CorbinFisher: Quinn & Trey’s Bareback Flip-Fuck

Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher

Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher

Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher
Quinn & Trey's Bareback Flip-Fuck at CorbinFisher

Quinn (a.k.a. Quin Quire) & Trey at CorbinFisher, Scene Summary:

Putting Quinn (a.k.a. Quin Quire) and Trey together almost felt like putting together mirror images in a way. They’re so much alike in personality and, of course, their craving to get fucked. In thinking about who would be the better one to top, I came up with the perfect solution – a flip fuck!

What I didn’t know is they would get so turned on that they would start fucking before we even had cameras in the room! I know both of these guys are always enthusiastic about sex in general, but this was ridiculous. We came in on them mid-fuck, but it was so hot, we just kept going.

I wondered how things would go between the two of them, but being with another power bottom seemed to bring out the power top in Trey! Trey gets a little rough with Quinn as he pounds his ass into the bed. Quinn loves, it, the smile never leaving his face.

Quinn rides Trey, sucks on his fingers and generally enjoys every second and every inch of Trey’s body (and his dick). Then he wants his turn.

Quinn teases Trey’s ass with the head of his cock and with his fingers and tongue. Finally, he shoves his dick into Trey’s hole. Fucking Trey brings out the dominant side of Quinn and he thrusts hard into Trey’s hot ass.

Watch Quinn & Trey at CorbinFisher

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Watch Quinn & Trey at CorbinFisher

Wolfypott says:

I really wish Trey had gone for the choking action, it looked like he wanted to for a minute

1234 says:

Didn’t Quinn say that Trey was his most favoritest person at Corbin Fisher & that Trey is a pleasure to travel with??

Jay M says:

If he did, I could see that. I used to love Trey’s interviews on Pete’s Attic. He seemed like a lot of fun and I remember him admitting in one interview how into anal he was now because of his scenes at Corbin Fisher.

TomCNR says:

Guess so. Trey looked like he is a fun guy on trips based on behind the scenes when they go to trips

BreadCrumbs says:

That was sarcasm from Quinn, isn’t it?

1234 says:

I would never commit such a despicable act!

Scrapple says:

Lol. You are so wrong for that.

1234 says:

Dear Scrapple, I’m a man of great integrity & would NEVER lie. We know how universally loved verbose Trey is

Scrapple says:

Sober Trey or Inebriated Trey?

1234 says:

Is there a difference?

Scrapple says:

Less reefer stank.

No_No_No_Yes says:

I am going to need you two queens to lay off my little stoner, he was a fucking glory to behold. Sometimes it is that little seed of discourse that makes the fucking a little more interesting. I know he and Harper had issues too – and if you look at their scenes I think the tension worked.

Scrapple says:

Hey, who doesn’t loved a drugged out hole?

No_No_No_Yes says:

LOL Exactly. Take them out of the equation and the room will be empty.

No_No_No_Yes says:

I loved his nasty side. I wonder where he is and what he is doing now? I miss all the really cock crazy fuckers that used to make this site so hot. :(

Scrapple says:

Probably still modeling.

DeeGee says:

There was an element of hate-fuck in this scene that I recall made it kind of hot (yeah, I’m a perv). At the time I thought it was perhaps an iota of homophobia from Trey, and so I was ambivalent about the whole thing, but now I think they were just too alike, gay and straight versions of the same power-bottom/bitchy top, and Trey was trying to assert his Alpha-dom (that’s a slightly more charitable explanation, and one that is equally sexy). Which makes the write-up all the more ridiculous. The only way Trey was going to fuck was on the director’s orders. I also remember Trey doing this really douche-y stunt at a shopping mall where he “tripped” and fell into reflecting pool, then recovered and stripped off his shirt.

BreadCrumbs says:

I remember in that following Pete’s Attick Trey tenderly called him “gay boy” (sounds cute, tbh).

Annnnd speaking of posers, not so long time ago I’ve read somewhere (kinda) that ‘Trey’ told how he actually regrets doing gay porn (or porn in general?).

Jay M says:

Whatever happened to Trey? The usual Corbin Fisher curse of great performer, shitty studio?

TomCNR says:

Hmm with Corbin Fisher it’s more likely they have moved on to build a business or have a family. Haven’t seen any dean’s list model of theirs part ways with Corbin Fisher on a bad note. Apart from Connor

DeeGee says:

What happened with Connor, and why did he leave on a bad note? I missed all of this.

