Gary Danton (Model of the Week) at Bel Ami Online

Gary Danton (Model of the Week) at

Gary Danton (Model of the Week) at

Gary Danton (Model of the Week) at

Gary Danton (Model of the Week) at

Watch Gary Danton at BelAmiOnline

Gary Danton is our model of the week to kick of December. This photoset was taken by Eliot (and the video by Johan Paulik) in South Africa. As well as taking most of our pictures we should point out Eliot is quite handy to have around, fluent in Slovak, Hungarian and English (and on his way to mastering Spanish) he can double as a translator for most of the boys.

We find out a bit more about Gary Danton today as well. Before he started his career in adult entertainment he studied ballet at the Conservatorium.

Watch Gary Danton at BelAmiOnline

Life Is Better With BelAmi: Superwide & Tall Posts
von schlomo says:

700 shades of visual perfection but they all talk, breathe, move, kiss, suck and fuck exactly the same…like plastic sex bots. Literally, if you’ve watched one scene, you’ve seen them all.

von schlomo says:

Close enough for government work.

Life Is Better With BelAmi: Superwide & Tall Posts