Boys Halfway House: Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback)

Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House

Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident #150: Tarnished Soul, Wrecked Hole (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House

Incident #150 at BoysHalfwayHouse:

From the minute I met this resident, I knew he was going to be complicated. By all outward appearances, he is a stand up guy. But he has issues deep down, and I’m sure the substances were somehow a way of him trying to relieve it all. Unfortunately, that route doesn’t get you anywhere in life. Although he’s from the Bible Belt, and he can recite verses off of the top of his head, he’s really just a redneck who’d rather be out muddin’ than sitting in a pew. He’s also an athlete, which is a bonus for us House Managers when it comes time for some personal attention.

I was the lucky one who got to break in our tall, blond friend. Unlike a lot of the others, I really think he didn’t know what was about to hit him when I walked through the door and asked him about his multiple curfew infringements. He got the gist quite quickly, however, and he was down on my cock just like the rest of these losers.

He had obviously not sucked a dick before, because he didn’t know what he was doing, but to give him credit, he really did try. I made sure that he sucked my cock long enough that the taste of it would be branded into his memory forever. And then, I moved onto his hole. In terms of the guys here, a lot of them have fooled around with another guy before, at least in some small way. I mean, with all the drinking and (more likely) candy popping going on in this day and age, combined with the degeneracy and overall moral decline of the youngsters, it’s bound to happen with a lot of them. This resident, though, I had a feeling he’d never gotten there. So I was pretty lucky to be treading new ground. His ass was virgin, at least when I walked into that room. When I walked out, though, he had a pretty busted up cunt.

I lubed up and shoved it in. Since he’s done a lot of sport, I knew he was used to some pain, so I didn’t try to go too slowly at first. I just gently got through the two rings and then went to town. Both doggie and missionary, he didn’t put up too much of a fuss, but when I started ramming him from behind, he starting gritting his teeth and expressing his displeasure. I kept going anyway of course, just glad that I had him pinned down enough to keep him from running.

When I got close, I stood in front of him as he knelt to the ground. I told him to open his mouth, and he didn’t. I had to grab his hair and tell him a few times, and even then I had to tell him to open wider. A cum-guzzler by nature he wasn’t! I got it done, though. A good amount got into his straight boy mouth, and a lot more went all over his face, even all most in his eye. With him kneeling there looking totally despondent, I almost felt sorry for him. But, I wiped the extra cum into his mouth, gave him a good slap on the face, and didn’t feel so bad anymore.

Watch Incident #150 at BoysHalfwayHouse

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Watch Incident #150 at BoysHalfwayHouse

Cubankid says:

“Tarnished Soul”

So accurate.

slipperyslope says:

Lol… Is this some reject from Harlequin Romance who’s writing the blurbs now? What’s next- “Forbidden Stirrings”?

Scrapple says:

We already knew they were corrupting souls. At least now they’re being honest about it.

Bree Van de Kamp says:

This is such a fucked up site. There really isn’t much more you can say.

Moof Nixon says:

The guys on this site are always white trash cute to me, which I like. But it’s so much better when they screw each other and not when fatty oldie is in the scene.

freater says:

Meh. Not that cute. But he looks like he belongs there.