MenAtPlay: Security Control (Kyle King & Bruno Knight)

Security Control (Kyle King & Bruno Knight) on MenAtPlay

Security Control (Kyle King & Bruno Knight) on MenAtPlay

Security Control (Kyle King & Bruno Knight) on MenAtPlay

Security Control (Kyle King & Bruno Knight) on MenAtPlay

When you’re a high flying business man like Kyle King, going through airport security a few times a week can get a little tiresome and monotonous, except when you have a security officer as corrupt as Bruno Knight on duty that is. When Mr. King sets off the metal detector repeatedly, Bruno proceeds to search his body carefully, but finds nothing other than a very muscular physique under the expensive suit. However he isn’t going to let him slip away that easily. He then asks him to open his bag and in when Mr. King isn’t looking, plants a suspicious bag of white powder among his belongings. Mr. King swears he has no knowledge of the item, but Bruno firmly asks the passenger to accompany him to a private room where he can give him a more ‘thorough’ inspection.

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Phillip says:

Ugh…. the ring of death. Cock rings be damned. Not diggin’ this.

Ashtom says:

So be fugly earrings.

Oh Whatever says:

Cock rings are so old manish and gross.

fresero_abre_culos says:

we didn’t see when he took the viagras, poor thing, at that age and with wood problems…

Ashtom says:

Usual MAP stuff. Not disappointin but couldve been better. Btw, whos the guy standin at the back on the first pic, hes hot.

porndog says:

MAP is always hit and miss for me. Usually, they’ll pair a really hot guy with an older guy who doesn’t appeal to me. It’s not that often where they have two hot guys together. Also, once again, cockrings mean you need help to keep it hard. It’s not erotic and looks uncomfortable. So, Kyle King a YES! Bruno Knight a NO!

Btw, I really should get to the tailor pronto.

Fireball says:

Oh damn. If this is what TSA makes you go through where do I book my next flight?

manu says:

Love Bruno Knight but I prefer him on bottom .
Not into Kyle King , his eyes are too small alla Killian , I’m scared of people with small eyes.

tyler says:

guy in background is better looking than either.

Ted says:

LOL! I came here wondering “Am I the only guy looking past these two to be more curious about the guy blurred in the background or what?” and I come to see that is not the case! Cheers Tyler! I agree, Men At Play, bring that guy to the foreground please!

muffintop says:

How come Kyle King is never hard when getting fucked? And he never cums when getting fucked so he’s a pretty disappointing performer to me. I like Bruno Knight, but more as a bottom. Also, cutie in the background caught my eye as well.

jag2power says:

Kyle has one hot mangina.

moondoggy says:

Ewww .. you ruined it by calling it that. lol!

This is a little better than the copycat update from Lucas Entertainment. But I agree (as I’ve said before) about the cockring. If your dick is asking for a noose, time to put it out of its misery.

Jonny Marzetti says:

@moondoggy “If your dick is asking for a noose, time to put it out of its misery.”

ROTFLMAO! Classic. And true.

Daniel says:

It’s like watching two gorillas fuck. Yuck.

The guy in the background of the first pic looks much cuter.

CarlosEduarc says:

You’re right Daniel. I don’t like this kind of hairy guys, it’s plain disgusting! I can name one really hot hairy guy and it’s Darius from CM.

unclehunter8 says:

no,I tried today many times and couldnt get his name. anyone knows the guy in the background please type out his name please ( ‘â–¿ ‘ )so cute to miss him.

YZ X says:

this guy also showed up at the beginning of ‘cum dine with me ‘ starring kayle king and dean m.!

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