SeanCody: Robert

Robert at SeanCody

Robert at SeanCody

Robert at SeanCody

Robert at SeanCody

Robert at SeanCody

Robert at SeanCody

Robert at SeanCody

Watch Robert at

Sean Cody wrote:

Robert is 23 years old and he is no stranger to the beach or snow covered slopes. When summer hits, he’s playing beach volleyball and when the snow falls he’s on his snowboard. However, he admits that he’s not an “extreme” sportsman.

“Are you a good snow boarder?” I asked.

“I’m alright. I don’t go up to jump, I’m afraid of hurting myself — breaking an ankle, so I keep it simple.”

Well I have to agree it’s better to be safe than sorry! It would be a shame to have any part of his lean muscled framed damaged and covered by a cast if he were to have an accident.

His best feature is definitely his cock. He says he is a “grower” and he’s not kidding… that thing gets huge when it’s hard!

Watch Robert at

Jazz says:

HOT DAMN!! Where does Sean Cody keep finding all of these big dicks?!?! I mean all of CF’s models seem to come in at 6.5 inches.

nudediver says:

Can we have Nolan sit on it?

NJS says:

I was thinking the same thing. Is there a special watering hole we can go to take our pick?

jazz says:

Ha ha I wish…I would take Ethan and Jess!

nudediver says:

Yeap. Ethan would do too, but only as s flip flop. I’m tired of not seeing Ethan topping. He is a great top.

AustinWildesNo1Fan says:

Robert is so hot. Amazing cock, and cute. That this has clocked up over 100 comments in a race debate is embarrassing.

What’s more embarrassing is the ignorance of his actual race… I’m thinking he is more Arab than anything else.


darkthunder1983 says:


You might be right. Now that I look at him more, Robert does look a tad bit Arabian but if he is, he may be mixed with Arabian and African-American.

Jazz says:

Unfortunately for Robert, he isn’t white so let all the “ugly” and “fugly” comments begin…not that he deserves them.

Daniel says:

He is ugly.

EJ says:

Au contraire, I think he has kind of a cute smile. Not ugly at all. Nice body, nice cock, and seems like a genial fellow. I’d be happy to invite him in for playtime.

Neobamboom says:

Gross body hair

FeydRautha says:


Uh, so you want him to shave/wax it?

Res1 says:

Daniel, I would LOVE to see what you look like since UGLY says in your vocabulary.

Obama bin Laden says:

He IS ugly. Almost neanderthal. Nothing to do with his race. But there is no affirmative action on the looks front either. Plain ugly. Happens to not be white. So what.

AaronJL says:

NO WAY is this guy Ugly, and he’s a zillion miles away from Fugly. Handsome covers it for me; not ‘cute’ because cute is reserved for twinkies. Handsome. Almost sweet. I gotta scroll down and find a review that matches what I’m thinking.

Res1 says:

Daniel, I would LOVE to see what you look like since UGLY stays* in your vocabulary.

Res1 says:

Obama bin Laden, you mad Osama is dead? WE already know you are ugly so no need to ask you to show your pic. Racist people are ALWAYS ugly that’s why they stay mad.

kiki12 says:

well i have been reading comments a while now finally decided to join in. but jazz is right generally every black is equated to ugly like disgust is equated to our favorite senior who molesting all those desperate boys. but at the end of the day we all have our taste. robert is nice he has a little more cream in his coffee but the dick sure drank from the coffee cup ass hair gross

Obama bin Laden says:

When all the latinos an blacks on this site talk about ‘pale skinny guys who all look the same’ on so many postings…THAT’S racist…but all you lame, unintelligent, holier than thous, never say a damn word about it. HYPOCRITES. So I’ll say what you all know: the MAJORITY of people who visit all of these sites think that white guys are better looking. And I agree. If not, there would be more black/Latino models or sites dedicated to them, making money. But there aren’t. Sorry for you, but your taste sucks. The world prefers white models – they’re better looking, both men and women. Get used to it. It’s a free market. Start a site. Put on just blacks and Latinos as models. Let’s see what happens: big fat nothing. You’ll be out of business in a heart beat. So put your money where you whiney mouth is and do it! Scared? Yep, thought so.

Daniel says:

Res1 – I bet I look better than a freaken koala bear. Can’t say that much about you though.

FeydRautha says:

He’s got a skin bridge from a botched circumcision. That’s why I like uncut better. No scarring, hyperpigmentation, etc.

FeydRautha says:

But apart from that, he is rather nice-looking. I doubt he’ll be back for duo work though.

Neobamboom says:


Dave says:

I would…

fresero_abre_culos says:

This is beautiful, so handsome! This guy is not a FUG he is HOT, HOT HOT!

His smile reminds me of Landon’s. He is rather thin for my taste but he has a hot body any way.

Hope he comes back… but that is unlikely since all of the hot models new to Sean Cody don’t come back.

Hanny Montanny says:

Fugly!! Made me vomit in my mouth. Looks like he has a missing chromosome or something. Huge, soft, floppy dick – disgusting. Looks very dirty and I’m sure he smells too – belongs on the streets somewhere.

AaronJL says:

So much for mocking there Manny. Geez.

This is the comment that is about 90% what I’m thinking. (Kinda scary considering our history of late, but who the heck am I to judge). Anyway, dude you nailed it. The 10% I’m opposite on is the ‘think for my taste’. I’ve got a history with cancer (have beaten it) but I’m skinny three times over.

