Watch Shawn Wolfe at RagingStallion
Just beautiful!
Omg at the first pic! So hot
I fucking want!!! Gosh!!
That ass looks delicious.
So fucking hot.
I got hard just by scrolling past the first pic. Wow.
So, he trims his hair in the video??
Ha!! Either that, or they’re using the stills/pics from what looks like at least three different photo shoots.
Shawn is one sexii muthafucka (but pic 6 edges into creepy/unnatural territory; not sure if that’s the result of the heavy makeup or the photoshopping).
I was knocked out when I saw his pic. On the site there is this interview with him taking about his favourite scenes and best fucks. Don’t watch it. It’s a total passion killer. Porn stars, like the queen, Kate Moss and David Beckham, should not be asked to speak. Ever.