Sean Cody: Jess Fucks Hector (Bareback)

Jess Fucks Hector (Bareback) at SeanCody

Jess Fucks Hector (Bareback) at SeanCody

Jess Fucks Hector (Bareback) at SeanCody

Jess Fucks Hector (Bareback) at SeanCody

Jess Fucks Hector at SeanCody:

Sexy Latin stud Hector is back, but this time he’s on the receiving end and isn’t taking the easy route either…Jess is certainly going to make things interesting with his huge cock!

Jess and Hector wasted no time chatting and headed straight for pound town. We added a trampoline in the mix just to switch things up a little…let’s just say trampoline sex is something everybody should try!

Even after blowing a load, cum-machine Jess didn’t give Hector a break and went in for another round. Taking it like a champ is definitely something Hector can put under his belt now.

Watch as Jess Fucks Hector at SeanCody

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Watch as Jess Fucks Hector at SeanCody

elmtree says:

“Skinny legs are such a turnoff for me”
“It’s why Jess has never really been a favorite of mine”. Couldn’t agree more to both points. I knew there was trouble with this guy when I saw 5-10, 140 lbs.

Above is what I posted on Hector’s solo, in reply to another poster. And now the skinny leg duo are a couple. I’m a complete sucker for sexy legs so, I can’t with this pairing, but many will love, so enjoy (uh where are you Jazz?!).

Kevin says:

Nor do both of them have much of an ass. A man with strong muscular legs usually have something going on in the back and that is what i prefer to see.

Jazz says:

Hahahaha you know I’m right here. I’ve been distracted playing with this new iPhone X, but you know I jumped for joy when I saw that we were getting a Jess update. 😍

CA says:

I’m a total leg man so I get your point, but I give Jess a hard pass.

Jess is fucking gorgeous facially, he is a really amazing kisser, his dick is massive and pretty and his stroke game is outstanding. Oh, and I’m not a big cum obsessed guy, but his loads are massive and he cums a half dozen times in a scene sometimes.

That all said, I let the skinny legs and slight ass off the hook for Prince Jess.

DaveAtom says:

Couldn’t agree more about your description of Jess. He’s drop dead gorgeous physically and his performances are the best.

And I don’t find their legs that skinny though, but I can understand people about that teeny tiny issue =P

tobe120 says:

Love slender hairy legs..❤️

DaveAtom says:

I don’t think Jess’ legs are that skinny though. He’s very tall and thin, maybe that cause the impression. But even if they were, and as a leg lover too, I found them so sexy because they are perfectly hairy and powerful (and happens the same with Hector)

tobe120 says:

Totally agree with you…. 👍

DaveAtom says:

Hahaha. Ok, ok, I know there are better for sure XD. I can’t help myself, I love Jess

elmtree says:

Fair enough!

Jason says:

Those example are very muscular. Jess is tall and skinny.

elmtree says:

“Jess is tall and skinny”

Oh I know. Which pretty much explains why he should never be accused of having sexy, powerful legs!

And btw, the last set of legs above belong to a pretty lean guy demonstrating you can be lean and still have sexy, defined legs.

Jason says:

I don’t get the point why everyone is criticizing his skinny legs. The man is skinny, period. The only reason his fans support him is because he has a big dick and he knows how to fuck?

I like him because he appears to be a good kisser and he is always enthusiastic about planting his lips on another pair of lips. I don’t know if he is gay4pay? If he is straight, he deserves an Oscar for best performance by a straight man pretending to be gay. I love a straight man that loves to suck cock..

tobe120 says:

Who cares!!! Jess is sexy with those hairy legs, and not only is a good performer (if straight), but knows also how to keep it hard, give a good fuck and cum multiple times, straight into the mouth, ass or give a good dripping internal. Hard to find someone similar to his high standards.

Jason says:

I doubt that he is straight, he’s too damn eager to kiss and suck dick. He is an excellent performer and he really is one of the best Sean Cody has.

tobe120 says:

You said it… if not the best…. Where do you see (other Studios) a multiple shooter like him, and who can keep it hard and pumping? None!!!

