ChaosMen: Graham (Serviced by Bryan)

Graham (Serviced by Bryan) at ChaosMen

Graham (Serviced by Bryan) at ChaosMen

Graham (Serviced by Bryan) at ChaosMen

Graham (Serviced by Bryan) at ChaosMen

Watch Graham and Bryan at

Graham has a very busy work schedule, but we stayed in contact about doing a Serviced video together, and we finally got our schedules to match.

When he arrived this time out, he was a little less shy and more talkative. He truly is a fan of erotic massages, and has had a few on his own. He loves watching the ChaosMen ones, so he was psyched about doing this video.

This is one of those videos we shot pretty much straight through, with me occasionally adjusting a camera, not even taking a break to take high res photos.

Definitely an awesome massage table video, with a dude who was REALLY into it!

Watch Graham and Bryan at

NG22 says:

Why is Graham doing a *second* Serviced video (in which he does less than in his first)?

Why is this scene with Bryan?

Why isn’t Graham getting fucked, even when I know he’s a gay bottom, he knows he’s a gay bottom, you know he’s a gay bottom, and the goddamn Wu Tang Clan knows he’s a gay bottom?

— The questions in life.

moondoggy says:

I guess you just ran out of breath, so I’ll finish what you started. …

Why is Bryan doing anything in front of the camera with his fly shut when his dick is probably the only part of his body that isn’t controversial? (You can even see he’s pitching a tent.)

Why is he covering someone in oil before blowing them? Or is it a vinaigrette? Is that why they call it tossing someone’s salad?

Why is he shoving something hard in Graham’s pants when he has something hard in his own pants that doesn’t need batteries?

I will forgive all of this stupidity if Graham has cum in his ass before July is over. Three opportunities minimum, Bry. Get cracking. (Literally.)

Rico says:

^^^^^^ Prolly the best set of update comments I’ve read in weeks. Keep up the good work, guys.

pink spider says:

Agreed with all of the above.

sncale says:


elmtree says:

All good points NG22. And MD. Maddening…

johnrt says:

no thanks, waste of an update.

Brick says:

The guy is hot, great bod. I don’t think you should criticize a serviced video for not being something it’s not. I wish he were getting barebacked, too. But for a servicing video, it looks really good.

pink spider says:

Why someone needs to be “serviced” twice on the same site… I have no idea.

swim400 says:

I do not remember this guy.

jag2power says:

His beautiful ass explodes pink. Yum!