New York Straight Men: Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant (Josh & Sergio)

Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men

Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men
Servicing A Ginger Haired Giant at New York Straight Men

Watch Josh and Sergio at NewYorkStraightMen

Flashback from September 2009

Meet Josh! He is a giant of a guy standing 6’5″ tall. Josh is 34 and restores old sculptures in Brooklyn. We thought Josh was really hot because of his amazingly toned body, his piercing blue eyes, his locks of strawberry blond hair but what really got us was his ginger beard and his full bush of ginger pubes!

Josh loves blow jobs and rim jobs. Since he broke up with his girlfriend about 4 months ago, he hasn’t gotten much of anything, sort of a dry spell as he puts it. This left him super horny. He tells up that when his girl can keep him satisfied he stays faithful, however if she can’t or their isn’t one in the picture, he will stray and will take the ‘sure bet”…letting a guy suck him off. He also says that since he loves his ass rimmed, letting a guy go down on him will almost guarantee that he will also get a rim job out of the deal.

Sergio loved getting down on his knees and servicing this Ginger-Haired Giant from back to front! Sergio parted Josh’s muscular ass cheeks and lapped at his asshole just they way Josh said he it needed it done. Afterwards, Sergio made his way around to Josh’s hard cock and swallowed the monster right down, so his nose was brushing against Josh’s ginger pubes. We could see from the look on Josh’s face that Sergio’s mouth was working magic on his cock! Sergio sucked and slurped on that hard cock with one goal in mind to please Josh and get his cum. Well, needless to say Sergio achieved his mission cause Josh spewed out a huge load of sperm, drenching Sergio’s chest!

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

Watch Josh and Sergio at NewYorkStraightMen

No_No_No_Yes says:

Let’s get this out the way. YOU people(NewYorkStraightMen) are MORONS, the end. Your boy Josh is a giant HOMO, and if he popped that ass any higher half the waitstaff in NYC could probably jump in his ass like it was a clown car. I fucking HATE what you stand for, I find it insulting and demeaning.

NOW. That said, take your delusional asses back to the drawing board and try and remember REAL straight guys DON’T let men near their junk while fully clothed let alone BUCK NAKED. They sure as FUCK don’t get their asses munched on OR their COCK SUCKED, and if you THINK your going to fuck one you will likely be leaving WITHOUT your COCK.. The mere SUGGESTION will fetch you a beat down in most cases. I lived half of my childhood and ALL of my early adulthood working hard to own who I am, FUCK you with this shit. Stuff your FANTASY up your ass. Fucking assholes.

rags says:

I say fuck society for making gay men think they want straight men more than gay men.

jviia says:

Amen sister.

gaycockluvr says:

Yeah, I totally wasn’t expecting to see his ass in the air like that…it was hot though. I wonder what he looks like today.

Brandon85 says:

Damn you really feel strongly about this. I like the fantasy of seducing a straight guy maybe I should be ashamed but oh well. The penis wants what the penis wants.

No_No_No_Yes says:

You know -I am not condemning you or your fantasy, but when the majority of gay porn sites are peddling this crap it just gets old. Especially when the very guys who act on these sites do nothing but slam the gay guys that for all intents and purposes PAY them. I’m over it, I know a lot of others are as well, maybe if enough people say what is on their minds people will listen.. it’s a stretch I know – but it could happen. I don’t need to day dream about guys who would not hang out with me. If that is really what melts your butter, then keep on keepin on.

roman gawd says:

This may have worked for baby boomer gays who were raised to be ashamed of their sexuality, but it just won’t fly millenials, some Gen Yers and Xers who grew up proud and want their porn fantasies to want them back. Even the worst pushers of this fuckery like Corbin Fisher and Sean Cody are starting to tone it down a bit by being vague about their models experiences instead of claiming they’re strictly into pussy.

No_No_No_Yes says:

You know – there are a lot of gays who have come up with supportive families and friends, but trust we are all far from out of the woods. Frankly I think it was easier when it was socially acceptable for people to talk smak about gay guys – at least then you knew who was throwing stones. Flashback or not – this whole concept of “turning” straight guys needs to die. NO real straight guy can be turned or even warmed up to the notion. I think the whole “Bi” thing raises more from the issue that a lot of gay guys mentally can’t wrap their heads around the gay stereotypes and some parts of the gay lifestyle. It’s safer to have your cake and eat it too. But I digress, yep – I am over it.

lb blue says:

I think the only real crime here is sharing a scene from 7 years ago.

