SeanCody: Chase Returns To Fuck Porter (Bareback)

SeanCody: Chase Returns To Fuck Porter (Bareback) at SeanCody

SeanCody: Chase Returns To Fuck Porter (Bareback) at SeanCody

SeanCody: Chase Returns To Fuck Porter (Bareback) at SeanCody

SeanCody: Chase Returns To Fuck Porter (Bareback) at SeanCody

SeanCody: Chase Returns To Fuck Porter (Bareback) at SeanCody

SeanCody: Chase Returns To Fuck Porter (Bareback) at SeanCody

Watch Chase and Porter at SeanCody

After a couple of years hiatus, Chase is back at to fuck around with Porter!

“I’ve missed you guys, plain and simple!” We were curious about what he’s been up to.

“I’ve just been hanging out, working out, trying to get lean for the summer.”

You can definitely tell he’s been working on that body of his. Porter as well! So we had to take a look at their abs before they got down to business. They both look great!

Chase really gave it his all, I guess being away for a few years got him all hyped up to pound ass. Porter took the hard pounding well, of course.

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Watch Chase and Porter at SeanCody

Scrapple says:

Chase! Are you fucking serious! I don’t even know to to process this!

There have been a lot of surprise returns over the last year or two. If Dane comes back just wheel me to the local hospice, because there’s no way I’m coming back from that.

Kevin says:

Would love to see Dane back!

Jermaine says:

Me too, AND Willis! God that would be beyond amazing!!! :P

Mihcael Davies says:

Let’s forget Jed. Hell let’s a threesome with all 3 :D

1234 says:

Do you mean Jed who fucked Jarek, Pavel, and finally Jamie? The one who was really 26 & left in early 2012??

Mihcael Davies says:

Yes that one, he’s one of my all time favorites

1234 says:

I was terribly saddened upon his departure. But I understand because he probably didn’t want to do BB or bottom

Brandon85 says:

Isn’t Willis Ransom on Chaosmen

Marco Sartori says:


Marco Sartori says:

omg!! that scene with aiden was everything!!!

Jermaine says:

I know right? :D Willis face and body is just perfection. Seeing his perfect dick slide in and out of Aidans receptive hole was just porn heaven!

TomCNR says:

Dane has to bottom he just has to!

Scrapple says:

It’s a shame he only got rimmed briefly in his scene with Pierce/Ryan. I think he ate ass too in that scene, but it was in the BTS segment for some strange reason.

DaveAtom says:

Dane!! Yum!
I’ll join you if it is Pavel the one coming back (or Willis)

Scrapple says:

I really liked Pavel. He was really a lot of fun near the end of his fun. And bringing it back to Dane, their scene was super hot. They couldn’t even stop kissing when the director was trying to talk to them.

DaveAtom says:

Epic scene and one of the best. They really had a great time together, like real life friends having awesome sex. I miss them.

Scrapple says:

I always thought it was cute how they had that bet about the car bj, based on who could get out of the pool faster. Pavel is booking it, and Dane is taking his sweet time. He just wanted to suck some dick.

Chase says:

Hahaha thank you!


TightBottom199 says:

Are you trying to say you are the real Chase!?

Igloo Australia says:


Jermaine says:

I had the same reaction. I never thought Chase would return, if he’s not here to stay I will cry my little heart out. Although there’s been some hits and misses with htese “cumbacks” I have to give props to Sean Cody for getting several fan favorites to return! I hope the next one will be Sawyer, like Chase he only had one scene that left us begging for more! Make it happen SC, I believe in you! ;)

Mihcael Davies says:

who is Sawyer?

Jermaine says:

Sawyer <3

1234 says:

I like to think that Chase has his ass stuffed a few times during his absence. But most likely pure fantasy

loveyouxxx5 says:

I wish the next bottom for Chase is Shaw…….