I’d like to see him back too. Soon would be good. I don’t care with who, but as a top.

fresero_abre_culos says:

that’s your opinion. Never the less he is BEAUTIFUL, HOT, HOT, HOT.

TalkDirtyToMe says:

Beautiful man. I wish he was a little beefier but I wouldn’t kick him out of bed.

zemyazem says:

UGLY??? WTF !!!







Joevitale says:

Of course you’d pull the racist card, you illiterate fool. You can say ‘skinny, pale’. I can say ‘ugly, dark’.
CUT OUT ALL THE CAPS and learn to how to form complete sentences – that may help us take you more seriously.

zemyazem says:






Dave says:

Mayority, AY!!!

muffintop says:

Not terrible but I find his toothy, awkward open mouthed smile in the posed pictures to be offputting.

Res1 says:

Sean Cody love those light bright black men. All of them seem to look the same, but I like him and the last black guy people said looked like Chris Brown.

All I have to say for him is… Thick in the dick everybody wanna call ’em Mandingo.

FeydRautha says:

I really liked Bernie. Remember him? Green eyes, lots of teeth.

Mike says:

I think he’s good-looking. Nice cock, nice ass.

But this vid was sooooo short, like one section of an auditions vid. Does that mean we’ll be seeing him fucking someone later this weekend?

moondoggy says:

Very nice. Let’s see if Ethan can take one as big as his own.

Nate says:

I think hes very cute and obviously the big dick is a draw but lets see if Sean Cody can actually get him back for some duo work. Too often Sean Cody gets these 1 off guys in never to be seen again

Diamone says:

Cute kid. Let’s see what he can do before making any real judgement. A lot of these solos dont stay for long

Phillip says:

I wish black guys knew how to handle their pubic hairs. That, and the fact that he’s not exactly the prettiest guy on Earth, sort of ruins this.

FeydRautha says:

Handle their pubic hairs??

NJS says:

By handle, do you mean get rid of the natural curl that some genetically and not by choice have?

porndog says:

Yep, NJS that’s exactly what he means, and that’s offensive to me, and ignorant of him. White ignorance really shows on some people when a black model is introduced, doesn’t it?

Orion Hunter says:

What NJS said!! Plus this guy’s pubic hair isn’t even really that curly/kinky/bushy. This seems like criticism for the sake of criticism.

SuperDuper says:

Well, if there is a secret to handling pubic hair, let us black people know. *Sarcasm* I guess you want him to shave it. Not all black people’s pubs look like that. Mine doesn’t look like that, and even if it did, I honestly wouldn’t give a rats ass because there is nothing wrong with his pubs. IMO, that’s like some straight guy saying, “Gays need to something about their sexuality”. How owuld you feel if someone told you to fix something that you have absolutely no control over?? Anyway, he doesn’t have to be the prettiest guy on Earth but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he’s an attractive guy.

SuperDuper says:

I meant to say, “Gays need to know how to handle their sexuality”.

Obama bin Laden says:

Philip is right. It’s his opinion!! Why does everyone have to get defensive and pull the victim mentality when a non-white person gets critiqued? Can you not tolerate that this guy may in fact not be that attractive? Because he’s not. He’s got ugly teeth, ugly nose, small frame, ugly dick. That’s MY opinion. Philip doesn’t like the guys pubes. So what? Have you read any of the posts about white boys? They get criticized for their ears, noses, dicks, flat asses, pale skin etc. I COULD CALL ALL OF THOSE RACIST REMARKS IF I WAS LAME LIKE YOU. They’re also things that can’t be controlled. I feel sorry for you…living your whole lives assuming ‘white ignorance’ and feeling sorry for yourselves. Immediately jumping to racist conclusions. Must suck to be you…such low self esteem. I don’t like the guy’s pubes either. SO DAMN WHAT?

FeydRautha says:

@Obama-I-won’t dignify-your-handle-by-writing-the-rest

“Philip doesn’t like the guys pubes. So what?”

Uh, idiot, that’s not what he said. He said this…

“I wish black guys knew how to handle their pubic hairs.”

If he’d said that he didn’t like Robert’s pubes, meaning him in particular, I doubt that he’d be getting berated as badly.

SuperDuper says:


Right about what?? You’re going on a tangent for what reason?? Phillip talked about his pubes, and then said he’s not the prettiest guy on Earth like he has to be. You can call me whatever the hell you want because it’s not gonna matter to me at all. I’m far from racist. If some people got offended over the comment that Phillip made then you can’t speak up for them because you’re not in their shoes. Phillip doesn’t have to like the guy but to pinpoint black guys and then say they need to fix their pubs, and then just bunch them all up into one category is just ridiculous. He could have just said he didn’t like his pubs and left it at that but he didn’t. Just like there are different types of whites, there are different types of blacks, asians, etc. I’m done… :D


Orion Hunter says:

@Obama bin Laden (as if your adopted screen name isn’t clue enough to your warped thought processes): Who called Phillip racist?? The only person to even use that term in *this* conversation is YOU!

Could that be subconscious guilt poking through your thin skin?

Obama bin Laden says:

Uh, Feyd-Retard, stop being such an over-sensitive little queen and get off your pink pedestal. He meant he doesn’t like black guy’s pubes, incl this dude’s. He could have said, like some do, that he wishes red-haired people would handle their pubes better. Would you get enraged then, you imbecile? No. Because you’re not just stupid, but blindly hypocritical and racist too. So stfu and get back in your wounded little corner.

Phillip says:

Surely, you all jest.
Just because I suggest black guys manscape, do not imply that I’m white. Or that I’m ignorant.