Pluto says:

Sexuality is fluid, so in that essence it is very much possible to sleep with a straight man. The actual definition of a homosexual is one who looks for both sexual and romantic involvement in the same gender. Just because two guys have sex doesn’t mean either of them are gay, unless they want both of those qualifying factors. I say this as a 20 year old who has slept with over 20 married men with children, men with girlfriends, and etc. While indeed trying to have sex with a person who identifies as straight is considerable more dangerous it is possible. Furthermore NewYorkStraightMen, commercialize on that, although faint, possibility. And on a side-note, according to studies, more than 70% men who classify themselves as straight has participated in a sexual activity with another man. When i say sexual activity, I do not only mean anal sex.This is simply for entertainment, please try to keep your cool. And if you want to try it out, the eyes never lie. The iris expand when a individual sees something that they are attracted to and close when they are not. Although most don’t listen close enough the human voice also influxes higher, or lower depending on the person. Caio.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Well while I respect your right to your opinion I’d say your numbers are way WAY off and so is the definition of gay man. Under your definition of what it is to be gay – you just un-gayed half the population. I know a hell of a lot of gay men, and most of them have no interest in settling into a relationship… myself included and trust I am gay. As for your so called straight guy married men.. babe if they are tossing your salad I don’t care what the marriage certificate says. They are closeted and gay. I dated more than one in my time too although never by design. I have a half dozen gay friends who were once married with kids. Your ability to procreate means nothing other than yeah you can fuck. Sexuality may be fluid while you are trying to figure things out – I will grant you that. But you know what – I don’t need you to share a brain with me. I said what I had to say – I’m out.

Richard says:

This scene is from 2010, and Josh is as gay as the rainbow.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Thankyou. I rest my case @jhtravus, like I said, have at it.

gaycockluvr says:

September 2009 according to the description.

No_No_No_Yes says:

BTW – did he do any other scenes?

Casey Scott says:

He did a few scenes for Joe Gage & Ray Dragon’s D/G Mutual Media. As Richard said, gay as the rainbow. I think Colby Keller, who knows him personally, has confirmed this.

throwawayforget says:

Ginger Josh looks very familiar but I can’t quite place him. How do you all seem to know he’s gay?

NeAl1669 says:

Red head’s bod is amazing and he’s not even what I usually like. I wish I see more of him.

jag2power says:

I see why Dink from Active Duty, back-end-the-day, use to tell his boys to arch their back because it does make a difference.

HVdude says:

I just look at this and think “So what”. It’s crap.

Guy says:

I don’t give a flying fuck about labels. Josh is HOT AS FUCK and I want him.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Dammit. Yes Josh is hot, I have stared at his gorgeous ass some 60 times during this little skirmish and I think I’m in love. It’s the fucking back arch, I know it is.

JackNasty says:

I like your ginger giant, but this is some of the worst staging, photography and lighting ever.

Ivan Jimenez says:

Why didn’t Josh gets fingered or cum-swap?

No_No_No_Yes says:

I love you Ivan.. never change.

moondoggy says:

I wondered how the hell this limp-dicked update got 42 replies. Now I see it has turned into an episode of Crossfire.

No_No_No_Yes says:


torrce says:

not everybody is the same. Straight guys can like to please, like attention, think they know what another gay guy would like to see, or just for the heck of it at it act it out and behave stereotypically gay for just that couple of hours and be in the moment, and will perform and make it a performance if that’s their personality especially when paid, same goes for people of any other sexuality. I mean there are these people. It’s funny how gay people can judge so superficially when they are the ones should understand acceptance and the lack of judging. Just because a guy crosses his leg the traditional way, like how a girl would cross her legs now on a stool, doesn’t mean he is gay or not straight. Everything you see with your eyes on a short clip or even in real life is not the direct translation of the truth. If everything is based on that then the world would be in chaos and the people in jail and on deathrows will be in the millions.

No_No_No_Yes says:

If this really is your fantasy – have at it, – suck it. Be my guest.

atticus says:

Why is he so upset about a 6 year old scene? Didn’t this site die a long time ago?