Chase says:

Haha thank you for the compliments.. And I didn’t do anything to my eyebrows, that’s just how they are lol sorry


Origami Rose says:

chase has to bottom

Ben says:

with abe or jack as the top

Mihcael Davies says:

There’s no other option that isn’t totally tragic

1234 says:

Maybe Jayden can do the honours HAhaHAhaHAha

bob80 says:

I was hoping Chase would bottom. I’ve seen Porter bottoming so many times already and he still doesn’t do it for me.

burghboy says:

I feel that way about a lot of Sean Cody models. it’s the same thing over and over.

1234 says:

Maybe Chase (if he returns) can flip w/Shaw??

Scrapple says:

I’m holding out hope he might do that with Jack. Jack did say he was waiting for the studio to find the right guy…

But I’d happily settle for Jack and Chase tagteaming a greedy bottom like Lane, Forrest, Tate, Robbie, Duncan, Manny or Blake. Or maybe they could re-introduce Daniel or Liev to the joys of bottoming.

Kevin says:

Love that Case is back but why pair him up with the Trump supporter, why not Joey or Brendan. I always feel that they never can get these comebacks quite right and it’s usually because they pair the comeback kid up with a model that is not on the same level.

JK3 says:

Porter is having his best year. Trump is the presumptive Nominee and he’s geting dick out the wazoo. Lucky (crazy) bitch.

TomCNR says:

Hahahaha! Very true. He’s a Trump supporter? Wow I thought I couldn’t dislike him more!

Alann6 says:

I can’t imagine voting for a Republican, but Trump would be better any day than Cruz!

L. T. says:

Where did you find out that he supports Trump? And he’s not the only one. That one dude from “Glee” who got arrested for child pornography is a supporter of him, too.

Kevin says:

Twitter and someone did a story about it.

Scrapple says:

Mark should worry about getting his house in order instead of worrying about an election.

JK3 says:

Somebody fetch me the fainting couch. My bae is back (Ok, he’s not Peter, Calvin or Ashton, but still..)! The bottom should have been Manny or Ollie.

gaycockluvr says:

Eh, Chase is still looking good, but I can’t say I’m really interested in these two. I actually like seeing Porter get fucked, but pairing is eh.

Cubankid says:

I re-subscribed to SC, so i can watch Ethan and his big floppy peen. That was random, but old Ethan scenes are better then a lot of these new ones.

Jazz says:

When I started reading this I thought you were saying that Ethan was returning and I almost fainted. LOL

L. T. says:

We wish. Ethan will never come back unless he changes his mind about barebacking.

1234 says:

You & I know that will never happen. Ethan is too much of a free spirit to even consider doing porn again. He looks like someone who wants new experiences (as long as it’s reatively safe).

Bree Van de Kamp says:

It’s porter who’s the disgrace. I fucking hate that little closet case homophobe. Did chase suck dick or anything? Pretty much a repeat of his last return. Do something new for Christ sake

Dale Bergman says:

I’m so glad that Chase is back! I hope his comeback isn’t a one time deal like Abe’s. He needs to stay and film more scenes.

This is the best Porter has looked in a few years (he’s fitter). I cannot get past all of the nonsense he spouts on social media.

L. T. says:

Or Mitch. Seriously, what was the purpose of Mitch coming for one go with Tanner and then he’s gone?

1234 says:

I forgot to tell you that from 2010-13, Mitch was known as Wes Chandler & made a few porn videos during that time. Maybe Sean Cody was unhappy when he found out after Mitch filmed with Tanner. Same story w/Jurek. Not sure.

Scrapple says:

But they were fine with all his Ford Tuff stuffs. Mitch is another one who I think came upon some realizations after his porn work.

1234 says:

Fort Troff sex toys??

Scrapple says:

Yeah, he modeled their fetish gear for a while. I think someone else from Sean Cody did, but I can’t recall who.

L. T. says:

Jurek worked with someone else? I think I remember you telling me that. Who was it again?