All of you shut the fuck up and stop replying to my posts if they offend you. My apologizes to anyone that I DID offend.

FeydRautha says:


Red-haired people do not constitute a race, idiot.

Obama bin Laden says:



NJS says:

Thank you @FeydRautha. That is the prob he didn;t say I don’t like his pubes he said black guys. Generalizing. Everyone’s hair does not look like that. I’m not calling anyone a racist. It’s just some times people make offensive comments about an ethnicity, lumping them all together and thats not right.
Like I hate when some black women or men say ‘Eww you like white guys they have skinny, pink dicks.’ That shit is ignorant and I would say so..

Phillip says:

How, in the world, you guys are getting so worked up over prejudice against a certain race’s pubic hair style is beyond me.

This is comical. Please. Do go on.

chewbacca says:


Sushi says:

Well he isn’t fug, but he’s off in a few places and not “handsome” either. That dick is just gross though. Thank God I’m not a size queen ’cause that thing coming at me would make me sick.

Will he be another big-dicked bottom like Ethan though??

FeydRautha says:

“That dick is just gross though.”

That’s mostly owing to the circumcision. Were he intact, he’d probably have a beauty between his legs. A butterscotch popsicle.

LuckyinKentucky says:

What a couple of absolutely ridiculous comments…

Sushi says:

What’s so ridiculous about not liking gigantic dicks? For me that monster is a turn-off. Should I lie and say I love it??

Res1 says:

Why are my comments always “waiting approval”, but people like Osama get to be blatantly racist but he is approved? WTF?

pubert says:

Whenever my comments are “waiting for approval” they don’t get posted. I guess when you make enough comments the moderators don’t like they begin to watch you or some shit.

SuperDuper says:

I love his smile on the first pic. The others pics where he is smiling are somewhat forced. Anyway, I personally think he’s an attractive guy. Nice body, nice ass, and curvy cock. LOL I’d like to see him top, bottom or maybe even a versatile scene. :D Here’s to hoping!

porndog says:

Well, I did not expect any comment other than how handsome this guy is. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. For me, this guy is spectacularly handsome. I guess only a person of color such as myself can truly appreciate him, just as SOME white guys might feel differently.

Not trying to be controversial, just my humble opinion. I truly hope he returns for many videos.

Jerome says:

I wasnt really sold on him at the first picture…but as they went on he looked better and better.

Overall he’s cute but not anything special to me

littlebird says:


littlebird says:

I’m really confused though, as to why people are saying he’s ugly.

Aside from minor imperfections like his teeth and that botched circumcision, there is nothing wrong with him.

You can’t avoid pulling the race card; the facial structures of various racial groups makes it hard to ignore. I’m not going to elaborate, but someone with a brain should very easily understand what I’m getting at.

I hate when people say, it’s not about race, blah, blah, blah. It’s not deliberately racist. Your preference to a particular look could have a lot to do with a facial structure that is associated predominately to one race/ethnicity. To say, I dislike wide noses and big lips, for example, you almost guarantee the exclusion of anyone of African descent as those are features commonly shared amongst people of African decent.

SuperDuper says:

I can understand that. An example would be a gay guy finding a girl to be beautiful, cute, etc… because that’s what she is. Just because you won’t date her doesn’t mean you don’t have to find her attractive or anything like that. Bleh…

It really doesn’t matter to me because at the end of the day, people are gonna like what they like for whatever reason. I don’t have a small nose, and my lips are duck-like *laughs* and if people don’t find that attractive then it’s fine because there are people out their that like attributes such as mine, or any other attributes on anybody else. :D I’m done rambling now. I think I talked too much. LOL

marcus carls says:

littlebird —

wide noses and big lips are shared by people of african descent? ever seen an ethiopian? a somalian?

littlebird says:

Marcus, don’t try and tell me. I am just stating what is already well known amongst biological circles.

SuperDuper says:

Oh, and can we pleaseeee cut it out with the race card here. I mean, come onnnnnnnn. We’re all adults, so it would be nice to at least act as such. Everyone has different preferences, and so I’m sure there’s most likely always gonna be someone who doesn’t like a person in each update. That’s just the way it is. I do feel like some people go a little overboard with their comments but eh, what can you do!? LOL :D

marcus carls says:


You look young, so I’m going to let you in on a little something I’ve learned. The phrase “race card” is just a way of delegitimating *any* criticism of the powerful. If discussing racial inequality is unfair, how are we actually supposed to eradicate it? Because it isn’t gone — even from the porn world. The occasional token light-skinned dude (and even rarer Asian) does not make Sean Cody less of a white boys’ playground.

marcus carls says:

And if people think that what we like is purely accidental and totally disconnected from the culture around us, then they’re crazy. Most people (not all) are afraid of dating someone (or even liking someone) the people around them would call ugly. Second, every time someone on here says “this person is not porn material” — they are making that judgment… based on other porn.

SuperDuper says:

LOL. If 21 is young then, that I am. :D

I definitely understand what you’re saying though eradication seems to be something that’s definitely not in our grasp. Heck, there are still racists, and people who aren’t as open minded as they think. People who hate gays, etc, etc. It definitely depends on how one is raised. Whether it be through their parents, friends, family, or just society period. There is no progression unless people allow it. Bleh… I for one feel lucky to be as open minded as I am, and I feel like being gay has only added to that.

SuperDuper says:

Anyway, I’m definitely rambling, and there is a lot that I want to say to your response but I’m not trying to flood the wall with my personal thoughts. LOL But yeah, I am young, and there’s definitely room for to change and grow. Thanks for the links btw. :D

Ryder25 says:

Gorgeous guy. Great smile. Great body. Love him.