GoGo says:

I think he’s mainly talking about the whole concept, which is out played in most of gay porn.

roman gawd says:

NYSM and Military Classified are some of the worst when it comes to this. Chaos Bryan isn’t much better with self-loathing crap. If a guy agrees to fuck another guy on camera, he’s at least bi. Making them talk about their preference for pussy or focus on off camera str8 porn is a turn-off. I hope these sites fail.

No_No_No_Yes says:

The world according to you. Sorry to perforate your sad little hypothesis with reality – but I have no self loathing, just a healthy dose of fuck you to anyone who stages your lame assed argument. Go find the straightest friend you have and ASK him if he would like to blow you for 1000.00 (way too much imho but fuck it if we are going down delusion avenue let’s go big. I guaranty if this guy is actually straight NO amount of money is going to get him to even touch your penis let alone blow you – so your money is safe. NOW if you want to impress me – get this guy to get naked and sit on a stiff one.. I will never speak of this again!

Marco Sartori says:

If I were interested in doing porn and a studio offered me lots of money to eat pussy, I’d do it. Does that make me bi? Hell no.

thank god I’m not the only one.

Dale Bergman says:

“If I paid you a thousand dollars to eat dog shit, you would do it.”

He would? Let’s not make ignorant assumptions. Some people do have self-respect…

“Not because you like dog shit. Because you like money.”

Equating gay sex to eating dog feces? Perhaps you’re projecting with your “self-loathing” comment…

No_No_No_Yes says:

It isn’t really a discussion is it? I made a statement and you’re doing your level best to flame me for it because YOU are the one harboring dreams that actual straight guys are online sucking dick and fucking ass for money. I don’t have to project my sexuality – they are the ones sucking dick and fucking ass. So since it is 2016, they are only gay if they say they like it? Priceless. You really are special aren’t you.

I guaranty you a truly “straight” man would sooner clean porta johns with their TONGUES than climb aboard someone’s DICK to make money. I suggest YOU are the one living in a dream world – sorry I seem to have busted your little bubble. Let me clear this up for you one more time, because you seem to be having comprehension trouble.

If he is SUCKING COCK, EATING ASS, SWALLOWING CUM AND FUCKING ASS for a living, I don’t care WHAT he says – YES. He is GAY. If he is picking someone’s dried CUM out of his hair on the way home from “work” he is GAY. If his DOUCHES are taking up more space in the bathroom than his *wink, wink* girlfriend’s or wife’s – GAY. GAY GAY GAY. IF his “wink, wink” girlfriend’s/wife’s friends are all asking him for TIPS on HOW TO SUCK GOOD COCK? Gay. IF his assless underwear and jock straps, leather gear and dildo’s all take up more room than hers? FUCKING GAY. Then there is that last pesky issue.. if there are DOZENS of film shorts with said boyfriend/husband getting slammed in the ass moaning DON’T STOP – yup you guessed it. GAY. I am sure I missed a few other “clues” for you, but you see the pattern. Hah! No wait – you don’t.

Acting gay? Dude, I can point you at a hundred child actors who could act CIRCLES around ANY gay porn “actor”. I have watched Vadim Black scramble to gobble cock – if you really believe THAT is an act? Well this conversation was way over before it got started.

Come on little man, put your money where your mouth is, pick a bonafide straight guy (although at this point I suspect your ability to identify one is truly non existent) and ask him to suck your dick for 1000.00!! Hell – I’ll make it even easier, ask him to let YOU suck his dick for 1000.00! Better still?! Ask him to let you HOLD his dick. You won’t do it – because you pretty much already KNOW how that will end, but for the sake of your already losing argument you are going to keep your little dream alive.

We don’t need to bring your childhood idols into this although Santa and the Easter bunny are DUE for a good fucking- hell they are about the only ones left out of Nica’s sophomoric scripts. As for your dogshit – I think we both know what you can do with that AND what you can wash it down with. I’d say it goes without saying you and I will never agree on the finer points of this little issue, but it appears spelling things out for you is a must – so there it is. NO grey areas left.

Dale Bergman says:

Do you think your eating “dog shit” comparison in this discussion about “gay-for-pay” sex was just a little off-putting?

Do you think your responses to No_No_No_Yes are just a little melodramatic?