1234 says:

Jurek worked with a Jeremy Lange (horrendous scene because of Jeremy, Jurek still looked reasonably good) and military porn via C1R (he was rimmed only)

L. T. says:

Hm. You don’t know which movie? It may have been the one that Alex Adams was in. I found out he did a military movie for C1R. Funny how he went from gay to straight porn but he said he’s bisexual in real life.

1234 says:

I’ll let you know if I ever find the name. I didn’t know Jurek did str8 porn & that he’s bisexual. I wish he was still cute as I had an unhealthy love for his ass in 2008 & 09

L. T. says:

Really? I took him as gay.

1234 says:

I misread your previous statement; the vegan Alex Adams is bisexual, not Jurek. I hope Jurek doesn’t look so “dried up” anymore

L. T. says:

Oh, okay. Well, I knew Alex was bi but I thought you were telling me that Jurek was gay, too.

1234 says:

I’m pretty sure Jurek is gay, but I could be wrong

L. T. says:

I don’t care if he’s gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual or does it with the goats. I ain’t interested in him. Nope-nope. Only thing remotely attractive to me about him was his tan lines which I didn’t notice until Calvin fucked the hell out of his ass.

1234 says:

Don’t worry- I hear you. I only liked him a little bit more, but not by a wide margin

1234 says:

Even w/the tan line, Calvin couldn’t save that scene. I also had a difficult time watching Jurek w/Immanuel (no screen blocker was big enough)

Jermaine says:

YES!!! A hundred times yes! And I haven’t even seen the scene yet. I hope Chase is here to stay and I hope he gets his ass rimmed and I hope he gets to fuck ass in all of his future scenes! This is probably the most exciting “cumback” for me so far!!! :P

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

Chase looks good, that pic of him licking Porter’s nipple while fucking him reverse cowboy is hot. I don’t really mind Porter, yeah he seems a bit crazy but he can be a good bottom.

Gazzaq says:

Welcum Back Chase. Yes Sean Cody Keep Some the Oldies Cumming Back!!!

NeAl1669 says:

Has Sean Cody contracted the same director/camera guy from Chaosmen? They’ve been doing the same edge of the bed fucking a lot. I I hope they stop that soon. On the positive side Chase is quite a fucker.

jag2power says:

I seriously can hardly contain myself on this one. Chase’s scene with Randy is my go to video on many occasions and I am glad to see that they did not skip the rim, which appears to be Chase’s favorite thing. I couldn’t agree more. Go Chase!!

Joey says:

This gif. OMG.

TomCNR says:

Lol I can hear the celebratory screams of some of Chase’s fans who never thought he’d come back. I liked him too! He’s very passionate in his few scenes. Glad he’s back! And as usual, Sean Cody ruins what could have been an epic scene by pairing him with Porter! Instead of Ollie, Shaw, Manny, Hunter, etc!

Bob Bilbert says:


Jazz says:

Sean Cody REALLY knows how to fuck up a good thing. WHY OH WHY would they ruin the return of the GORGEOUS Chase by pairing him with that troll Porter??? So as it stands, both of Chase’s (who is a god) sex scenes have been with Randy and Porter, two of the least attractive models Sean Cody has to offer. I fucking give up!

Rico says:

Absolutely with you on Porter, but Randy has come a VERY long way with SC…to the point where he’s now one of their better, and completely versatile, performers IMO.

burghboy says:

Rico…I agree 100%.

Jazz says:

I definitely agree with you about Randy as a performer. The way he pounded Dean was wonderful. He’s just not particularly attractive to me.

Rumina says:

Randy looked decently cute when he bottomed for Chase. He looks like poop now. His hairline is pushing back faster than my 50 year old dad.

Bair says:

Troll? It seems you definitely need glasses. Really thick ones, like Milhouse Van Houten. Porter, if you read this, you are such a cutie with such a yummy ass, beautiful body, and you are such a talented bottom. If it is true you support Trump it saddens me that you hate America so much, and women so much, and the gay community, and Hispanics, and differences in general so much, that you would unleash onto us, and the World, that bullying, ignorant, dangerous turd, but never-the-less, you are an adorable, cuddly looking cutie, with such a great smile. Just a big disappointment, politically.

