Brenner Bolton, Colby Keller, Landon Mycles, Mike de Marko, Paddy O’Brian & Paul Canon star in’s latest XXX porn parody based on Marvel’s X-Men.
Brenner Bolton, Colby Keller, Landon Mycles, Mike de Marko, Paddy O’Brian & Paul Canon star in’s latest XXX porn parody based on Marvel’s X-Men.
Yeah, some of the costumes look cheap but the snippet looks promising… at least better than their Batman vs Superman parody. Mike De Marko does looks a little bit like the guy who played Iceman (Shawn Ashmore) and Brenner looks hot as Cyclops.
I don’t know why we are getting Pyro in this, we should have got Jessy Ares as Beast and Johnny Rapid as Nightcrawler. There could have been upside-down fucking on monkey bars, Rapid’s tail tip could have been a dildo. The scene could have been about beast discovering a way to make them look temporarily normal.
Diego Sans or Jack Hunter could have been gambit, Wesley Woods could have been Angel, maybe Will Braun could be professor X, and Colby Jansen could have been the Juggernaut. Alex Macum or Ricky Larkin as Apocalyspe? You can’t cast everybody, but imagine if you could? Imagine Colton Grey as toad!
Lol at Johnny Rapid as Nightcrawler fucking on bars.
I guess they had to find a way to put Paul Canon in it and Pyro is the only one who sort of fits with his look. Some of your suggestions are quite interesting, Jack Hunter as Gambit is something I want to see.
Please, what’s next? Wonder Woman with the fish from CF?
So when Black Panther comes out are they going to have a parody? Oh wait ooops…
Those fools at MEN dot dumb would probably cast Johnny Rapid as T’Challa….
Seeing sexy Paddy O’Brain getting gang banged again is the highlight for me. Anything with him is worth watching and him bottoming is always hot. I cannot wait to see his chest covered in cum again…
LOL I think I might be getting a little too excited for this! The casting looks much better than their BVS one (lol).
Sorry dude but you need to have some expectations for such when you go to a gay porn blog. That’s like complaining about too many chicks at a One Direction concert.
They should’ve stopped with the awful BvS shit. We get to see Paddy bottom again and gangbanged at that but they decide to do it with this shitty gimmick. The actual movie was awesome btw.
This guy just pops up every few weeks or so attacking others with the same shit. There are trolls in the net but this guy… i don’t even know why he keeps coming back periodically.
Oh hun no! I do the stuffing! You should try it though, might just help push your head out your ass.
Colby Keller looks so much the part that he could take over from Hugh Jackman. I always figured Magneto as a dom top, not a gangbang bottom. Abe from Sean Cody could’ve portrayed Colossus. Landon Mycles as Cyclops (he has that All-American look).
Wow, I’m even an X-Men purist in my porn critique.
are u kidding me lol
Interesting, and not in a good way…
Wow, a new troll! Oh, sorry – just another tired OLD troll . . . at least five months of trolling and counting now. TROLL BE GONE! LOL
I don’t know, you tell me, faggot. You wanna eat a dead body’s cum, faggot?
Do faggots stick hamsters in your butts ? That’s gross !
I prefer sticking cum filled condoms in my ass, do you stick hamsters up your ass?
No that’s a faggot thing ! So is the Cum thing , dirty dirty Faggot !
Paul Canon is flaming. He’s also playing Pyro.
Would have been hilarious if they got Damien Kyle to play Scarlet Witch. LMAO
And introducing Adam Bryant as Storm…”I’m not going on the bottom again…I am not!”
While I do hate this travesty (considering that they’re releasing it the same day as the actual movie), I can’t help but wonder who my Carter Dane and Marco Rubi would have played…
I know, I know. I was looking through his profile and he is the worst troll. Not “worst” as in “can easily get a rise out of you”; I mean “worst” as in he’s terrible at it that it’s laughable.
No no you , cause you like Hamsters up your butts , your gross for that !
And for the record, it’s “you’re” is the correct version. Not “your”. Your incorrect use of grammar offended me more than your so-called insult. In short…
The sex doesnt look hot. Typical faces and fucks.
Ha! Well as fucked up as it is I will take this over the incest scenes ANY day, especially if Paddy is givin up dat ass!!! Hot. When is it do you think that Men got the idea that all gay guys that watch porn are mentally challenged, morally bankrupt deviates? Why do I get the idea there is some little dweeb that NEVER got laid coming up with all this cockamamie garbage? If porn is so broke – HOW did they manage to sign THESE guys to commit this atrocity? Stay tuned.
and there are times when you CAN’T make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear!
Better casting this time. ..Paul Canon:
No fucking point in having Colossus in the parody if you’re not even going to have him getting fucked in his metallic form!
All I’m happy to see is Paddy getting gangbanged again!
Did not see this coming! Could someone just shut down MEN?
Shut down all these Stupid faggots , they need to just Shut up and not be fucking faggots !
Don’t laugh its true , you have sick Sex fetishes ! Please get help !
You’re right because I totally want to hate-fuck you so much. Smooches.