Ted says:

Finally somebody hot from SC! (Lets hope he becomes a long running fixture) Besides Mark II and Franco (maybe a few I forget), there hasn’t been a single hot new model since Max and Landon, and maybe save one or two there hasn’t been any good scenes either. If you want to talk racism, Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher makes me feel racist because these days, 90% of the time, I can’t even tell the difference between the models. I have to stare really hard just to see who is who (unless it is sexbot of course). I don’t know, it’s kind of irritating, if my life was exclusively tied to Corbin Fisher and Sean Cody I would think I turned straight!

Fazz says:

There are so many beautiful black men out there, but Sean Cody SUCKS at picking the good ones.

This is a dud for sure! PASS!

fyrefly says:

i was about to agree somethings wrong with his face…but then seeing the non-photo-shopped pictures…he’s actually sexy. maybe posing doesn’t work for him…but candid shots – he looked sexy.

i miss kurt though lol

scottnyer says:

Cute guy. He has really nice eyes. Great bod. Scary dick… meaning I’m scared if I was to bottom for him.

Daniel says:

Being deliberately provocative is so fun. Especially when it netts the intended result. And on a forum full of stupid people.

littlebird says:

Coming from a person who can’t even spell ‘nets’ correctly or use a complete sentence.

porndog says:

Nice one, Daniel.

AaronJL says:

Was there a personality transplant recently that I don’t know about? Normally Daniel is pretty decent with comments, and when critical, not in a nasty way.

I sorta feel like I fell into a black hole and came out in Bizarro World. Daniel is sounding like SpiderLady and SpiderLady is … uh, nice?

Maybe I just need a hug. Anyone? :-)

Einstein says:

Daniel calls it as is – every time. Now is no exception. Only difference is that you don’t like it this time. Get over it.
Keep it real, Daniel. Most of the people on here are indeed sub-par on the intellect scale.

AaronJL says:

Birds of a feather, genius.

porndog says:

I could be wrong, but I believe Daniel was using a bit of irony in first statement to “poke the bear” so to speak, demonstrating it doesn’t take much to get people going. I’m sure he finds Robert as appealing as I do. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Czar says:

Being deliberately provocative is only fun for a Internet troll; and Internet trolls are cowardly and sad-living; hiding behind a monitor, spouting anonymous aggression that they’d *never* have the nerve to say out loud to someone’s face. Guess we just learned something about you, huh Daniel? Your presence here is like an ACM update; with you supplying the pussy.

AaronJL says:

Begs the question though (even though I sorta agree with porndog)–why would someone who considers him/herself to be a non-sub-par on the intellect scale be hanging out in a porn blog.

Most of us here are average Joe’s trying to tell what we think about what’s offered. Yeah everyone has an opinion, and a personal opinion isn’t right, wrong, or indifferent. It is what it is.

Having said that, I’m glad to be in the company of the sub-par. We’re good folk.

Obama bin Laden says:

Aaron JL – your question is idiotic. I can still shop at a WalMart or Dollar Store even though I can afford to shop at Fred Segal. The first fact in itself doesn’t make me poor. You are what’s dragging the average down on here…and no amount of kiss-ass pandering to the masses on your part with your saccharin comments changes that.

Daniel says:

porndog – we have a winner!

Einstein – thank you.

Seriously, people get so riled up over the littlest of things. And since none of us really has any bearing whatsoever on each other’s lives in reality, I don’t understand why some people can get so inflamed and provoked on an anonymous, public internet forum. It’s laughable.

littlebird – not everyone here is American and uses American spelling. This IS the worldwide in-ter-net. And you didn’t use a complete sentence in your witty retort either. Dolt. What a waste of space on earth.

AaronJL – hugs. Hope the bout of PMS didn’t take too hard a toll on you. I still love you!

pubert says:

Yes, people do get easily upset around here.

And on a PORN BLOG no less! Fuck me sideways, get over yourselves! When I said I’m not normally into black guys a couple people completely lost it. You can watch videos of people cumming and pissing on each other, but can’t handle the fact that some people aren’t really into black guys?

brandon85 says:

I don’t necessarily think they are racist they just only find white guys attractive. You like what you like I mean this guy is stunning. BTW I predict this next video will be an oral video with Jeff.

Logic says:

Wrong. If you’re only attracted to white guys then you’re saying that u don’t date non-whites because of their race. That pretty much defines racism.

brandon85 says:

You can’t help who you are attracted to. I’m not attracted to 70 year old men but I don’t dislike them or have bad feelings toward them

Logic says:

A 70 year old man was once a 20 year old one. If said man was good looking and white, you’d wanna hit that. But if said man was of a different race, you wouldnt be interested. Again, your preference is based on race, therefore, is racist.

Not being attracted to older people and not being attracted to people just based on the color of their skin are not the same things. You can do better than that.

Obama bin Laden says:

Logic: your name is ironic, right? Your thought process is abysmal. To an old man, or someone in a wheelchair after and accident, or someone with tattoos and piercing being discriminated against, the fact that ONCE UPON A TIME THEY USED TO NOT BE LIKE THIS is utterly irrelevant. They are, at that moment in time, as discriminated against as anybody else. Your comments show how abysmally weak your intellectual rigor is…and put you squarely in the camp of victim-mentality race card dependents. I pity you for having to live life with your sort of ‘logic’. Poor guy.