Topher says:

There has been talk about returns. But, Chase returning is even better than dutch apple pie! How can a guy be ethereal, and so hot with man sex at the same time? I felt myself getting hard as a rock the moment the update with his name and picture came up.

CA says:

I saw the Twitter buzz that it was Chase set to “cumback” and to my terrible surprise, he’s back with Porter….it’s a damn shame.

I never really got into Chase–for all the one and done performers, I was and am team Walker. Chase is hot though…I wonder if it has been his unattractive pairings that have kept me from investing in him…Porter isn’t helping that impediment.

Anyway, Walker has an obvious advantage though after his scene with Daniel. 😍

DaveAtom says:

I can’t get all this Chase love. I mean, is kinda sexy but is far from handsome or superhot.

Kermit says:

Thanks for that I thought I had lost my senses with all this glorification of Chase, he is OK and that is about all.

DaveAtom says:

I know (yelling like Monica =P)

turbo27 says:

Compared to most guys we get now at Sean Cody he is superhot. In the past he would have been just good looking nothing to get really excited about. This scene was good by 2015-16 standards for SC.

1234 says:

I like both versions (2013, 2016) versions of Chase. But who is this unimportant person Chase is fucking???

ItsBritneyBitch says:

I love a good cumback.

TalkDirtyToMe says:

I’m sick of this damn room!!!

Ant says:

Butterface 1 + Butterface 2 = I Can Believe.

L. T. says:

You think Chase is a butterface? Different strokes for different folks I guess.

TightBottom199 says:


CP3PO says:

I’ll be like that for all time over Chase.

Matt Murphy says:

This has to be Apt. 23! Love it!

Sushi says:

Seems like a waste of plane fare.

turbo27 says:

yeah, Chase really didn’t add much to the scene unfortunately. I

rascya syarif says:


turbo27 says:

my opinion only of course. good looking, but seems to me Porter did most of the work. of course most may disagree.

Jonny Marzetti says:

As the last vestiges of Corbin Fisher swirl down the drain, kudos go to much-lower-priced Sean Cody for coming up with occasional really pleasant surprises like Chase’s return.

trex says:

I don’t see Porter’s Trump for President button??

Loki says:

I must’ve missed this guy the first time around. He’s okay looking I guess, but he appears to operate at only one speed. Geez, vary up the tempo a little.

L. T. says:

I don’t give a monkey’s dick and nuts if Porter’s in this or Kenny from Corbin Fisher! Chase! Chase!!! CHASE!!! Some of these negative comments are off-the-chain. I’m not the prettiest girl in school but I know that Chase is better-looking than me. If you don’t like him then cool. All the more for my greedy, little ass.

ItsBritneyBitch says:

It’s all about Chase in this one 😋. He looks better than before, because I always thought he looked a little too gaunt in the face. Not a problem here.

bloodhound says:

Does Chase do anything besides fucking ?Porter is not my fav either,but what can you do…there are two new bottoms Benjamin and Hunter who would gladly take that dick.

No_No_No_Yes says:

I don’t get it. All the bitching that goes on here about G4P and this guy has not as much as sucked a dick and ya’ll are loosin your minds here? He did 2 scenes, got his salad tossed and fucked some ass.. yeah he has a nice body but his face is pretty damn average and you got him fucking every guy on the site because….? I’m not trying to be an ass here but what am I missing?

1234 says:

I can see what you’re saying. It may be why I want to see his hole get stuffed (+ he has a nice ass)

No_No_No_Yes says:

Yeah let’s talk about THAT. This dud’s hole looks like he took on the Hells Angels while bent over a bar on Manhole night… THAT is just weird, I forget who it was on here that called another guy out for the safe “effect” and called it a vagina LOL! He is in this thread in fact down below.. not nameing names..

Scrapple says:

Sean Cody needs good tops. Chase is a good top.