Dale Bergman says:

I disagree with your opinion that this “argument” is “ridiculous”…

roman gawd says:

Look, I’ve been trying to ignore you because your dumb posts. But how am I the self-loathing one when I have zero interest in seeing gay-for-pay models and prefer that porn performers actually show into the sex? If the notion of sex with another guy is so disgusting, then don’t fucking do it. Do straight work instead of polluting gay porn with that “I’m-so-digusted-but-I’m-getting-paid” shit. I have never wanted to “convert” a straight guy and I certainly don’t want it my porn. Like I said, I think it’s mostly old gays who cling to it. Now THAT’s self-loathing.

No_No_No_Yes says:

LOL!! You just keep picturing me there Skippy. I’ve made my point, or rather I should say you made it for me. You have a really active imagination, and a determination to look straight past any point I make in favor of your little dream. You choose to believe that a straight guy will do anything for money – despite what you know to be true if you actually KNOW any straight guys.

You think a dick malfunction here or there proves they aren’t into it? I have seen a lot of gay porn stars struggle to keep wood too. Doing it for the paycheck? Save a few of the really over used models, most of these guys have to work a day job too.We are definitely at odds in our views here, you prefer to buy the product as it’s fed to you – I call bullshit, that’s how it is.

You seem to be the one fighting reality – and I will leave you to it.

No_No_No_Yes says:

DUDE! I’m so embarrassed! I just had breakfast with my soccer buds, and posed the question to them. Seems there was a re-write to the previous “bro-code”, where it used to read “Im not gay HE is sucking my dick”, got superseded by “Give me a dolla I’ll make you holla”, and under this addendum as long as money changes hands – you aren’t GAY! Hah! I feel so stupid now. In fact, while we were waiting for our food Dillon slipped a dollar in Jack’s shit and leaned over and gave him table head. Hot. So – this is all cleared up for me now! Thanks! If not for you I NEVER would have figured it out. You da man.

No_No_No_Yes says:

JESUS.. Vadim you little BITCH! Is that you!??? LMFAO

No_No_No_Yes says:

You really aren’t sorry for anything, you are a pretentious narrow minded little shit who thinks if he keeps chanting something no matter how ill represented it is – somehow it will make it so. I don’t need to understand why you think what you think. Upset me? Hah dude get over yourself, THAT would imply I somehow gave a shit about your opinion. Sorry – you don’t know me like that. Words are free, you just keep right on slinging your condescending crap.. and I will keep packing it up your ass. You talk about self loathing and self hating, that combined with your fear of labels I would say it is pretty glaringly obvious who is projecting here.

No_No_No_Yes says:

“lol, I love how you’re sticking with this “ask your straight friend to blow you for money” thing. It’s completely delusional.

Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is.

Ask your straight GIRL friend to blow you for money. That should go over well, right? And hey, it should be way, way easier to get her to do it than a straight guy because she’s int o guys, right?

No. Because not everyone is a fucking porn star. The amount of sticking your head in the sand required to say the things you say is truly baffling.”

Let’s see here. Actually most of my straight girlfriends became my girlfriends trying to do a lot more than blow me. They would jump on that shit right now for free – AND probably upload it to pornhub given the chance. *I* would be the sticking point in that little scenario – therein lies my argument.. pay attention.

LOL, the only thing between you and being a porn star is the 30 seconds it would take to get you off on a cell phone cam. No sand here – besides I already acquiesced to your argument just to shut you up – but you apparently missed that.

My money is where my mouth is at all times.. if you and I were having this disagreement in a pub, I’d be dragging your silly ass from table to table taking a live poll. Confident as to how THAT would shape up.

Lastly – I don’t lust after straight men.. I have many really good relationships with them, life long friends with mutual respect for each other. You won’t find any of them sucking cock or fucking ass.

Now, if you want to keep sputtering, feel free. Rant about it being 2016 all you want, so far as I know there is no scenario that changes a thing other than the fact the chair recognizes the fact you can read the calendar. When “Gay porn star” makes it’s way onto the Forbes top 100 most sought after jobs for up and coming men – Id say it a safe bet NOBODY with common sense is buying the I only do it for the money thing.