Res1 says:


And it’s so stupid when GAY men descriminate. Of all people, we should be more open minded.

FeydRautha says:

Excellent analogy, Logic. You’re definitely living up to your name.

FeydRautha says:

Oops! It was actually a poor analogy on brandon85’s part, but you get the idea…

brandon85 says:

I just think people are too quick to use the race card. I think this guy is hot but people should be allowed to disagree without being branded a racist.

Logic says:

Brandan85…you are clearly missing the point. No one on this blog is being branded a racist because they dont like him. They are because the say they dont like him because he’s black and they are not attracted to black folk.

Obama bin Laden- hahahahahahaha. You’re dumb. Try to keep up. My point was not merely about how someone used to be. It’s about how the only differentiating factor is race. when someone is using race to determine someones worth as a partner, then that makes them racist.

Pulling out a dictionary and using the word abysmal why misusing the work ‘and’ in your sentence “after and accident” doesn’t make you appear very smart. You haven’t said anything that’s made sense or that was well thought out. Do you even know what “playing the race card” means? hahahahha. You should sell tickets to your very special show.

AND Obama bin Laden? thanks for showing everyone how ridiculous u are.

pubert says:

Logic, people like you must have been dropped on their heads as children. White, black, Asian, dwarf, whatever, you have no control over what kind of person you’re attracted to. DO YOU? Do you literally tell yourself who to be attracted to, be it men, women, or gorillas? Black, white, mulato, whatever?

If so, good for you. I for one have no control over it and don’t care to be labeled for whom I’m attracted to.

Anton says:

At first I wasn’t sold because that first picture isn’t that great at all. Then as I continued to scroll down the list of pictures, and then see that Ethan-sized dick of his, I immediately gave a thumbs-up. He looks like Charmed actor Dorian Gregory in the face, which isn’t a bad thing if you find Dorian attractive.

I don’t think he’s ugly at all. But different strokes for different folks. Besides, we all know he’s not returning. No black model — except for Landon — ever returns for fuck videos.

danieldenial says:

Fucking HOT!!!

LuckyinKentucky says:

I find this guy to be very very cute! Definitely my type. He would be perfect if not for the small imperfection on his cock. I would so fuck him though!

Orion Hunter says:

Very attractive guy. Sexy body (I like the light dusting of body hair). Dick’s not bad at all.

Shame we probably won’t see him again.

porndog says:

I watched the solo last night and I thought he had a very sunny and friendly disposition, and came across as light-hearted and open. So I have hopes that he will return, and I got the feeling Sean Cody liked him a lot as well. He would be a nice addition.

SuperDuper says:

Haha. I would have to agree with you there PDog. His solo was pretty refreshing to me. Definitely can’t wait to see him in action, and here’s to hoping. :D It’d be awesome if he and Jake, Calvin, or Jamie get paired up. ^___^

porndog says:

You know, some of these same people probably think Tyson Beckford is meh as well.

SuperDuper says:

LMAO. I wouldn’t be surprised. :P I mean, I could call a guy cute, and still not want to date him or screw him, but in Tyson’s case, fuck yeah I willl screw, screw, and screw again. LOL

effierum says:

He’s an attractive guy. The only complain is I have is that he doesn’t really have a cute smile. I noticed he looks much hotter when mouth is closed. I see it a lot though. Good looking guys with awkward smiles

tyler says:

he doesnt look good until he is indoors and has his pants off

andrew09 says:

OK Jay Leno

Lowkey says:

Meh. Average. Ugly nose. Dick weird. But he’s in good shape.

jazz says:

Just let him fuck Ethan already!

Timah says:

lol, I can only laugh at some of those comments above…

this guy is cute, but nothing special

Aries16 says:




rojo says:

Aries16, I’m just loving your line-up and I wouldn’t change a thing! I think Robert is an absolute KNOCKOUT!!! There is not one thing about him that I don’t find beautiful. All I see is perfection and I say BRING HIM BACK!!!

jazz says:

I really wish that Sean Cody would pony up enough $$$ for Jess to bottom, but I’m not holding my breath for that one.

Sailor Venus says:

Jake has made comments in at least 1 of his Sean Cody videos, that he is not fond of African-Americans. Much like a lot of these horrid comments. So I don’t see that one happening.

baz says:

Sailor Venus, which specific video is this in which Jake stated that?

pubert says:

Wow, this is the most comments I’ve ever seen on an update.

Why is this guy bringing everyone out of the woodwork?

jazz says:

I was surprised too when i saw the number of comments. I don’t even think that Ethan had this many comments on his solo.

FeydRautha says:

A black guy in an update always brings out the ignorant and the racist.

Obama bin Laden says:

Because the bottom feeders on here are offended that anybody dare say negative things against someone who is not a ‘pale, skinny, flat-ass, white guy, who looms like all the others’. They are pulling the race card like a bunch of wusses who can’t take the heat in the kitchen, when it’s suddenly turned on them.


Danieldenial says:

Dude you’re seriously psychotic.

Ike says:

Gorgeous man. I’d marry him.

Nick Minaj says:

Since no one else is, I’m just gonna say it. This whole debate and back and forth shit is just pure childish and unecessary. When I saw there were over 100 comments on this update, before I even click on here, I already knew there was going to be a bunch non sense about race as usual when theres a model of some type of ethnicity.

People are on here calling each other names, and over what? Porn..I know many of us are regulars on here, and everybody has a right to speak their view, that’s what a blog is for. However..once shit gets personal, there’s a problem, because again it’s porn. It’s not that serious people. I don’t know about ya’ll but I was born way after the 60’s, I don’t want to hear this shit.

