SeanCody: Skyler (II)

Skyler (II) at SeanCody

Skyler (II) at SeanCody

Skyler (II) at SeanCody

Skyler (II) at SeanCody

Skyler (II) at SeanCody

Skyler’s Introductory Solo at SeanCody:

Check out Sean Cody newbie, Skyler, stroke his cock in his introductory solo.

Watch Skyler at

Bradster says:

Yikes. Huge NO to this dud.

Neobamboom says:

Yeah…he’s kind of on the gross side.
At least gleen has a nice body. Not much else…but still better.

FTLRSW says:

Plain Blaine…….

carey579 says:

Agreed guys!

A huge NO!

elmtree says:

Let’s just say not the best and leave it at that. Looks like another nice shooter tho…

carey579 says:

This is mean and whatever but I literally shuddered when I say this update!

Jonny Marzetti says:

Are they kidding?

carey579 says:

IKR Is this Sean Cody or Broke Straight Boys?

gaycockluvr says:

Was this really necessary?

Cubankid says:

Nope with a capital N.

gaycockluvr says:

I think he would be a good BSB candidate.

moondoggy says:

Yes!!! So glad someone made a comment that doesn’t, er, dog the poor boy out completely. That dick looks yummy, and I like the hairy legs. Totally worthy of a less competitive porn vendor.

carey579 says:

But that face :c

Even if he had an amazing body ( which he doesn’t) I wouldn’t be attracted.

darkthunder1983 says:

I like his dimple and that’s about it. Wow. I feel like such a bitch being like that.

porndog says:

Sean Cody is flirting with Corbin Fisher or CM-caliber guys IMO lately. This one is slightly more fit than the last solo, but pickings must be slim from the auditions pool. Syler’s not that bad, mind you, but we’re used to seeing something more exciting from SC.

DaveAtom says:

He’s fit and hairy enough. But overall, is kinda forgettable. His face in some angles is weird =/.
Can we bring Sheldon back? Or guys like him?

09755 says:

SHELDON! I need him to come back!

von schlomo says:

Sweet Jesus, no! That face? WTF?

Jay says:

Reminds me a tiny bit of THE Sean Cody in a way I can’t quite put my finger on.

darkthunder1983 says:

The nose?

09755 says:

He’s fit and I like the body hair, still can’t get behind the face. Just a meh from me, but I’ll probably watch it.

endeeeff says:

That’s a negatory, good buddy. Next!

samson says:

Nice body and dick, but the face is wanting and he has no ass. Oh well. (By the way, David, the solo before this one, is extremely hot on video. I truly hope he stuck around to shoot a few scenes.)

Habanero says:

Not special enough looking for porn.

atticus says:

Why am I suddenly whistling the Andy Griffith theme song?

tennvols says:

Why does Sean Cody not do write-up’s on his model’s anymore? This fella does look like Jim Nabor’s and wasn’t he gay? In regard’s to the clean cum payne, I hope it’s plexiglass filed down and not real glass….one of these guy’s is likely to hurt himself, if you catch my drift.

Fazz says:

Chaosmen material, not up to Sean Cody standards. Sorry buddy. Next please. :-)

Sushi says:

I think Sean Cody knows this guy will not be popular, but they’ve spent the money for a solo shoot already, so they are just dumping this after a great update with the hope that he’s forgotten quickly.

I’ll keep my end of the bargain and never think of him again.

Mean Gene says:

I think he has the cute nerd thing, a personal favorite type of Sean’s. Reminds me of the character “Greg” on CSI. Not a lookalike, just similar.

bahdonkadonk says:

He looks mighty limber to me!

Clearly, none of you queen critics have ever been with those big beefcake boys you adore. With the beefcakes, you must have a two-foot long dick to get in the valley, and then endure being trapped under a snoring Buick when you have to get up and pee in the middle of the night.

adowhat says:

Not sure why he made it past auditions, hell I’m not sure why he was invited to audition. This is not Sean Cody material.

Raihan Delano says:


sixpac18 says:

This is what we’ve come to? Holy shit. And because he’s god-awful, he’ll be back and plastered all over the site for the next 6 months.

pubert says:

Wow. I can’t believe Sean Cody would even consider this guy. Ugly face. Very average body and dick.

WTF? Really? I thought Sean Cody was a premium site. The fucker must have been drunk when he picked up this guy.

Arglebargle says:

Very nice!! Tight body, beautiful cock, the whole package is scrumptious.
Plus, he’s comfortable enough as a man to leave his body hair alone.

niftyguyatl says:

If there is a solo every 4 days, that means that Sean Cody needs to find 91 guys a year who are willing to get naked and jerk off on camera, footage that will potentially follow them around for the rest of their lives. That has got to be difficult, especially since they are competing with other sites. Given that, is it surprising that not every model is, er, model-handsome? Look at the average level of attractiveness in the population at large.

Rico says:

Well stated and absolutely true. There is no expectation of anonymity with today’s social media and having done porn can be fatal to many career ambitions. That said, still glad so many are willing to share their bodies, skills and talents for my entertainment.

CA says:

Yeah….I don’t have much to add from comments above. He reminds me of the gay guy at the bar in a group of friends and when introduced to new people everyone forgets him. He’s just there.

We don’t need to see him back SC, thanks. Nice body though.

PornCritic says:

If we needed any proof that white privilege operates in gay porn, the fact that this guy got paid to be on Sean Cody, when so many other cute/sexy/hot black, latino, middle eastern or Asian guys haven’t says everything.

carey579 says:

There are tons of stunning white guys too who need to be at Sean Cody instead of him.

I say he paid to be on Sean Cody or at least gave someone a blowjob! -__-

Assad says:

Totally bring on the sexy and hung Middle Eastern and Asian guys!!

Daniel says:

Absolutely not.

MMMM says:

OK. Based on the comments above, the concensus is thumbs down.

The big question is … what are the odds that Sean Cody brings him back?

endeeeff says:

Pretty high.

swim400 says:

I hope he does cum back. I find these negative comments unwarranted. With the absence of a write up, and he does not return, he will be forgotten as others have been.

jimzy says:

@swim400…agree, Sean Cody kept this one because of the volume of cum he produced, twice. I like his body and hair pattern and combined made me feel i wasn’t waisting my time. Just a friendly guy who signed up on a dare and looking for the experience. He won’t be back IMO. all the negativity is to be expected but the solo was worth watching. on to the next duo and hope to see something that makes this entry just another entry.

freater says:

What happened? This thing is all kinds of No.

clusterfuck says:

I’m all for normal-looking guys with unremarkable bodies, bad haircuts and crooked teeth in gay porn – just stay behind the camera.

niftyguyatl says:

They could even join in from time to time. I think it would be intriguing to have a cameraman occasionally get sucked off by the guy(s) in the scene, or participate in some other way, not even showing his face necessarily. Would break up the rote formula.

dio says:

@clusterfuck, you are KILLING ME w/ your comments, dood. LOL

cameronhawks119 says:

What the hell this update ???
I think Sean Cody doesn’t have to update when cannot find a good model for a solo shoot… If Sean Cody keeps doing like this, Sean Cody will waste money and time.

I’d like Sean Cody to maintain the quality before update frequency.

To myron
I reviewed about Spencer/Coleman. Check it out if you want. 

johnrt says:

Big NO from me. I tried, but I couldn’t watch more than 3 minutes— not Sean Cody caliber.

jinger says:

No of course, don’t be ridiculous