Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun in ‘I’m Fucking Roommates’ Part 1 at

I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole

I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole
I'm Fucking Roommates (Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun) (Part 1) at Drill My Hole

Will Braun wakes up horny as fuck next to sexy stud, Vadim Black. Vadim plays hard to get, but before you know it, he’s fucking Will’s hot ass while their roommate, Kaden Alexander, hears everything in the next room over.

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Watch Vadim Black Fucks Will Braun at

gaycockluvr says:

Will finally took some photos where he doesn’t looks completely lifeless! Vadim is just straight up sexy.

Parin McCoy says:

When does Will fuck the ex-Mormon engineerabie?

DaveAtom says:

Will is getting cuter. I think is because he’s getting thinner or he get rid off those bichat’s fat pads

brecken73 says:

I never thought I’d say it, but I am beginning to enjoy Will getting fucked so much and all the cum on his face each week.

Sushi says:

This is the only time I’ll accept Vadim topping. Looks great….can’t wait to watch!

joe campbell says:

Vadim is so hot…. crazy but hot …

TomCNR says:

Look at how far Will has become. From an exclusive top to a cum eating bottom. The last photos drew me in.

DeeGee says:

Never get tired of Vadim, but when does he have time to get all that ink?

Fazz says:

I just cannot watch or condone a performer who hates what he is doing, and says that he hates himself for doing it, and indeed feels sickened by it. Vadim should absolutely not get ANY gay porn jobs, after his stunt on MTV. Not just that, but he’s a right wing gun nut, homophobe.

Christopher Small says:

I have to agree with u If he hates it so much, do str8 porn or get another job. I didn’t like my job and moved on to a job that i enjoyed. He never looked sickened when he was getting fucked or sucking dick to me….

Fazz says:

He admitted to taking illegal, allegedly life threatening drugs, to be able to get hard, so that he could fuck a man. I mean, what kind of person does that? Does he have NO other skills? Is the situation so bad in the US that there are absolutely no jobs? Or is he just too lazy to do an honest day’s work in a shop or in industry?

Me thinks, that he’s a self loathing closet case, who cannot reconcile his view of the world and his inner urges.

I for one, will NOT support him, with this venture.

Christopher Small says:

Fazz no argument from me on any of ur points…I just wish these guyz like Vadim / Luke (whatever) would go away…we should NOT support people like this..

karlk says:

Agree with you, other than the last sentence. He shouldn’t be n the business if he hates it so much (not sure about that.)

sanfv says:

Dude , you hit the nail on the head. Watch, once the election gears up he’ll say something stupid on Twitter like “Make America Great again!” Or something stupid like that. The whole town where he’s from is Mormon or some kind of crazy baptist, of course he loves guns. He hates “fags” and hates his job and will vote against what we normally tend to gravitate towards. But we’ll continue to support him cuz he’s “hot”.

You can’t even feel sorry for Vadim, he came off as stupid. At least Sean Cody Sean has the “excuse” of providing to his family, but Vadim? He justs seems like an uneducated young man who rather do something he totally despises and makes him miserable because is quick and good money. No sympathy at all.

KB ADMIN says:

Vadim’s a busy bee. Boy’s getting his wallet fat for his girlfriend.

Scrapple says:

It’s weird to think back to a time when Will Braun wasn’t getting dicked and jizzed on.

ArgleBjargle says:

Looks like Will is finally turning into the bottom he always was.

Ivan Jimenez says:

All these twinks at MEN should have their own scenes fucking & cum-swapping any guys close to or equal to Paddy!

Aussie Rob says:

It’s criminal this isn’t bareback.

Joel says:

Is Vadim now a top? Come on hes hole is already a veteran and he looks awesome bottoming. He should be mora versatile

No_No_No_Yes says:

Vadim Black.. sorry bud, I think you did the whole MTV thing to placate friends and family that were onto you and your career as a “model”. You my friend are gayer than I am, and well.. that makes you like.. oh I dunno.. UUBER QUEER? You, and every other guy who leaves work picking cum out of his eye brows in the rear view mirror. Get a grip, grow some balls and tell the world the truth, I am sure you will be far less sick.