Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans in ‘Speed Dating’ at Men.com

Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole

Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole
Speed Dating (Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans) at Drill My Hole

Watch Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans at Men.com

Diego Sans is finding it easier than ever to “shop” for men with the swipe of a finger. Brandon Evans and Ashton McKay aren’t too keen on Diego’s version of speed dating at first—but they sure are happy once he invites them upstairs for some cock sucking and fucking. The boys prep each other’s poles and holes before taking turns pillaging Brandon’s ass.

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Watch Diego Sans & Ashton McKay Tag-Team Brandon Evans at Men.com

No_No_No_Yes says:

A Brandon sandwich.. I can’t even hate on this shit.

Cubankid says:

Yes to all three.

sam my says:

Yes to the actors, no to the actual sex. As much dick as brandon has been taking, you would think he’d be better at taking it by now.

Dale Bergman says:

Brandon is one of the cutest gay porn performers. I love him.

elmtree says:


joeguy45 says:

Here Here…

1234 says:

I mostly like the fact that he’s such a good bottom & hairy in all the right places

TomCNR says:

Ugh his eyesss. Nyle too haha

sanfv says:

Ugh… There’s kinda no shade to be thrown at the models so I’ll excuse myself and direct it at Marc Macnamara.

Let Diego go back to school to get his cute little nursing assistant degree!

Scrapple says:

Brandon is back to his hairy natural state and getting some good dick. I can’t hate. If Brandon gets paired up with Paddy I may have to fallback for the rest of the year.

Dale Bergman says:

A Paddy and Brandon scene would be great. I also want to see Brandon with Philip Zyos.

Scrapple says:

So long as that pairing with Philip happens at Men and not LE, I’m good.

Scrapple says:

Ok. I wasn’t sure if he was just working with both studios.

Dale Bergman says:

He could still be working with both studios (I don’t know). The pairing would happen at MEN (since Brandon doesn’t work with LE).

DeeGee says:

It’s a matter of time, IMO.

Trepakprince says:

Ugh. I’m going to need someone to pin Ashton down… https://media.giphy.com/media/N7MORCFkbF3IA/giphy.gif

marcuz86 says:

Ashton is not a good top, he should try to bottom again.

Ivan Jimenez says:

I only wanted Paddy to have gotten double fucked!

joeguy45 says:

I cannot get enough of Brandon and the other guys here are hot to… but the sex is a letdown …
Whats the point of Brandon sitting on Diego’s face if you are not gonna film it properly instead focusing on Ashton’s semi hard cock getting sucked….some bad editing going on here…But More Brandon please

No_No_No_Yes says:

At least they are using a different photographer, the stupid faces are gone but they really need to move past this “Okay everybody look here” shit for these stills. This guy was clearly obsessed with Legos as a kid lol these positions! Ashton should have been sitting on Brandon’s dick for the sake of the scene.

jag2power says:

Diego needs a return favor, he rims in every video. D is gorgeous!

TomCNR says:

Brandon bottoming? Why yes I’ll take as many as you got

paultacoma51 says:

Can’t find anything wrong with this one. All are hot, esp Brandon. Pretty face, eyes, smile, body.