I’m going back to getting my drink on, this shits a buzz killer haha.

gay rihanna says:

wow all these negative comments…so sad. if you all think this about a black person in porn i cant imagine what you cunts have to say about blacks in the real world.

Edu says:

Horrible guys! He’s blaaack and I dont find black people sexy. It’s my opinion, I don’t care if people think I’m a bloody racist, because I know I am one :) peace

gay rihanna says:

anything named ‘edu’ has to be ugly…try again. i dont understand how people can find an entire group of people ugly. and you wonder why you’re on Grindr and Adam4Adam trying to to quench your thirst for some dick…girl bye.

gay rihanna says:

white people are so funny. your opinion isnt the only one. they think they know everything and if you dont agree with them they will find a way to make you agree.

Sailor Venus says:

As a “white people” I take offense at that comment. Not all people that are racist are white. Especially on the internet. They just all tend to be jerks though. :)

porndog says:

The fact that you had to say ‘not all white people are racists’ speaks volumes in itself. I agree with you, but let’s face it. Most hate crimes in this country are perpetrated by whites. It’s just plain history.

gay rihanna says:

@porndog PREACH HONEY!!

Czar says:

Can we get a running tab on how many aliases this “Osama bin Laden” clown is posting under? Like a dozen.

The next time you get a chip on your shoulder so deep enough that it compels you to angrily troll a porn blog with multiple user names, spouting the same bull, to make it seem like your ignorant attitude has more support than it does, practice changing your idiotic writing style first. You are as transparent as Reynolds Wrap, and your position is just as flimsy.

I love bitter and frustrated you are at having your bigoted, warped and plain stupid viewpoints attacked, criticized, discounted and mocked. Your anger is boiling over, and I’m sure that tiny little brain in that big head of yours must hurt. Such an unhappy individual. I would feel sorry for you, but I’m too busy chuckling at your short man complex, while being simultaneously relieved that I’m not you to squeeze that little bit of charity in. In the meantime, by all means *please* continue to entertain the rest of us with a live demonstration of you festering in your own acrimony and misery! You Tiny (in more ways than one, I’m betting) little man, you. ^5

WAYBIG says:

@Czar: Obama bin Laden, Lowkey, Einstein, Joevitale & Hanny Montanny. All from the same IP & email addy.

NJS says:

@Waybig lol..what a loser.

SuperDuper says:

LMAO. Wowwwwww. That’s just plain ridiculous. I guess he feels that “strength in numbers” is the way to go, even though he’s only one person with a ton of addresses. That’s just sad. LOL Nice comment Czar, and I didn’t really pay attention to the fact that they write alike.

Fazz says:

LOL Schizophrenic. I think he’s having a fight with his other personalities.

One racist, one humanist, one feminist etc etc :p

Established One says:

No doubt about it he is hot. Nice long dick does him well. I just hope that he returns….and he would make a dominating top…’s a YES for me!

pubert says:

BTW, for those who watched the video, does this fucker’s dick ever get fully hard? It surely is not in any one of these pics.

There’s no waste of flesh like a big dick that can’t get hard.

ChicagoBoyRN says:

WOW!!! The most talked about model here so far. Clearly surpassed CF’s Aiden & Cain’s vdo!!! 142 responses so far.

Jazz says:

There will probably be 500 comments when we finally get a Jess & Ethan pairing **crosses fingers**!

Gecko says:

I really like this guy, good looking, fit and nothing wrong with him at all. I’m dissapointed that his solo was so short, and hope he comes back but doubt it. I always find the comments funny whenever there’s a non-white model. So predictable and unnecessary…

Pornjock says:

I just wanted to add to the record number of comments here for this model. I personally think he’s attractive although far from jaw-dropping IMHO, well except for the donkey dick. I’m more pleased that there is a break from the monotony of always seeing the same young athletic white model type that their is a plethora of.

effierum says:

Wow! Almost at 150 comments! This guy is cute but come on. It’s not that serious lol

solidus4 says:

Beautiful cock, ass, hair, mmm.

lovelivelife says:

I was really trying not to comment on this. I mean those with racist and prejudice ideology won’t change so there’s really no point in responding to them. Same thing goes for those who post homophobic and transphobic comments. I’m referring to those idiots who love to post comments about models having “tranny eyebrows” and those who immediately start calling fem models pronouns that are typically associated with women, i.e.; she, her, etc. Yeah if you thought you were just making a joke you’re wrong because with comments like those you’re being both homophobic(yes you can be gay/bi and be homophobic too) and transphobic. Yes MOST trans people don’t like the word tranny, it’s equivalent to the n-word and the f-word. Also telling someone(gay/str8/bi,white/black, male/female) they have “tranny eyebrow” to insult them is wrong. You’re equating trans people and things linked to trans people as something bad. Just like most gays don’t like when people say something is gay. Associating the word gay with something bad is wrong and hurtful to gay people. Associating the “style” of eyebrows that you THINK trans people have(or you think people who do drag have) is wrong and hurtful to trans people. With ALL the discrimination that our trans brothers and sisters face, the last thing they need is to have other people within the LGBT community discriminating against them as well.

Now consider this the last time I’m going to make this^ comment on WayBig. I’ve tried to make people realize the error in their ways but all that led to were people telling I’m being “overly sensitive”, I need to change my username to “Get-A-Life”, and I need to come off my “high horse”. BTW I’m on that high horse because I don’t go around being racist, homophobic/heterophobic,or transhpobic to anyone.

