BROMO: Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore in ‘Raw Obsession, Part 3’

Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo

Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo
Raw Obsession (Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore) (Part 3) at Bromo

Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore in ‘Raw Obsession, Part 3’ at Bromo:

Wanting to experience Fabio Acconi’s hot body and huge cock for himself, Chris Blades decides to invite himself over to Fabio’s place. He’s then surprised when he sees Brandon Moore on all fours and blindfolded, waiting for a dick in his ass. Chris obliges and starts undressing to reveal his thick erect cock, and then dives deep inside Brandon’s eager hole. The rest is a fantasy come true.

Watch Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore at Bromo

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Watch Chris Blades Fucks Brandon Moore at Bromo

Ivan Jimenez says:

Truman should only bottom, not top!

1234 says:

Good for you. But why a normal insightful comment without a long list? Is everything OK?

No_No_No_Yes says:


1234 says:

I was worried, something just aint right

L. T. says:

Hey, now this is one of the few times his ass isn’t hollering about a woman using a strap-on to fuck a dude or cum-swapping. Let’s just savor this moment (I haven’t checked any other updates yet) of sanity.

cammaxx says:

This whole idea of Truman being a “top” is not working. He looks best on his back with his legs spread and/or moaning while he’s riding a hard cock. At least Corbin Fisher knew how to use him … as the bottom he is!

Dale Bergman says:

Chris Blades is so handsome and he has a great body. I also think he’s a good top (I don’t care what anyone says). His sexy, sweaty body looked fucking HOT while he was pounding Brandon Moore’s nice ass…

moondoggy says:

Agreed. I see no reason in theory why Chris/Truman can’t top, although I will say that his scene with Brenner had its awkward moments. I think that was more about an incompetent director and a very weak premise — Brenner as the cumdump bottom, but rather than filming an actual gangbang, they hired a guy to pretend to have breeded Brenner at the beginning of the scene, and coated his ass with fake cum. When will these sites realize that if fake was hot, we could just pop open a cup of yogurt and pretend we were eating cum?

Dale Bergman says:

I thought Chris’s performance was good in that scene. I don’t know why so many people are upset over two scenes of him as a top on Bromo. I’ve seen him bottom enough on Corbin Fisher (I’m sure he’ll bottom again soon). He looks great in this scene.

moondoggy says:

Truman gets crucified for trying to be versatile. Brandon gets crucified for trying not to be.

jag2power says:

You can’t please us Bitches.

Rico says:

How true. Look…the majority of us are versatile and we don’t want to be locked into a single role. Porn just reflects that same diversity. Celebrate it. Truman/Chris will be on his back again taking raw dick. But until then, his versatility wins him bonus points with me…and prolly more porn gigs for him.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Brandon got crucified for making a half assed attempt (pun intended.

moondoggy says:

That I could understand, but the complaints came before that. People were complaining long before that bottoming scene (which, yes, was INCREDIBLY poor and insincere).

No_No_No_Yes says:

That I blame on SC. Aside from Dennis West Brandon’s face and body have been the most over saturated commodity in the history of gay porn. It was a natch that people were going to tire of him, how could they not? You couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting him somewhere.

trex says:

Just silly to use Truman as a top after all the bareback bottoming he did, quite well, at Corbin Fisher. And who is it at this studio who think the masks and bandanas covering the handsome faces of their models is somehow a good thing????? They really need to fire that person and stop doing this.

Bob Bilbert says:

One is hot- the other is not Truman.

1234 says:

I do like Brandon as a bottom, but Truman definitely looks hot

elmtree says:


Sushi says:

Truman as a big, macho top? 😂😂😂
I don’t want it! Zero stiffness for this.

gaycockluvr says:

Brandon and Brenner deserved better tbh, Not sure why two power bottoms are bottoming for another power bottom. I love seeing Brandon’s ass in the air though.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Bottoms playin games again I see. Chris needs to be double fucked stat.

NeAl1669 says:

So does Brandon, in fact Brandon should get all the dick possible, line em up around the block lol.

Scrapple says:

They must be doling out the good happy pills at Bromo, since Chris actually looks somewhat present here. The one good thing about him taking his turn on top is you get to see all that body in action.

I hate when Brandon has that slicked back hair. It never looks good.

Ozjohn says:

I’m here for Brandon. He’s a sensational bottom.

Aussie Rob says:

Truman / Chris is awesome. The other one is foul.

No_No_No_Yes says:

I think it’s a hot scene, I do prefer Chris on the bottom, and the least they should have done is a flip flop as Brandon is def hung well enough to play. I also think once a guy has bottomed it seems that is the only way people like to see them lol, which is probably why people like Paddy O’Brien and Sean Cody Brandon have been so hesitant to take the plunge. Us gay guys do love our hot bottoms!!

Scrapple says:

Paddy has been fucked a good deal.

paultacoma51 says:

Well, we all know the drill. Since Truman was a bottom at CF, we’ll only see him top at other studios, like so many others have done. I say play to your strengths and what people expect to see. If you’ve been a power bottom, nobody is interested in seeing you become a power top.

kevin says:

The absence of the anchor tattoo on Truman’s chest leads me to suspect these scenes may have been filmed prior to his last group for CF