Jason says:

Note: Sean Cody does shoot its scenes over several days and edits the scene to make it appear as if it was all done in one day. So, Jess multiple cum shots may be from different days pieced together. Also, these guys take Viagra to sustain an erection. Nevertheless, Jess is a 10!

tobe120 says:

That makes sense, but if that’s the case, why is Jess the only model to do all these multiple cums within 5 minutes apart. What about all the other sexy hunks as Brycen, Nixon, Randy, Jack, Sean, Shaw… etc…??? where you obviously can tell two separate sessions edited together with only two cumings. Yes! you are right!! He is a 10 and big!!!….

Jason says:

I highly doubt Jess is able to cum multiple times within ‘5’ minutes. I think the scenes are edit and a good damn editor can make any shots in a scene appear as if all were shot the same day as long as the continuity remains consistent.

C’mon, there are scenes in movies were you can’t tell within a scene that some shots were filmed months apart, what they do is keep the continuity together: making sure all actors still look the same as they did months before.

tobe120 says:

Whatever it is, looks great… I just hope Sean Cody improves the lighting, its cameras, especially the close up angles, and keep indoors.

Cubankid says:

Love Jess and his big peen. I don’t mind Hector, he might make a better bottom than he does a top

SN: Jess and Landon both have been with Sean Cody for about 7 years now, it’s a shame that they’ve never cross paths.

Brandon85 says:

You know it’s bc neither will bottom

Kevin says:

Hector really should not be showing off what little he has in the back. I like Jess but it really depends on his scene partner and Hector just doesn’t do anything for me and Jess’s big dick looks so much better when it’s inside a nice bubble butt.

Luthor says:

Pretty much this. I didn’t mind Hector when he was topping(cause porn to me is 90% about the bottom). But another twink bottom is not what Sean Cody needs right now.

Also where the fuck is Jack? Almost 2 months since last update. Really need him to return and bottom.

whodunit? says:

Agreed. Where is Jack? Malcolm needs to top him.

Brandon85 says:

For me it’s about the top that why I’m usually disappointed. We get far more food bottoms than good tops and we have far too many limp dicks.

Luthor says:

I wouldn’t say Sean Cody is pleasing us who prefer to watch the bottoms either. Same average looking twink types that are bottoming. Only exceptions are Shaw and Joey.

Quinton Jackson says:

You know what Kevin? I appreciate your honesty. Even if most don’t agree, you still stand by it. I like that.

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

same to you too, girl. I disagree with your taste sometimes. but i love your posts and campiness.. i love you even if i disagree with you

Quinton Jackson says:

Thanks hunnie.

Brandon85 says:

Speaking of ass why does nobody ever eat Jess’s ass? I know he always tops but so did Chase and his partners always manages to rim him.

Kevin says:

Maybe he doesn’t like it or maybe people prefer seeing guys with nice asses getting rimmed over guys who don’t have much going on in the back.

Jazz says:

I agree. Max ate his ass in his very first sex scene and it was glorious.

Scrapple says:

It was. Putting Jess with a hairy guy like Max for his “first” time could’ve gone either way. Thankfully it went all the way right.

Loki says:

Yeesh. That insertion shot in the preview video? Like trying to stuff an “oyster in a coin slot”… guess Jess figured he could go without the ED meds this time?

elmtree says:

Was Jess having wood issues? I’m surprised they’d highlight that in the preview vid.

moondoggy says:

omg — I was trying to unsee that because I love Jess’s cock so much.

I forget who I was watching last week, oh I found it — Mark Long and Jake Ashford. This scene was so flawed, but I am not sure I have EVER seen anyone as rock hard as Mark in this scene. To paraphrase Rih, “Rock hard like a diamond.”

moondoggy says:

PS I liked almost everything that came out today, so I am really rooting for this because that would make this basically a clean sweep. (Counting only the bb scenes, of course.)

elmtree says:

But, of course! :-)

pilot101 says:

october was amazing month for new models. I hope they return and they keep it going
avery, lorenzo, chester, vito <3

Jazz says:

Yay! My baby is back! You all know I’m ALWAYS down for a Jess update. Fucking on a trampoline? That’s, well, different. Jess looks good choking on Hector’s fat cock too. Can’t wait to see this.