No_No_No_Yes says:

LOL.. ummm, LAST time I checked, right smack in the middle of “How to be a mind blowing ass fucker” It clearly states: Thou shalt eat your bottom’s hot ass and suck him off a little before plundering the ring of fire.” Now – if by good top your referring to anyone with a dick 6″ or up who can maintain an erection while fucking.. yeah I guess he will do. So will a good dildo.

Scrapple says:

I said he’s a good top, not a great one.

turbo27 says:

I agree, he isn’t that great, ok looking, good body, very limited performer.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Sean Cody has let a lot of really hot prospects slip through their paws, this one really doesn’t do it for me but what surprises me is the reactions here.. I’d rather watch Brandon RE-fuck every last bottom on the site lol. ACTUALLY.. Now what would be hot… This guy and Brandon flip fuck! I mean Brandon TOTALLY cheated by picking the dude with the smallest dick, and 1 position? Pfft. I would LOVE to see Chase get acquainted with a cock in his mouth.. Brandon has the perfect starter dick, for both oral and anal. Chase on the other hand could give him the TOTAL ass rifling he has coming after that complete travesty of bottoming he gave us. Just sayin. He isn’t getting any younger, he better cash that ass of his in while people still want to see it.

L. T. says:

What am I missing with Jess? I don’t get his hype.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Hmm Jess. Well rather nice cock, augmented by the fact he is built like a scarecrow (makes it look 20 times bigger) I’m a bit mystified there too. This dude has been fuckin ass at Sean Cody for EVER and has never given up the bootie. I’m not even sure if he sucks dick tbh I don’t look at his stuff he is not my type. From what I recall he was a kept man, not sure why he all the sudden re emerged. At any rate – another guy worshiped for an above average cock and little else.

L. T. says:

I don’t think Jess has sucked dick or kissed.

Zombieking says:

Hot so see chase again he is not veryv defferent from the last time we saw him, (I don’t waste my time talking about porter) When i see the video I the only thing I want is to see Chase fuck the hell out Ollie bubble ass in every position in front of a audience of guy and girl and after Chase is done with thar ass very person come to see the damages ans split inside

JohnnyVooDoo says:

I wont knock Sean Cody here. I liked the lvl of energy. I will watch this — over the weekend.

And IDC what anyone says about Porter — lets be honest, the guys who dont like him you can almost guarantee are bottoms or ‘verse’ bottoms which are basically bottoms. Which means you honestly aren’t qualified to evaluate him like this and im sure you know what I mean by this.

He is a good bottom. I would definitely claim him — make him one of my bitch boy concubines — make em have my baby. He seem obedient.

Anyway. Porter likes to be pinned down and dominated more. I haven’t seen that yet but Thank God I didn’t see any limp dicks, baby fucks or lame shit. The rimming looked decent….But let me stop because this was all trailer based alone. Make Porter swallow some cum to — he needs it trust me.

Porter needs to be choked.

1234 says:

Maybe it’s because Porter isn’t that good looking, not because everyone who dislikes him is a bottom. Where did you come up w/that odd theory?

JohnnyVooDoo says:

Ok. In your particular case let me guess. Your a bottom or more so a versatile.. Nothing wrong with it but you dont realize that is the very exact reason why you find ‘Porter’ unattractive.

1234 says:

My dear opinionated friend, you simply have no taste, especially in regards to the face. I bet you like Pete, or you may even look like him

L. T. says:

So bottoms can’t find other bottoms attractive?

JohnnyVooDoo says:

You could but its more so in a ‘girl-friend’ fake lesbian type of way. You could only see him as attractive as a glass half full. If that made any sense.

Scrapple says:

Do not try to reason with crazy people. It’s a waste of time, energy and brain cells.

1234 says:

Thank you. LOL I remember saying that to someone a while back.

L. T. says:

“Porter needs to be choked.”

Say what?