No_No_No_Yes says:

LOL!! ok. Awe look at you all sweet and shit worrying about me! I’m touched.. really I am. Don’t get your panties in a bunch, you clearly have an opinion – so do I.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Bro – all this arguing is getting me hard. I want to bend you over and rail you in the ass.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Wow – I seem to have struck a nerve here. Me thinks thou dost protest too much. I know it isn’t Vadim, the diction and spelling are too good. I haven’t attacked their sexuality, I simply called bullshit on their representation of said sexuality. There is a difference. Whether YOU choose to accept that is up to you. The vast majority of my initial post was aimed at porn sites who peddle the notion that all gay men secretly wish to turn straight men gay. Do I believe that real straight men do gay porn? Nope. No argument you make will change that opinion. I get a kick out of the idea you think you have flustered me somehow, actually I’m always open for a good debate. I agree – I could watch a guy get his dick sucked by a guy on camera and no matter how long he eats pussy it won’t change the fact he sucked a dick. No – hypocritical and ignorant is sucking dick, eating ass and fucking men all day and then getting on twitter and crying about how you hate fags and queens and how dare anyone question your sexuality. LOL Whatever. Dude.

No_No_No_Yes says:

LOL Now who is getting upset?! I bet your tact went over big in junior high. If anyone has rehashed the same thing over and over again it’s you. See the beauty in this whole free speech thing is people like you don’t get to tell me when to stop. You can call me ignorant, do your wicked best to bully me, I will continue to ignore your caterwauling. It’s bloody brilliant. Tired of my posts? Quit reading them. My sexuality is quite secure although I am seeing a lot of self doubt in yours – you can splash it on me all you want it wont stick. Labels seem to really be your hot button, what is it? Haven’t quite figured out which way your gate is swinging? LOL I’m sorry you feel weird now, I didn’t ask you to continue to write – you did that of your own volition. You say I stuck my nose into your other conversations? Yeah well when you start attacking other people over an issue that I apparently opened you can bet I will add my 2 cents. You have done nothing to support your case other than to call me names and repeatedly exclaim your disbelief.. yet you say *I* am making this weird. Mkay. Look – if what I said hit you particularly hard because maybe you haven’t made up your mind what your sexual preference is I get it. You don’t want anyone telling you that your craving for dick makes you gay.. ok then, you’re a unicorn go in peace. Can’t simply accept that I won’t try and shove my head up my ass far enough to see things your way? We can do this all week. Your choice.

Edit: I posted this last night and it didn’t register so I followed with the one above – then this one showed. Either way – you get the drift.

No_No_No_Yes says:

LOL! WEIRD?! Why do I get a feeling that the “weird” you feel is related directly to the complete shock your feeling that I won’t just cower in a corner somewhere? I bet your tact was super popular in Jr. High. See the whole beauty of freedom of speech is that YOU don’t get to determine when I am done.

So far I have endured your relentless regurgitation of the world according to you in every post, each one utterly unsupported by any facts in hand. I get the feeling you haven’t quite decided what team you want to hit for and my observations are putting you in a slot you don’t approve of, and you prefer to remain un-designated. Good luck with that.

Your calling me names and making disparaging remarks are all screaming insecurity, it is what bully’s do when they can’t just stomp things away. I’m guessing you are one of those personalities that people avoid disagreeing with because they don’t want to deal with the vitreous tirades that accompany such disagreements. That weird feeling? It’s called reality. Not everyone HAS to agree with you, in fact some of us will allow you to be wrong and we simply don’t care! You are irksome I will give you that.

I have made my point and supported it, your failure to accept that point and just move on tells me all I need to know. But don’t think for a nano second YOU will ever tell me when I am done.

No_No_No_Yes says:

You got me. Cut me to the quick by simply correcting my paper. I stand before you a broken man, however will I face my editor. I fall upon my sword in homage to thee. You are the GREATEST, the King, and I am no one. *sobs*

You busted me.. I have an entire rack of “For Dummies” books – how else would I ever understand people like you? But you out foxed me picking on my cereal misuse of the word “You’re” and Your. Crafty little bitch. Let’s not forget my other glaring malapropism, (Oh the horror. Guaranty!!)THAT is what daily overuse of “Word” will get you, hasteful failure to properly proof all scathing posts. I really am crushed, and currently crying in my Absolute.

Funny – you managed to correct my paper (thanks mom) and write me all about it yet ZERO actual content. LOL! Stellar. Had you actually read the entire posts you might have seen the part where one was written and posted last night – yet hadn’t materialized as of the writing of the second this morning. No fixation on junior high although your disposition tells me you aren’t too far out of it.

I agree it has been amusing. You are pretty quick for a pretentious narrow minded little shit. I think if we were to do this over drinks, I might actually like you. You have crust. Cheers my little unicorn.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Done deal ;)