Now as for what’s taking place here, it can all be summed up with one word and that’s ignorance. Now I won’t deny that in a lot situations people can’t control who they’re attracted to, I mean that’s obvious for those of us who are in the LGBT community. However, not being able to control what sex you are attracted to is one thing but race is a whole ‘nother beast. I like a lot of the other people commenting think it’s odd/wrong when someone doesn’t find an entire race attractive. I find it hard to believe that you not being attracted to that certain race doesn’t come down to prejudice. For a lot of us minorities: Prejudice = Racist and it’s not the place for a white person to deny those feelings. You can’t deny those feeling. It’s also not your place to tell a minority that they’re playing the race card. All you’re doing is trying to mitigate the feelings of that minority and that’s wrong. That’s oppression. That means you’re being the same thing that you’re trying so hard to deny… A racist. Commenter accuses you of racism and you respond to that by telling them to “stop pulling the race card” aka something that only a white person can say. You’re using your power to oppress a minority and imply that their feeling aren’t valid. Sorry that equals racism. Try to stop yourself from using that term “race card”.

Now what needs to happen is: 1. People need to start being more sensitive and socially aware of their comments. YES! Even on a porn blog. This being a porn blog doesn’t give you the right to act like a total ass. 2. Those with these racial preferences whether it be you don’t find a certain race attractive(I think this is really problematic) or it just takes a lot for you to be attracted to certain race, i.e.; you saw a black guy at the gym who does nothing for you but you saw a black guy who looks like Shemar Moore from Criminal Minds at a restaurant who drove you crazy.(I think this is a little more healthy) But the bottom line is you need to evaluate the type of people you’re attracted to and realize why you have a racial preference. The media tells us: that white is beauty, that white is good, that white pure, and white clean. Basically everything good. The media tells us: that black is dirty, that black is death, that black is evil, that black is hazardous/toxic, etc. Basically everything bad. You get the picture? I bet this has something to do with a lot of your racial preferences. Take the time to evaluate and see why you aren’t attracted to that particular race. Because of if you say it’s physical features(i.e. large noses/big lips) you’re implying that all black people have those physical features, which isn’t the case because the funny thing is I look at some of you guys reactions to the models. I see a black model get posted and receive mostly negative comments. Then the following day a white model is posted and receives mostly positive comments. Both models have very similar physical features but they get totally opposite reactions. Take Robert for example I guarantee you I can find white models with similar physical features who received positive reviews. So why the difference in reaction? Is it the poses where different? No. Lets face it most sites do similar posing. I know a lot of the people who comment, myself included, thinks it all comes down to race. And instead of arguing with us and telling us to stop pulling “race card”(seriously stop using this term), prove us wrong by be careful while you comment on ethnic models, i.e.; Don’t say “I wish black guys knew how to handle their pubic hairs.” or “His dick looks gross”. I know commenter who made the latter comment explained his comment by saying he’s just not a fan of large dicks. Well “gross” is a interesting way to say you don’t like large dicks. <– Now this person may be the furthest thing from being a racist but the fact of the matter is you have to be considerate when commenting on minority models. Using gross probably isn't the best thing to do.*refer to #1 on my list* 3. Now I know a lot of my white counterparts will have issues with #2. They might go on a rant about being too PC(Political Correct) because of course being politically correct is the worst thing in the world.(sarcasm) Honestly, instead of complaining about people being too PC, you should start complaining that people aren't PC enough because what you call political correctness I call being considerate of the feeling of others. Everyone remember doing that in elementary school? I think they taught us to be respectful of other at such an early age for a reason. Minorities in this country have been through a lot and it's very unfortunate that the actions that took place so many years ago still effect us but they do. So that's why I can and do feel that people should be socially aware when posting comments on a minority model. I'm not saying you have to like the model but I'm saying you should reconsider call his dick gross or commenting about his race's "inability" to manage their pubes. Just be carefully that the comment you make isn't in bad taste. I don't want this to seem like I'm attacking white people. I can honestly say that I don't have a racist bone in my body. I love white people, I love all people regardless of their ethnicity. But it's a fact that minorities were oppressed in this country for hundreds of years and although things are 100x better than what they use to be, minorities will still be able to get away with or demand things that whites could never, i.e.; Be socially aware/considerate when commenting on minority models, don't say certain words(I personally don't agree with this. No one should use the n-word unless it's in the classroom setting). Minorities can also ask and want affirmative action(I know it's controversial but it's true). And if you think I'm full of it and I just want my reparations lol, I can point you in the direction of several white scholars online who will tell you the same thing. I know, I know it really sucks to be white(sarcasm again). It's just a fact that minorities are afforded certain rights if you will, that whites are not afforded. Just think of the things I just told you about as a way to counterbalance the advantage that whites already have in this country. I know some idiot is thinking "This sucks. And this stupid crybaby n-word is full of it." lol You know something I always think when I hear white people complain about all the advantages that minorities have, i.e.; affirmative action, the ability to demand certain words not be said, and in this case demand that people not be too disrespectful/or careless with the words they use when commenting on minority models that appear on a PORN blog… I usually think that those white people complaining should invent a time machine, go back in time, and a)convince their ancestors NOT to have slaves/oppress minorities or b)they can go back totally rewrite history and make whites be the ones who were made slave/oppressed for hundreds of years. But last time I checked a time machine had not been invented yet and most white people wouldn't want to live the lives of any oppressed minority. I mean if there are any white people who want to trade places so they can benefit from affirmative action and play the "race card"(don't forget what I told you about that term. stop using it. especially when you're trying to deny that your racist because the moment you use that term you immediately become the thing you're trying to deny) I'm sure there are many minorities who want to benefit from your white privilege.

