SouthernStrokes: Carson Carver (Solo)

Carson Carver (Solo) at Southern Strokes

Carson Carver (Solo) at Southern Strokes

Carson Carver (Solo) at Southern Strokes

We ran into Carson doing some repairs on a barb-wired fence out on a ranch in North Texas. He had run into town to grab some water and we happened to be stopped for gas. I pulled my standard excuse and asked for directions so that I could get a closer look and to my surprise, I hit the jackpot. There I was standing next to a sweaty shirtless hottie with a ripped body and probably one of the friendliest guys I have approached.

Watch Carson Carver at SouthernStrokes

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Skater22 says:

Goddam son one of the hottest dudes Ive seen on the site. I want to worship his feet and want his feet in my mouth now!!!

von schlomo says:

you can’t even see his feet. what if they’re gnarly? LOL

jazz says:

That face is rather off-putting.

Southbay says:

I’ll take him if no one else wants him. He’s cute

Sushi says:

Why have a hairy home when you shave your front baby’s bottom smooth?

Interesting guy though. Would be interested to see who he is paired with next.

tomtomson says:

disaster! and what a horrific cut scar yet again. he looks positively daft.

Southbay says:

What is your fuckin problem with guys who are cut?

sliderboi says:

@southboy – the problem is involuntary male genital mutilation. it is in virtually *all* cases completely unnecessary, and it is done without the person’s consent. like it or not, cutting off perfectly good flesh is called mutilation. if it is so wonderful that a piece of flesh with which every male is born be sliced off, why not let the person decide for himself when he reaches adulthood?

tomtomson says:

siderboi, I could not have said it better myself!! Bravo!

Just to add from an aesthetic point of view I find the cut scar and exposed head which skin becomes very rigid with age pretty disgusting.

pubert says:

Icky poo. Do we have to look at this reject until Friday?

And I’m glad my parents decided to have me “mutilated”. My dick looks perfect and I don’t have to deal with any nasty, sweaty, cheesy foreskin.

tomtomson says:

pubert, are you living somewhere without running water? Can you not clean your cock and yourself every day!? C’mon. The fact that you’re cut does not mean you don’t have to wash your penis.

porndog says:

Sorry, but there’s nothing I find attractive about this one.

Daniel says:

Good god that face.

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