Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun in ‘Hairy Tales: Worship Me’ Part 2 at

Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole

Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole
Hairy Tales (Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun) (Part 2) at Drill My Hole

Watch Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun at

In ‘Worship Me’, narcissistic Arad Winwin is given a special outfit from Wesley Woods and his assistant Will Braun—a special invisible fabric that highlights all of his body’s best attributes. The look is so good on Arad, that Wesley can’t help but take that hard dick in his mouth. The party gets started once Will joins in on the cock sucking, leading to the young assistant’s penetration. Will’s not the only one who gets an ass-full of Arad’s rod, with Wesley taking it until the three cum in ecstasy.

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill

Watch Arad Winwin, Wesley Woods & Will Braun at

goosegui says:

Wait one god damn min, another hairy men scene with no hairy men. What the fuck is wrong with you, There is so many hot “hairy” men to pick from. This is a fucking joke, and it fucking pisses me the fuck off. Hairy men are hot, if you’re going to embrace it… Fucking embrace it.

sanfv says:

That’s just one grievance among many. I think MG uses the darts on the wall or manatees to pick the models and scenarios.

goosegui says:

My god… I have a bitch that really wants to start with me for no reason. I am trying to let it go. This troll really doesn’t want to start with me

sanfv says:

Who is this slut? And why is she coming for you????

goosegui says:

I have no idea… I really don’t. When I read I read out loud. I don’t know her… at all

No_No_No_Yes says:

Jesus I go to bed early ONE night and miss all the good shit. Who had all the deleted posts?

goosegui says:

this Adrian Duarte Aguilar Bitch came at me for no reason. Don’t even know who the fuck she is, But it’s all good now. It was cool that others had my back also.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Damn. I was in the mood to cut a bitch last night too..

goosegui says:

but bitch better stop, I will make her cry.

goosegui says:

She still wants to start something… I don’t get it?

sanfv says:

Read her for filth! Read her, drag her, gag her and not in the sexy, kinky Rhianna way! Slay Hennie!

goosegui says:

trust a bitch… but no harm will come if she just goes away. I am trying to be nice. But I will fuck a bitch up if need be

Scrapple says:

Let me pop out these earrings, snag my sneaks and get some Vaseline.

slipperyslope says:

I’m going to print this comment, fly to Bumfuck, Kan-tuck-ee (I just watched “Last of the Mohicans”) and make that Christian Cunt marry us.

That’s how much I believe in it.

goosegui says:

I say… I do baby

goosegui says:

trying to find a way to email you

Young Neil says:

We know Wesley gets hairier, and who knows what Arad looks like when he doesn’t manscape, but just too bad the theme isn’t “Hairy-potential Tales”. Personally, I like these 3 models so I’m not complaining too much, but I still agree with you 110%.

Hopefully we eventually get a video in this series where not only are the models hairy, but he also didn’t shave everything off a week before!

Atticus says:

I’m assuming that “Hairy Tales” is actually a play on the term “Fairy Tales.”

L. T. says:

You’re welcome. Miss that hairy little hotter. He was hairy, had nice lips, nice butt, tasty nipples and a nice dick. And, did I mention that he’s adorable as a puppy, bunny and kitten stuck in an Ugg boot?

1234 says:

I get to see Arad W not bottom again

sanfv says:

Keep it, keep it all!

No_No_No_Yes says:

WHAT the fuck. Wesley you are about 5 years past your prime bitch, time to take a powder.. or hit the gym like your life depends on it. Poor Will, how many more of these eye sores are you going to endure.

DeeGee says:

Wesley is like the non-latino fratboy version of Diego Sans. These guys are three chemical compounds that just don’t seem to mix…

sanfv says:

Also, these guys appear to have taken to the razor more than they usually do. Men told them the premise? Didn’t they, didn’t they?

NM, if they dont even cross reference talent testing results why would they even tell them the theme of the series. Sigh.

DeeGee says:

I guess the hairy faces and Will’s hairy legs? Wes’ light dusting of fur? Honestly, what is the point of this blog if producers aren’t even going to remotely consider it as free market research…

sanfv says:

I’m demanding a refund of the months cost at men. I know I’ve never paid them a cent but I demand some form of restitution. I mean, if they can t credit commenters for the ideas they’ve stolen, they can at least give me 24.99.

Young Neil says:

Will got so close to that booty. You know he wanted in. Here is hoping we eventually get a win-win for every fan

Scrapple says:

Hmmm. Maybe this move will be good for Arad. He might be forced to display a personality at Men. He’s hot, but that lifeless sex droid thing he was serving at Next Door was not.

L. T. says:

Doubt he will show any personality here. They’re going to make that bitch pull a Topher Dimaggio/Jimmy Johnson and when he bottoms it will be a travesty. He needs to learn that he ain’t that hot to be mechanical. If I wanted to fuck a mechanical dude then I would fuck a Terminator. Just saying.

Scrapple says:

Men is all about scenarios, so I can see them giving him lots of dialogue. That’ll go a long way in establishing a personality.

sam my says:

As much as I adore Will, and the thickness of Arad, this is going to be a no from me.

Idk if its who Will has been paired with lately, or whatever, but he seems to have gotten stiffer as a bottom.

DeeGee says:

FYI to others: I deleted the post because it was a duplicate – WB for some reason held up the post for moderation (the word bl0g?). Sanfv: what story ideas have you seen that were inspired here? FWIW, I’m not a Bromo hater, I think their stuff is at least edgy, compared to Men, and the men are hot and don’t bland in (bland out?). I will be submitting ideas to that contest in the hopes of inspiring them (and because WB is a co-sponsor).

sanfv says:

Let me dig through my comments ( holy moly I have almost 3000! I’ll take shots if I can find them, I’m been taking shots of all the joke ideas from the last two weeks to get a time stamp on that, but from memory there is the Pokemon go with fuckachu and one of the step brother scenarios was too close to the joke one posted, I know it’s a series but each set is kinda supposed to stand on its own)

Best of luck in the contest, give us something entertaining! We’re counting on you!

Drew Barrymore says:

Wesley Woods is getting hotter and hotter

Guy says:

Hairless Tales. There I fixed the title for you.

Ivan Jimenez says:

Arad should had bottomed!

It’s past time!

PierredeSiorac says:

There seems to be a struggle to get on bottom here, but the erstwhile boy top, Will Braun, wins out. They needed a top for this scene. Arad looks great.

DaveAtom says:

Do they know what hairy means???
Btw, Will is adorable <3

slipperyslope says:

I had to unfollow Will today after I saw this nonsense. I just don’t know how people so cute can be so frustrating.

slipperyslope says:

My. Thoughts. Exactly.

L. T. says:

Wow. Well his cuteness is now ruined for me.

sanfv says:

I’m really considering that they are indeed looking at comments for Ideas. I’ve counted 3 ideas that were seen here or on another place that turned into real series. There’s even a contest for membership and Tshirt as payment when in reality the creation of original content like that will cost you 300-600$ on how creative it is. Them giving a membership and free Tshirt only costs them postage.