1234 says:

I’m replying to our friend against my better judgment- I think this “person” has serious issues regarding physical abuse. I’d hate to think what he did with his hookups.

L. T. says:

Ain’t nobody going to be putting their hands on me like that. If it’s your thing then fine but I am not interested in that kind of stuff.

Scott says:

Such a hot scene. Can’t wait to see Chase get stuffed like a prized Thanksgiving Turkey! Porter is just a dreamboat and the fact that he has the balls to support Trump, even sexier in my book!

Stevienowonder says:

Ant that is good news. They are both total write-offs.

rascya syarif says:

You so pathetic shit!

Stevienowonder says:

You don’t know how to swear …

rascya syarif says:


L. T. says:

Wow. That’s kind of cold. I know people don’t like Porter but what’s wrong with Chase?

Stevienowonder says:

Simply not attractive in physical sense. Sean Cody used to be a great site and now it is just pitiful.

Dev.C says:

These Str8 bottoms keep coming back for more, it makes you wonder if they really believe their own BS.

bloodhound says:

Where is Robert?he was hot enough for 10 Chasers and Ports. Or maybe the fact that he is actually gay and not mediocore like so many does not suffice?

kkdd1 says:

Dam Chase has not change a bit over years still FUCKING just the way I remember

Topher says:

I forgot to mention, aside from my thinking how hot Chase is, and that I would rather have someone better than Porter for the bottom, CHASE KISSES!!!!

Marco Sartori says:

Praise the gay lord!

L. T. says:

But didn’t Chase say in his solo that he was into guys as well as girls?

1234 says:

That’s news to me. If he’s really bisexual, that’s even better. But please get Chase fucked. Maybe Shaw can, even though a lot of people find his performances problematic

L. T. says:

I think he did say that in his solo. I’m going to have to check again and a flip with Shaw and Chase? Please and thank you, kind sir. Would certainly make my day.

1234 says:

I must kidnap Shaw, like I did with Immanuel

L. T. says:

I’m going to kidnap Devin, Edin, Jeremiah, Nathan, Jimmy and Jared. Knowing Jared from his bondage porn, he might not have a problem being tied up. LOL

1234 says:

How can I forget EDIN?? I was very sad when he decided man on man action wasn’t for him. I will say Jared looks better now than he did on SC- he just needed more meat on his bones, and some bondage.

L. T. says:

Yes, indeed. Edin was during a string of really hot solo guys for me. Him, Jeremiah, Camden and Christopher. Good Lord, I couldn’t take it! LOL

1234 says:

As much as I loved Christopher, I had a bad feeling he wasn’t returning (he was too str8). Did you know he & Zachary shared the same cum & butt juice stained red shorts?

L. T. says:

I knew he wouldn’t come back either but we shan’t be too hasty. There have been some whom I figured wouldn’t come back and they did. Chase was one of them. The ones you think will come back won’t like Dale, Connor (Halstead/Halsted) and Conner whom Jeffrey blew.

1234 says:

You’re right about those guys.

L. T. says:

Those red shorts were also worn by ginger bodybuilder Clark, another I knew right off wouldn’t come back.

1234 says:

Cum & ass juice (not the sick enema kind) galore!!!

Topher says:

We all have particular body parts that we are attracted to. Chase has an incredibly hot ass and pink hole. His skin has a touchable quality. His cock is just right. I admit though, I have this thing for NIPPLES. As hot as Chase’s ass and hole are, and they are HOT, his nipples are perfection as well.

L. T. says:

You’re not the only thing for nipples and I get angered when I see a model with fantastic nipples and not one of their scene partners ever show them attention. Mike Colucci is one of them but I can forgive his scene partners because they at least go for his other fantastic asset: dat ass.

Ivan Jimenez says:

Why don’t Abe come back & top and bottom anymore?

Marco Sartori says:

Porter you lucky bitch. I like you!

