ManRoyale: Master & Apprentice (Mitch Vaughn, Seth Knight & Alexander Gustavo)

Master & Apprentice (Mitch Vaughn, Seth Knight & Alexander Gustavo) at ManRoyale

Master & Apprentice (Mitch Vaughn, Seth Knight & Alexander Gustavo) at ManRoyale

Master & Apprentice (Mitch Vaughn, Seth Knight & Alexander Gustavo) at ManRoyale

Master & Apprentice (Mitch Vaughn, Seth Knight & Alexander Gustavo) at ManRoyale

Master & Apprentice (Mitch Vaughn, Seth Knight & Alexander Gustavo) at ManRoyale

Master & Apprentice (Mitch Vaughn, Seth Knight & Alexander Gustavo) at ManRoyale

Hot gay massage three-way with Mitch Vaughn, Seth Knight & Alexander Gustavo.

Watch Mitch Vaughn, Seth Knight & Alexander Gustavo at ManRoyale

TheSagaOf says:

Screw those other guys, Alexander Gustavo is soooooo hot!!!

elmtree says:

OMG…SO true! Alexander is indeed HOT. And while I have zero interest in Seth, Mitch does have a really nice body.

darkthunder1983 says:

Alexander, yes. The other two can begone.

fyrefly says:

i will always and forever get a boner over mitch vaughn….in spite of his taint piercing..

Raihan Delano says:

Yess you all