Sask says:

Someone wrote on another thread that he is now a high-class hooker, the type you only get through word-of-mouth.

DeeGee says:

Interesting. Still, was he unhappy with life at Corbin Fisher and leave in a huff over something, I wonder? He seemed to be running the place for a while.

Sask says:

Who knows. Possibly @sanfv will spill some tea. Possibly the hooking contact convinced him of the money to be made, which probably can be substantial. I doubt that he would have been paid much for being behind the camera. And no doubt there was some kind of kafuffle resulting from dissatisfaction with something.

No_No_No_Yes says:

I think he went off to do some “main stream” modeling.. not all that sure that panned out either :/ I would love to see him back though!

iloveaustin says:

I hope we have a new Harper update this week.

Torrie says:

I really doubt it :( Harper seems to be on a break from filming.

sam my says:

This is when I first fell in love with Quinn. Memories *Barbra Streisand voice*

TomCNR says:

Aww I thought Trey came back. Miss him and the noises he make

CA says:

He really did have a sexy voice and loved his verbal play with other models while having sex.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Trey was such a gorgeous guy.. SO damn hot in the sack! I miss him :(

Dale Bergman says:

Quinn has transformed into a buff stud now. He keeps getting sexier (his booty looks delicious).

I miss handsome trey. He was a good performer.

1234 says:

I just like seeing Quinn being versatile. And yes, he looks better now

Dale Bergman says:

I agree. I think Quinn’s scene with Hugh is the best Corbin Fisher scene from last year (one of the best scenes from any studio last year). I have never seen him so horned up during a scene (he came two times in a row). A Quinn, Hugh, Calan scene would be a scorcher.

1234 says:

But didn’t Calan run away from Pedobear? :(

Dale Bergman says:

I have no idea what you’re referring to.

1234 says:

My fault. I forgot to include graphic photos- they’re forthcoming hahahahahaha

Louisbb says:

would that be PedoBair?

Louisbb says:

what about gay weston with that awesome voice?

Dale Bergman says:

I love Weston. His scene with Hugh was one of my favorites from last year. Corbin Fisher needs to get him back.

swan says:

Dont think so

Louisbb says:

some guys are like good wine

Trepakprince says:

Yes indeed, that ass is perfection. Speaking of classics, I just ran into this scene. I don’t believe I’ll be taking a lunch today.

Sask says:

Some/most of the group scenes were über hot. Probably too expensive to make new ones. Pity.

Trepakprince says:

Not if they put the four horsemen in a scene together. Basement prices! Hell, they’d be subterranean…

Sask says:

Erase that thought!!!!! Don’t give them any ideas. Last time we talked about a good scene idea, but they’d probably bring out a Horseman scene, that’s exactly what they did.

Trepakprince says:

So you’re saying they shouldn’t have a flip fuck, where Kenny knuckle drags his way through all the community dick? Dane can chant, I think I can top, I think I can top. And Henry & Taft works be just vibing on each other’s hoeism. You’re cruel sir, ice cold.

Sask says:

Ice Qween, c’est moi.

To continue: Taft will be scavenging around the Corbin Fisher House for nuts to store in the mouthcheeks. That’s how he will accidentally enter the room and join the scene.

Trepakprince says:

Him and Jacob, I tell you how much wood could the woodchuck chuck if the woodchuck could chuck wood. I’m getting hard just thinking of this black hole of ugly coming to fruition. That scene would be darker than an ISIS video.

Sask says:

If it happens, I would chuck, I would!

DF says:

Kenny’s presence aside, I’ve always wanted more scenes like the Memorial Day 6-way. I can think of some pretty excellent combinations of Quinn / Harper / Kellan / Hugh / Calan / Sebastian / Jayden / Grant.

Sask says:

That was a pretty good scene as I recall. And your suggestion of cast for the next one, I agree totally!

Kenny was OK at the beginning. But he needs to retire. He had his day. Let the newbies: Hugh/Calan/Seb/Jayden have some fun with Quinn/Harper (Rumors here suggest Grant is now retired, but he would make a great bottom for a DP in the scene IMO).

moondoggy says:

Trey, Marc, Connor, Aiden, Dawson, and above all Harper. There has never been an era that people didn’t find some reason to complain, but for a while there, Corbin Fisher was breeding superstars. Literally.