Brandon85 says:

I like Chase but I’m surprised how universally loved he is. He’s hot but I’ve always been surprised how well people respond to him. He’s the only model I can think of that I’ve never seen any criticism of. He also said in the video he’s checked out the site and saw a lot of new guys and that he couldn’t wait to work with all of them. Hopefully he’ll return to bottom for a non-Tanner top.

Marco Sartori says:

non-tanner top loool

Brandon85 says:

You know if he bottoms limp dicked Tanner will be there.

L. T. says:

Check the comments again, Brandon. Some out here are calling him fugly, bland and long face. Kris Evans has a long face and it doesn’t make that man any less hot to me.

Ivan Jimenez says:

Chase, Abe, Vaughn, Shaw, Robbie, Randy, Daniel, Jack, Cameron & David orgy summer retreat!

L. T. says:

We don’t need anymore fucking orgies from Sean Cody right now.

joeguy45 says:

Welcome Back Chase! He’s the type of guy that i cannot believe I’m getting to see naked never mind hardcore Gay porn! he hints in the voice over that he can’t wait to get involved so lets hope chase doesn’t get “chased ” away. handsome sexy man with possibly the hottest Ass in porn. My only problem is he looks slightly like my nephew !

Jermaine says:

The second one, with the dark sexy voice! ;P Not only was he super hot and knew how to fuck, he also seemed eager to start experimenting with guys. Too bad Sean Cody couldn’t find a way too keep around! :(

L. T. says:

That pisses me off when a dude says he’s into guys or is interested in experimenting and they don’t try to convince him to come back or they wait years before trying to get him back. Look how long it took them to get Tate back after he did an oral scene. But then some of these guys have everyday jobs and can’t come right away so I have to keep that in mind myself.

Jermaine says:

Yeah me too. I just don’t see how any guy would do one scene and then go “That’s enough for me, no more scenes!” It makes you wonder if they’re even trying to get these guys to come back.

Billy C says:

Chase is HOT enough too overshadow pointless Porter – and that’s saying LOADS!

L. T. says:

I’m not sure about a straight scene but I know in some of the bi scenes he seemed awkward with the women.

1234 says:

I especially enjoyed Dixon fucking Trenton. Off topic, but can you tell me how you found out Jasper Robinson ended his own life? I tried looking for it on Google, but it just lists a heart ailment

1234 says:

(edited) Disregard my other comment about Jasper Robinson as I won’t know the real reason he passed away. I mistakenly confused you w/another poster on the other forbidden website- sorry

1234 says:

Grayson briefly worked for Lucas Entertainment after he left SC; he appears to have quit porn for good

Topher says:

@andrew, many of us are wishing for guys from the past. I have most of the scenes I liked with many of the names above, and find myself watching those, much more than the newer ones. Well, I got Chase this week. Bring on Spencer, Parker, and the rest. Chase and Spencer, hmmm.

L. T. says:

I liked Grayson but his chest kind of weirded me out. It wasn’t like Tyler Sweet’s where it’s sunken in; his pecs were spread apart. I used to think they were implants until I met a guy whose pecs really were naturally like that.

1234 says:

Oh yeah, I heard about Grayson’s pecs before. I didn’t look until you or someone else mentioned it. I’m wondering if collagen lips Michael scarred Garayson & that’s why he left porn

L. T. says:

I was wondering the same thing. Maybe like Richie Fine, Michael didn’t treat Grayson that well and he left. If you notice, Connor Kline was originally with LE at one point and he didn’t stay that long either.

1234 says:

Maybe bottoming for Michael Lucas turned Grayson into a skirt chasing straight boy. Poor Grayson

L. T. says:

He claimed to have a girlfriend while he was with Sean Cody but, again, so many of that shit is far-fetched. I remember surfer Justin from Corbin Fisher supposedly being into girls but his body language said differently when he was getting fucked especially by Dawson. Did he do CFS scenes?

SN: I’m missing Dixon. Wonder what he’s doing.

1234 says:

Wow- you really went through a lot of trouble cutting and pasting Spence into this pic. You had me fooled (yes, I do like both models)