STILL waiting for Jess to fuck Brysen and Nixon though. Get on it SC!

skye3245 says:

Yes i need Jess and Brysen. Like how are they not doing this!!!

Curlee says:

Two power tops. It will never happen.

Brandon85 says:

He can fuck them after he fucks Dean. I’m furious that he hasn’t topped Dean.

Jazz says:

Oh yeah, Dean is definitely on that list too.

DaveAtom says:

=D Jess is hotter than Ever I guess. I love how he is always enthusiastic and he’s one of the greatest tops and shooters in Sean Cody history.

He deserves to be with the best guys, so I agree with he being paired with Brysen and Nixon. And I like Hector so much, so this is fucking amazing 😍😍😍

StaySnatching says:

I simply love Hector. The way he fell in love with Manny in his last scene, stroking him.

Urgh i was trying to do no fap November but i might have to call it quits on that

gaycockluvr says:

Damn, Hector bottoming for the first time and with Jess? Nice. Always glad to Jess and that dick. He’s looking cuter these days with the longer hair too.

Trampoline fucking seems kinda odd. I wonder came in this scene…

tobe120 says:

The trampoline fucked up a could have been great scene. Sean Cody should stick to its conventional furniture/room and good sex instead….

Scrapple says:

Hector got to bounce on Jess’ dick and a trampoline? Lucky bitch. Jess is really rocking those curls. It’s a good look on him. And it looks like maybe the good camera work is here to stay. About fucking time.

JK3 says:

I really don’t have time for bottoms w/ flat asses. Jess is fine, but he needs to take one of those porn breaks where you leave for a couple of months and work on his body. He’s never been a beefy guy, but he’s starting to look a mess. What little muscle tone that he had is fading. If he weren’t grandfathered in, he’d be shipped off to BSB.

Joey says:

Does Cum Machine Jess not show up in this update? Because if he’s not blowing 4-6 loads on his own, I simply refuse to watch.

*swings shawl over shoulder, turns nose up*

Young Neil says:

My faith is not yet restored in Sean Cody, but this looks like one heck of an update! Really happy to see Hector back and to try bottoming!

Sask says:

Jess and no internal? Scene looks good, but again, the quality could have been better. It is really hard to get skin tones right in the contrasty bright sun. Sean Cody can’t get it right inside, and it’s even worse outside. Two hot guys doing hot homosex is good enough without trying too-hard technical situations. And it would have been uncomfortable fucking on a trampoline. (And it would have been a job to clean up all the splooge from the trampoline.)

Nice to see Hector on the bottom.

Jason says:

Its not hard to get good believable skin tones with a decent full frame camera with a high dynamic range.
Helix and Cockyboys do it all the time. The bottom line is good sex and not good cinematography.

tobe120 says:

Sean Cody should forget about the technicals. They just don’t know how to do it. Who needs all the nonsense backwoods and lightning of CB. Just concentrate in shooting good sex and good close ups. Leave the trees to National Geographics….

Jason says:

Actually, Cockyboys and Helix has some of the best cinematography in the business. They add an interesting element visually to their porn. Also, at times,
Next Door Studios also does good cinematography.
These studio follow the guidelines of true cinematic filmmaking with good editing, lighting and framing..

I think Sean Cody just needs to upgrade their cameras and do some testing with photography. One of the hardest things to do is keep your performers interested long enough to do the testing necessary in order to produce successful results. Most performers are only on the set for a few hours and they bail as soon as they are paid.

Also, Sean Cody Studios do not do storylines and scripted scenes, they just shoot guys in either an outdoor or indoor setting without any true direction, its their thing.

