JakeCruise: Tyler Ford Serviced

Tyler Ford Serviced at JakeCruise

Tyler Ford Serviced at JakeCruise

Tyler Ford Serviced at JakeCruise

Tyler Ford Serviced at JakeCruise

Watch Tyler Ford Serviced at JakeCruise.com

JakeCruise wrote:

Tyler Ford is what I call a real dude. He’s laid back but with the right amount of sexual energy to really get me going. He’s got quite a few tattoos on his lean, muscular body including that of a woman. I kiss the tattoo and exclaim, “I kissed a girl!” But from then on it’s all man that I consume. Tyler gets the “Jake” treatment from head to toe. I want this young man back!

Riley says:

And the Day was officially ruined @ 12:50p.m. sort of a semi-quote from Will of Will and Grace

josh69 says:

Now that poor woman tattoo that Jake kissed has a herpes sore on her va jay jay…

Ryder25 says:

OMG that’s sooo funny!!! LOLLLLL!

Riley says:

And Yes, I know the time is wrong so sue me. :)

Alatin1 says:

If Jake wants to pay his models to have sex with them it’s fine. Just don’t film that shit, and if he does he needs to keep it in his crypt.

Established One says:

Wow, the things one will do for a quick buck or two.

sliderboi says:

what a contradiction in terms. having Jake suck your cock and calling it “being serviced”, is like saying you’re getting your brand new car serviced by taking it to be crushed at the junkyard.

Daniel says:


sliderboi says:

i like you daniel. ;-)

Ryder25 says:

Well, unemployment is over 10%, so… I guess that explains it. No matter how many times I see this shit, I still can’t imagine the horror of being touched by that nasty old skank.