SeanCody: Auditions 39

Auditions 39 at SeanCody

Auditions 39 at SeanCody

Auditions 39 at SeanCody

Auditions 39 at SeanCody

Auditions 39 at SeanCody

Auditions 39 at SeanCody

Watch Auditions 39 at

Guy #1

Straight. 25 years old.

Rugged, east coast guy. Nice arms and chest and very tanned. Played football in military school.

Guy #2

Straight. 19 years old.

Lean runner’s build. Ran track in school. Very big cock for his size!

Guy #3

Bisexual. 22 years old.

Very open minded. Has a southern accent and pretty eyes. Thick white load. Likes bigger muscular guys.

Watch Auditions 39 at

Peach says:

Guy #1
Nice body (except for the pointy tits), great tan, lovely pits, average cock, super duper extra annoying face.

Guy #2

Guy #3
Yummy cock other than that, no.

Sushi says:

My thoughts exactly! #1 looks queer too. Why did they waste their time with #2–Yikes
And that last guy has a great giant dick, but that gummy smile is a big turn-off.

DaddyYankee says:

I like guys 2 and 3.

elmtree says:

I actually like guy #3. He’s kinda cute, ok body, nice cock and he’s bi and “very open minded”. Open minded enough to come back and bb??

jazz says:

Bi and very open minded is code for I’m gay and have sex with my fag hags.

†orrie says:

All 3 look hideous… What a waste of time.

endeeeff says:


psychotictruth says:

1. No way.
2. Sure
3. YES

tyler says:

eXactly correct but i would add an exclamation to Sure!

psychotictruth says:

I very much agree!

jinger says:

Try again SC

bob80 says:

Guy 1 straight? With these eyebrows? LMAO. Anyway, don’t like any of them at all.

Alex S says:

1. Looks older than 25 and is gay.
2. Is just no.
3. Has a nice cock but, nothing else.

jazz says:

I dunno, I actually like guy #2.

TheSagaOf says:

Guys 1 & 3 are stellar finds. says:

what name to Guy 1?

Southbay says:

I’ll take guys #2 and 3

pubert says:

Guy 1 is kind of cute. But I really don’t get these Seancody “audition” updates. An “audition” is something that people go to in order to qualify for a part.

Well, this is a paid site, and THIS is the part! How is this considered an “audtion” when Seancody is getting paid for it?

It’s the final fucking product. Here they are for people to see and pay for. Sadly the audition guys almost ever come back even if they look good.

trixM92 says:

My thoughts exactly, i also would like to know why the “auditions” usually have at least one very hot guy whos gay and yet never returns. However some failures can get their own solo.

trixM92 says:

Guy #1 : His smile looks like something out of a cartoon and i dont like the term “gay face” but ……..

Guy #2: Looks like a guy i see on campus, hes a cute skinny dude but …….

Guy#3: Very pretty eyes indeed ! He may not be the best looking model on the site but hes definately a fucking hottie and that dick could do some damage. Cant figure out why they didnt give him a full solo and a few duos . Its sad

porndog says:

1 & 3 are nice; 3 would benefit from teeth whitening. 2 is a def no, so he’ll prob be the one that returns.

von schlomo says:

#1 is 32 years old and loves to get pounded by the dick…loves it

#2 we don’t get to see his face very well at all but he has a nice cock, need more information to decide

#3 is pretty hot so bring him back!

asswipe says:

Guy #1

Gay. 25 years old.

Rugged, east coast guy. Nice arms and chest and very tanned. Sucked dick in military school.

Guy #2

Gay. 19 years old.

Lean runner’s build. Fucked guys in school. Very big cock for his size!

Guy #3

Gay. 22 years old.

Very open minded. Has a southern accent and pretty eyes. Enjoys thick white loads in his mouth. Likes bigger muscular guys.

Jay says:

That’s a much better write up.

Daniel says:

1. If he’s straight, then I’m a duck billed platypus.
2. Unfortunate teeth. Meh everything else. Nothing “very big” about his cock.
3. Delicious looking cock. Pity about the giant bleeding black hole over his heart.

darkthunder1983 says:

I like all of them but #1 looks older than 25 and #3’s tattoos are putting me off which is rare since I usually overlook tats. The one on his chest looks like a cartoon-ish hole.

Grant Urwish says:

I’d take #3. Loks like he’d be good for a week end romp..

shenequa says:

Ok I know everyone is expecting me to comment so I don’t wnt to disappoint. Guy 1 I am totally indifferent about. In fact I can’t recall what he looks like.

2. I am personally offended by. I tell you why. Skinny M$(&@ F$?;/€! This guy is one of those nerdy skinny guys ho thinks because SHE has a 6 pack she is FAB! No SHE is NOTTTT. Audacious to even try this. Deluded to think she is even mildly attractive. How dare she! Oh, and please notice this idiot tried to be cool with a tat on her chest. But notice the URKEL type of shorts hiked up to the belly button–gross. I’ve met skanks like this. Shenequa DON’T like them.

3. Tattoos? More like a stupid manuscript. What the fuck was this guy thinking? What is that black spot? I couldn’t think he was even cute because of the stupid tats. VERY disappointing. says:

what is the name of the Guy #1??

jimzy says:

Hilarious stuff. My take is that Sean Cody auditions are like diversions at the rodeo — when a team of horses in a wagon race crash into each other, they send in the clowns until the mess is cleaned up. Sean Cody is vamping to clean up their mess for sure with this trio. You guys are rough, but I agree with most of the comments — #3 takes the prize in this contest. Like to see him take a load in the mouth delivered by Jess. The latest duo with Pavel and Matthew was not good at all. Anything to get away from Pavel…who gave him that stupid name?