Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass in ‘Bottom Boy Bitches’ Scene 3 at Lucas Entertainment

Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment

Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment
Bottom Boy Bitches (Dylan James Seeds Ricky Verez’s Throat & Ass) (Scene 3) at Lucas Entertainment

Watch Dylan James and Ricky Verez at LucasEntertainment

All Dylan James wants to do is relax a bit and watch some TV. He’s not interested in entertaining the whims of Ricky Verez. But Ricky is always bored and in need of getting his ass fucked, so he makes it his personal mission to provoke Dylan into teaching him a lesson. Ricky achieves this goal by splashing water on Dylan. So be it: if Ricky Verez wants Dylan James to rough him up and bareback his hole with all nine inches of his cock, that’s exactly what he’s going to get!

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
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Watch Dylan James and Ricky Verez at LucasEntertainment

Quinton Jackson says:

I want Dylan to seed my throat and ass next.

PS: He needs to bottom more, I wanna see him spread those cheeks.

moondoggy says:

I hate hate hate tattoos. But you know what? I’m not mad at this. It’s a combination of having liked almost every scene that got posted today, plus all the good will that Lucas Entertainment has built up in me. (I know some people will read that and go “WTF?” and try to convince me that Michael Lucas is Glory (Buffy fans will get that joke), but this is my favorite studio. If they want me to like this ink-soaked daddy, then like him I shall. It also helps that he’s fucking a pocket bottom with no tats at all.


indootje says:

Totally agree, ever since I saw Dylan James I fell in love with this ultimate porn stud, gawd he’s so handsome. Luv seeing him snowballing, spitting hot cum in his partners throat

Scrapple says:

Generally you think of things in all white being clean and virginal. Not this time.

Cubankid says:

Spitting in people’s mouths is truly disgusting. Rihanna herself wouldn’t be able to spit in my damn mouth. Nah

McM. says:

Did Dylan James get more tattoos?

Cubankid says:

How can you tell?

Guy says:

I want to be turned on by Dylan James, but those tattoos are too distracting.

jag2power says:

With all the ink on top, I find Dylan’s perfect, smooth, canvas of an ass a spectacular surprise. Lesson: Never judge the depths of a man before getting to the bottom of the full package. He can sit on me any day, as I gaze upwards into his kaleidoscope of manhood forcing its way into my willing mouth.

paultacoma51 says:

Is it just me or does it look like Dylan is totally hairless (except the crotch)? I can’t see any leg hair in the photos. That must be a lot of work!

bloody mary says:


dylan gives me white nationalist teas.. i could be wrong.

L. T. says:

So then it’s not just me.

ArgleBjargle says:

Dylan has a nice body, but the tattoos are…ugh.

hvdude says:

First off – where did Dylan “seed Ricky’s ass”? I musta missed that. And “seed Ricky’s throat”? Yeah, on the exterior! Gimme a break!

Sadistic Faggot says:

Bottom is very cute.