What was the name of that fucking insanely gorgeous guy who passed away? Oh the places I wanted to see him go!

Sask says:

Sean III? He was the hottest of them all IMO. His DP scene was one of CF’s best ever.

moondoggy says:

Totally. He was part of that condom-ring era. it was ridiculous back then but now I find it hot now that my cum hunger has five years of soaking. His scene with Dawson started bareback. Dawson put a condom on him after they started fucking, and apart from maybe one setup, the condom is impossible to find again. Something about that makes it hotter now (even though I’m glad they stopped that), like they were openly refusing to fuck wrapped even when directed to put it on.

Sask says:

Sean III exuded sexy like most models wish they could. Will recheck that Sean/Dawson scene. It’s on an archive HD. I had read about the vanishing condom somewhere, maybe here. I didn’t watch Sean’s scenes for awhile, because of the unfortunate end. Maybe now it is time to celebrate his life. If only he could have understood his hotness.

I mostly watched the bb scenes. Condoms are so in the way. Makes them look overdressed. The bi scenes where the guys fucked the fish condom-free and then put on condoms to fuck each other were just stupid. However, by 2009, the bi scenes were condom-free while the guy-guy scenes still had condoms to about 2012. Some of the first bb scenes were only available to CFS at extra $, because they were naughty, I presume.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Sean was a stunningly handsome guy, and you just got the vibe he was equally stunning on the inside which just drew you into any scene he was in. It took me a while to go back to his scenes as well, it just made me sad knowing there was this finality. I like to think that when he comes back (and I believe we do), that he is going to find the happiness that eluded him this next time around.

CA says:

Was he unhappy? I got the impression his death was drug related and not suicide.

Dale Bergman says:

That is one of my favorite scenes. Sean was so handsome and sexy.

Sask says:

I have watched that scene many times. (Like I expect to watch Brysen/Nixon and Calan/Quinn over the next while…..)

Dale Bergman says:

Sean was stunning. I miss him.

No_No_No_Yes says:

LOL I almost hit the wrong ARROW. My eyes were caught by the perfection of Quinn’s ass. He has manned up quite beautifully, his body is perfection, and his face was always perfection. What Quinn really brings to the table is LUST. A commodity that is in far too short a supply in gay porn. These clowns need to make him a “Professor of Sexology”, whole new level of scenes where he teaches these guys the art of gay sex done right. No rushing, shows them how to nail the happy spot, shows them what it is to be a porn star.

Louisbb says:

And the boy is GAY!!!

BreadCrumbs says:

Quinn could be a major legendary porn star and swim in millions of dollars now, but in another studio.

Louisbb says:

Trey is one of the gay porn beauties. He seemed to be back or what?

L. T. says:

I want to say that Trey is modeling. I’ve seen him on a few fitness wear ads.

BreadCrumbs says:

I wish they had more than one scene together

Sushi says:

Blech. Hated Mole-berry Trey.

DaveAtom says:

Oh Trey… I miss him so much.
They look great together.

dakota112 says:

Where in the hell is Noel? Did he transfer to another studio? I miss him so badly

Trepakprince says:

These two were a match made in heaven. They should do a scene now with their beefier bodies.

bloodhound says:

Trey was such an awesome performer.His bottoming scenes were great.Quinn just gets finer with the years

Louisbb says:

who’s the beauty?

Louisbb says:

Gees, going from one update to another on this site, I feel like I am gaybarhopping to find interesting guys and I think I just found the right update for that.

Guy says:

OH, the good ole days of CF!

MmmDickinAsses says:

Is it Wednesday yet?

No_No_No_Yes says:

You know, after I made the comment about Quinn being given professor status here, it occurred to me that is really not far off the mark for gay porn in general. I had to literally laugh out loud for a second, because it made me think about me when I first started hooking up with guys. I was SO damn dumb. The first three or 4 guys must have thought I was just plain fucked up LOL!

