom who gets into being a bottom. Why is that a bad thing?

Ted says:

I don’t think it has to do with Homophobia… I just think gay guys like “Men”, I mean I thought that was the idea? :P

(Okay, well its all just sexual preference. They look okay, but they don’t look like people I’d be attracted to, but I can recognize that others would. Caleb is kinda hot, but his dick turns me off cause it reminds me of a teenager’s)

lovelivelife says:

@Ted “gay guys like Men” and the award for dumbest comment goes to…

To be a man all yo have to do is have a penis between your legs and see yourself as a man. Why are you buying into this heterosexual idea of what a man is. As gay men we should accept all members of our community whether they’re as butch as they come or as fem as they come. Guys who share the same views as you disgust me.

The End of my Rant.

Res1 says:

I’m sorry, Jared. I did not mean to offend you. If it’s any consolation, Caleb having gay face is a good thing for me. And I totally agree with you. :)

muffintop says:

Caleb: YES! Brett: YUCK!
I was starting to question whether Caleb would come back so I was surprised by this update. Too bad he was paired with gremlin-faced Brett. What a disappointment. This could have been so hot if they had a real man drive into Caleb.

Established One says:


Mrlp says:

Why must Randy Blue parade around Brett and his vagina?

marti1234 says:

nice pairing . brett as a top nice:)

EM6 says:

What I notice is that Dylan/Brett is finally starting to look like he is in his mid-twenties rather than his mid-teens.

brettswanson87@gmail.com says:

Thank you to those you think im sexyy =) And to the haters, i would like to see you put yourself on the web for others to see. Make sure you check out my facebook! Search Brett Swanson ! -Brett

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