White(now i'm saying white but i'm well aware that all the people guilty of posting racist and racially insensitive comments aren't all white) users on this site have to realize how sensitive of an issue this is. Who wants to be looked at as unattractive? No one. So imagine how the minorities who are being told they're entire race is unattractive or less attractive. And if you can't imagine how it feels. I'll tell you, it sucks. A lot of the minorities will not admit it but it probably really hurts. As if the lack of representation of minorities isn't hurtful enough, minorities have to deal with the few ethnic models that do appear on a mainstream site being berated with malicious comments. I've seen someone comment, I believe it was that internet troll who decided to disrespect the president of the United States by combining his name with that disgusting S.O.B. Osama, about black users being able to criticize the white models for having pale skin and flat asses. Honestly, I haven't seen too many comments like that I can be 100% sure it came from black users on WayBig but that's really not important. What's important is the fact that you can see white models pretty much everyday on WayBig and the comments are pretty fair unless the model is fem(talking about you homophobes and transphobes) or have tattoos. But on the rare occasion you have a black model you can guarantee the comments will be pretty negative. They'll be people calling him Latino, Puerto Rican, etc. because they refuse to believe a black model can be attractive unless he's Latin/biracial/etc. Basically people who commented negatively and were called out on it need to put themselves in the other person's shoes. What if you were the minority? What if it felt like months before you saw models that look like you being represented? What if some porn sites went years with out showing someone that looked like you? What if the only site you could go to and see people who look like you were these low budget sites that are so stereotypical and borderline offensive("Thug" porn, "White Guy on Little Obedient Asian" porn, "Big Black Cock Little White ________" porn) Hopefully, you realize how all these things could affect a minority and why some minorities may have such an issue with you being so brash when critiquing minority models, especially when a big part of that critique is based off the color of that models skin or physical attributes sometimes associated with a particular race. Basically being told people who look like you aren't sexually appealing sucks and it causes the type of reaction you see in the comments.

Ultimately we all need to stop subscribing to one grand idea of beauty. This western idea of beauty has ruined us. Usually an ethnic model can't even make on a mainstream site if their physical features aren't the closest thing to western idea of beauty(small nose, small lips, light skin, straight hair, wide eyes, etc.) Instead of working to find someone who meets this western idea of beauty or fighting to justify why you only like people who meet this western idea of beauty, you should be working/fighting to appreciate all forms of beauty. Why does an Asian person have eyes like a white person to be considered beautiful, why does a black guy have to have pubes like a white person to be acceptable, or why does a white guy have to have a small button nose to be beautiful. This really does affect everyone, including white people. I mean god forbid a white model have a wider nose, really textured hair, or a slight slant in his eyes.. he's automatically labeled unattractive. Why? Because he doesn't fit those strict guidelines that the western world has dictated to be standard of beauty.

I've pretty much wrote a thesis. lol And I know some people are going to try to bash me for writing so much but I don't care. This is the last time I'm going to comment on shit like this. From now on the only post you'll see from me is commenting on how good a model looks. The negativity is so unnecessary. I doubt many models look at this site because of the comments but I'm sure if they did they'll find the comments freaking ridiculous and uncalled for. Sorry saying someones dick is gross or disgusting is not necessary, it's rude and hurtful.(btw not trying to pick on the person who commented on the models. your comment is just the one I remember, so I keep using it as an example.

Okay, I'm really done now. lol I'm guessing this is the most comments any model has gotten on WayBig and I'm sure this is the longest comment anyone has post.(I'll be waiting for my plaque in the mail) lol

Again this is the last time I'm commenting on this because I'm sure for a lot of you, all of this will go right over your head and in one ear out the other for the rest. But it doesn't matter because I feel good knowing I don't house so much ignorance and prejudice in me. Trust me the person being discriminated against will always be happier than the racist/homophobe/transphobe doing the discriminating(In this case it's more like the person writing the rude and racist/prejudice comments. And making several accounts to do so. lol)

Well I got everything off my chest, hence this essay of a comment. Now I can truly wash my hand of the issue and go back to enjoying all the hot guys, including Robert.

p.s. After typing all of this no spell check, grammar check,or second read through was do… So done try to insult me by pointing out spelling errors or bad grammar.. You'll just look like even more of an ass. :)

porndog says:

Thanks for your comment. I really enjoyed reading it. Someone posted we should chill out; that it’s just a porn blog. But that’s exactly the problem in this country. If we can’t have a conversation about race, then we’ll never grow to the point to where it’s no big deal. And if we’re not having it here, then where should we have it? At the very least, we all know where we stand, and maybe, just maybe, someone will have said something to make you think about your own views.

Thanks, lovelivelife. As a person of color, your comments are very much appreciated. :)

lovelivelife says:

No problem. Thanks for reading all of that and looking passed all the typos.

jake says:

Well i think he looks cute. I absolutely love brown guys their amazing,(in my opinion) I love the natural curly brown/black hair (because straight is just bland and boring. Once in a while you got to spice it up, again in my opinion), I love the huge brown eyes, and of course the huge dicks. So Robert is a HUGE yes for me:D

josh69 says:


jakejt89 says:

the BEST Sean Cody model ever!!! I still jack off to him

jakejt89 says:

soooo sexy 10/10 I have this video on my computer and still watch it, please come back Robert !!