Boys Halfway House, Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team

Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House

Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House
Incident #127: Ankle-Grabber Tag-Team at Boys Halfway House

Incident #127 at BoysHalfwayHouse:

This ass-wipe gets on everyone’s nerves. There aren’t enough adjectives in the dictionary to describe it. The senior House Managers got so sick of him that they decided to try out some junior staff on him. They went to do a check on him after curfew, and sure enough he was gone. He got in shortly after their arrival, however, and began receiving his just punishment. After being slapped around and forced to suck both of their cocks, he get bent over the bed. As one of the junior managers runs his raw cock against his hole, the other has his dick stuffed down his throat.

When the fucking gets going, to everyone’s surprise this guy can take a dick pretty well! In fact, no one at the House doubts that this guy is a total ankle-grabber. While he didn’t enjoy being slapped around and yelled at, it sure did seem like he wasn’t minding the dick. He gets fucked by both, who were taking turns on what felt like a great hole. Then they decided to dump a load on each end. He gets creampied and then sucks that manager’s dick clean. The other nuts right into his mouth. They then encourage him to cum, sensing that he was really getting off on the whole ordeal. When he jerks himself off, it doesn’t take him long at all to cum – and he cums buckets! Even though they both got off to his ass and mouth, the general consensus in the office is that this dipshit needs to go. He’ll probably be around until his term is over, though, since his insurance is premium. Nothing like a little more cash to grease those wheels!

Watch Incident #127 at BoysHalfwayHouse

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Watch Incident #127 at BoysHalfwayHouse

freater says:

Guy not hot. Not into it.

ferweo says:

The guys they cast are so hot though.