I just got right up in there, gave them a little head then tossed their legs up, wrapped it, lubed it and STUFFED it in. No real foreplay, and no teasing their holes or fingering.. the look of absolute shock on their faces, the pained yelps LMMFAO! OMG! HAHAH! It’s a miracle they didn’t beat my ass. I mean – it couldn’t have been too awful, none of them complained – but holy shit LMFAO, those looks!! The poor guys must have thought I was an AwfUL prick!! LOL, and I will NEVER tell the stories of my first few runs at bottoming. That shit was tragic.Then I discovered gay porn online, right about senior year in high school. It was sites like BelAmi, Corbin Fisher and Sean Cody that really gave birth to the lover I would become.

I wasn’t “out” yet, I had nobody in life to really talk to about this and to be honest I was way too cool to ask even if I had. I didn’t have Gay friends until College. I gotta be honest – I was utterly freaked out at the thought people “ate ass” at first, and who the fuck knew how complicated the rules of proper fingering were!! LOL! Good times. So in a BIG way, guys like Bel Ami’s Sebastian Bonnet, and Danny Sarandon – CF’s Dawson and Conner, SC’s Toby and Jake – ALL became unwitting accomplices in the learning curve that made me what people called “A VERY busy boy.”

I copied their look – worked out like a dog for that, I copied their tactics.. something that paid huge dividends lol, right down to letting my freak flag fly – shit talking while fucking. THAT is a big responsibility. The job they are doing for the young guys coming up now? I feel badly for the future lovers out there. Unless these kids go back into the archived stuff? They are missing a lot of intel.

So making Quinn a professor? That may sound hokey – but for a lot of painfully awkward gay guys it would be the answer to a prayer. Trust.

RC5000 says:

Get over yourself.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Suck a dick. Glad we had this conversation.

L. T. says:

Well, I for one am glad that you’re comfortable in your skin in spite of this one hater and his minion who gave him a thumbs up.

No_No_No_Yes says:

I was making a point that obviously escaped him lol.

Louisbb says:

thanks dear
wada u know…I will go to bed a little less stupid tonight

Jebus Waffleburger says:

Yeah, silly you thinking that when a porn site releases a scene it’s implied that it’s new material.

DeeGee says:

Basically they were CFS for-purchase scenes not included in the subscription. They’ve stopped making purchase-only scenes (which used to be the only ones that were bareback), but are releasing them little by little into the subscription kitty as “bonus” content. That way they can say that they release new content 4-5 times a week.

Louisbb says:

thanks for bettering my education :P

Sask says:

Some of us are still pissed from paying $$$$ for scenes from CFS that magically are now included in the Corbin Fisher subscription. They still have quite a lot to go.

Louisbb says:

Praise the Lord for good genes

Jebus Waffleburger says:

I read somewhere Liam was originally going to be cast as Thor, but then Joss Whedon convinced the studio to go with Chris instead. I spent a lot of time pondering which one I’d have preferred for the role, and ultimately decided that Thor spends way too much time wearing clothes.

No_No_No_Yes says:

It is just a constant reminder of how far they have fallen. Honey if my site were stinkin up the fuckin internet the way this basic assed site has for the past year, you better believe I would have fired everyone’s asses and hired me some new head hunting talent by now, as well as some camera men who knew how to shoot PORN. These fucking idiots with their distance shots and “long facial” scenes are just too fucking dumb for words. I don’t NEED to see 30 seconds of a models face while he is pumpin an ass – I need the action bitches! Like I fucking care about your stupid art shots!

JESUS what I would do with a horse whip.

No_No_No_Yes says:

I’ve come to believe they are making more off the tube sites than they are of subscriptions. How else can you explain the magnitude of their scenes popping up at all points everywhere. You have to figure if all these sites “allow” so many “leaked” scenes to get put out there, say 200 people hit that scene on a tube site in 1 hour, of that 200 people 5 people get all hot and bothered and have to see the rest.. added over the magnitude of what is out there it is the best free advertising they have going for them. It isn’t like they can advertise between Super Bowl intermissions. NO damn way all those scenes are out there without them shutting it down, unless it’s become rather lucrative.

DeeGee says:

Oh I agree. They would argue that you got first looks, and that now they are providing members with additional bonus content. But the fact of the matter is, this shit is not new. Its only saving grace is that much of this material is better than anything currently coming out.

L. T. says:

Really? As much as those three were nice and all, I had a thing for the brunettes such as Dave, Derek and Travis. Not sure what Jared would be considered. And I loved my favorite Corbin Fisher ginger in Matt and am so glad that he’s doing okay in life.