A lot of these studios would love to do a feature movie or series but the studios just don’t have the budgets to keep the performers around for a week or two….Could you imagine starting to shoot a mini movie and your performer bails on you before he is finished all his scenes.

tobe120 says:

What you’re saying is true, but unfortunately Sean Cody just doesn’t get it, and in comparison to years past, the quality and the camera angles have gotten poorer. Sure, is nice to have a bit of plot as NDS, which does quite good, but as I said, Sean Cody just doesn’t know the how, or is so concerned about cost that it keeps it just to the basic amateurish quality. I agreed with you what you said about Helix and NDS, but CB, might look nice, but when you’re still using rubbers, you are very limited to a conventional and boring finale, as many studios as Men and Falcon, despite the hunky and sexy models. Sean Cody can at times be exciting, but unfortunately their camera directions, or crew fucks it up. Maybe, they’ll get it one of these days… Let’s hope.

tobe120 says:

That’s exactly what I said in my comment…. 👍👍👍

CA says:

I always like to see a Jess scene.

Sidebar: I wonder what Jess thinks of his ex-boyfriend Singer back in the news and his buddy Kevin Spacey.

Scrapple says:

“Glad I got mine before Bryan has to settle all those lawsuits.”

Brandon85 says:

I’ve always thought that guy in the pic looked like Jess I remember thinking that when I was watching those movies.

L. T. says:

Here’s to hoping Don Burns gets taken down and I still get a predator vibe from Andy Cohen. He had the gall to give a half-assed “I’m sorry that happened to you” to Anthony Rapp. I highly dislike Cohen and wish I had zero knowledge of him. He’s a messy old hoe.

Jay says:

I like Jess’ new hair, but I also don’t like it. I DON’T KNOW I’M FEELING WEIRD, SHUT UP. *runs away giggling*

skye3245 says:

Its Jess, so of course i’m here for it. Hope the quality is as good as the Frankie and Joe scene. I need my boo with perfect production quality

Stevienowonder says:

I like them both so I hope I won’t be too disappointed with this scene. I mean – Jess has been such a pain in the ass with his top only scenes.

Sebastian S says:

Yes! I was just watching Hector and Manny earlier this week and was hoping he’d return! Sexy sexy man.

I’m nut a fan of the trampoline sex in the sun, but it’s not bad, not bad at all.

tobe120 says:

Are you serious??? You need sunglasses to watch the video over that stupid trampoline…. What a waste of two sexy hunky guys….

Curlee says:

Oh look! It’s that time of year again. Jess is now in season once more.

bob80 says:

Finally a new bottom! And a cute one. I’m happy.

tobe120 says:

Always thrilled to see Jess back, and with Hector, who loves “esa pinga grande” as a good choice to bottom. Too bad Sean Cody decided not to do it indoors because the outdoor light (sun) was extremely harsh. They should have picked a time at sundown when the light is softer to avoid the annoying glare and shadows. The trampoline scene was a total waste. The soft surface prevents good maneuvers and the immense size prevents the camera from good close ups (unless they used a drone), and the sun glare made it worse. My advise to SC: Stick to indoor scenes, even if its the same furnitures and setting over and over again. At least the lighting would be much… much better, and the camera would have better control and capture better angles and close ups.

jinger says:

Happy to see Jess, not really excited to see Hector as a bottom.

JohnnyVooDoo says:

Porn truly is made up of a lot of acting and pretending. I say this because Hector is really avarage and simply not a person I could see myself doing sexual acts with.

When i saw Jess had to ‘rim/lick’ his hairy ass I said no. I belive we had a guy not to long ago who needed Listerine to get through a shot. I can understand why.

Young Meesh says:

This scene was boring as fuck

tobe120 says:

Boring because of the outdoor setting (horrible lighting and the trampoline was a big mistake). If it was done in the usual indoor setting it would have been great.

ffviimidgar says:

Jess is meh. Just another straight guy.

I’m ALWAYS about sexy, delicious, perfect Hector, though he should only be a top

Guy says:

Not a pairing I would have chosen but still looks good. I like both guys, Jess has looked better but I can never say no to him.

skye3245 says:

i meant more in the quality of production. Because the Frankie video was the best video production wise in the month. I’m not really a Frankie fan myself

Gustav19 says:

Yes he does. Buh-bye stick insect. Take your unfortunate face and below average body and go. Ugh.