SeanCody: Frankie Fucks Barron (Bareback)

Frankie Fucks Barron (Bareback) at SeanCody

Frankie Fucks Barron (Bareback) at SeanCody

Frankie Fucks Barron (Bareback) at SeanCody

Frankie Fucks Barron (Bareback) at SeanCody

Frankie Fucks Barron at SeanCody:

“I’m the wrestler, ready to kick some ass…” It was time for some friendly outdoor wrestling, and Frankie looked at Barron with hungry eyes, “This one right here!”. I don’t know about kicking ass, but Frankie dominated Barron in more ways than one, but nobody was complaining. Our twink bottom was left just as satisfied as his aggressive top when all was said and done! Frankie sure pounded ass! Little did Barron know, he was in for a wild ride, but he welcomed it with open arms…or rather, an open ass!

Watch as Frankie Fucks Barron at SeanCody

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Watch as Frankie Fucks Barron at SeanCody

moondoggy says:

elmtree says:


McM. says:

Unrelated question for you:

JJ Knight’s last two scenes were with Ace Era and then Pierce Paris. On a scale from Dead Sea to @disqus_sUng0nVntd:disqus whenever someone talks shit about Tobias, how salty are you about JJ Knight being unable to fuck them raw because he’s a FalconGroup exclusive?

PierredeSiorac says:

I don’t understand the question. Are you saying that JJ was “unable” because his contract with Falcon prevented him from fucking these guys? And what does Tobias have to do with it?

McM. says:

FalconGroup does not film bareback content, and as an exclusive JJ Knight now appears in condom-ed scenes. The appearances that built his fan base were raw, and were it not for his contract JJ Knight could continue fucking that way at other studios.

Tobias was mentioned on the salt scale because the quickest way to get side-eyed by @disqus_sUng0nVntd:disqus is to come for Tobias.

moondoggy says:

But if I knew this person of whom you speak, I would assume the refusal to bareback has more to do with, oh, perhaps a controlling boyfriend than with Falcon.

Sask says:

Did you read just the other day at the cyberspace place whose name here not be mentioned that the “boyfriends” may soon, or even now, not be such?

JJ’s BB scene with Austin Wilde was hot, except it should be been a flip.

moondoggy says:

“Did you read just the other day at the cyberspace place whose name here not be mentioned that the “boyfriends” may soon, or even now, not be such?”

Goddamn .. already? If I knew, I forgot.

Sask says:

That watch must measure time in nanoseconds, just a few of which are the average length of a gay-porn-model relationship. Hold your breath: another one bites the dust…..

McM. says:

Damn. Pole vaulted way over “dead to me” and landed the guy in “need not exist”.

I do appreciate the Supersonic gif tho.

moondoggy says:

I don’t know her … but I want to! I had no idea who T. Hiddy was, until I loaded the pics. And then it was so clear that I’m still not sure they aren’t the same person!

DaveAtom says:

I’m here just because Frankie’s hot hairy chest and pits 😍😍😍
That’s it.

JK3 says:

I’m here for Frankie. Barron can go home.

gaycockluvr says:

I think I like bald Frankie better. Barron can take a pounding, so eh? I am ready for some newer guys to show up.

Quinton Jackson says:

Scrapple says:

On. The. Floor! I forgot about this Ariana gif. I want to say it was from a Big Brother episode

Quinton Jackson says:

Yes. My young Queen didn’t wanna be there, but her parents begged her to come so she can support her ugly ass brother.

Scrapple says:

Even her high pony looks tired.

Miloš Del Rey says:

How much do you think bair gets paid to promote Sean Cody? My bets on two bucks an hour and used Andrew Christian underwear.

Quinton Jackson says:

Gurl, I know he replied to me with the same o’l same o’l. It has to be him since he’s the only one I have blocked lol. I hope they pay my sis rent every month ( at least ) the way she defend this mess.


I also blocked that annoying BITCH !!!


I don’t think he gets that much probably more like free membership

Brandon85 says:

If that’s the case hook me up Bair lol. Sean Cody is actually my favorite pornsite.

Luthor says:

Who seriously asks for Barron to return? He does absolutely not belong in the porn industry, atleast not infront of the camera.
One twink bottom leaves Sean Cody and they introduce new ones. Bring us something new please.

Bob Bilbert says:


Topher says:

This is not worthy of SC. It’s as unsexy as a scene at Corbin Fisher with Henry and Kenny.

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

Barron is so fucking ugly. I can’t even. This pasty white wannabe Michelin ghost needs to stop doing porn. Yuck

PierredeSiorac says:

Frankie is a hot top due to his dominant top attitude. He has that sort of Italian tough boy look. He’s not particularly well hung. If he were, he’d be really one of the top tops. The other guy is bland.

ItsBritneyBitch says:

Sean Cody either gets it half-right or completely wrong nowadays. I like Frankie but I’m not here for Barron. He seems like a nice guy, and the fact he’s gay is a plus, but doesn’t need to be featured regularly like this.

McM. says:

This is an unpopular opinion, but I like Barron. He’s cute and enjoys getting fucked.

He could work on building chemistry and learning to play to the camera, but he’s pretty good. And I prefer him over the random one-and-done guys everyone hopes will return yet do not.

moondoggy says:

Barron’s okay, but he basically can only be a cum dump for my favorite tops. He can’t carry a scene. If Brooks came back and fucked him, I would be fine with that.

Easternzones says:

They are really oversaturating the site with Barron. He looks better here than in his previous scenes, but it kinda highlights the lack of a roster when he’s basically become a predicted fixture of the updates.


This Baron guy should be on sketchy sexy

Young Neil says:

Barron is not really my type… I don’t think frankie is either, but Barron less so, however Barron is still pretty darn hot. I’ll give him that! However, I can’t get over his name! It makes me think of Trump which just instantly turns me off of everything!

It’s unfortunate but I think Sean Cody should give Barron a name change. Let’s call him Terry, he looks more like a Terry to me than a Barron anyway! I hear Terry, I think of King of Fighters. So no gag-reflex reaction there!

david david says:

I’ll have to say pass on this one. Neither do anything for me. I’ve watched a Barron scene already and that’s more than enough for me. I’m not the least bit curious to see this. The Saturday scene though… Now that’s something I’m really looking forward to see.


This Baron guy should be on sketchy sexy

Ivan Jimenez says:

Frankie should fuck Jack & Daniel next!

He will fuck them hard, fast and without all that extra noise Daniel makes when either fucking or bottomming.

Sask says:

I hope Barron finds a boyfriend who makes him retire from porn.

creativejuices says:

Heh… I like where you’re going with this, but … chemistry in middle school? That’s ironically progressive for the scenario. I guess that’d be like the baking soda volcano part of early science class. Except erupting volcanoes are sexually suggestive, so that’s another pass for said conservative school.
I’m actually now more interested in the back-story for how you ended up observing this class. Were you on assignment from a secret liberal organization with oddly specific project data…? Were you hooking up with the math teacher from across the hall, and–when coming to his workplace to pick him up for a date–entered the science room by mistake with thirty minutes to go on an ambitious lesson plan, then stayed to watch, oddly transfixed with how much of a wreck it was? Or were YOU one of the tender young minds in this school, who experienced personal persecution for your drowsy and temporal-obsessed ways?
Don’t make me wait for your memoirs, man. Spill!! ;]

Quinton Jackson says:

Ugh, that ugly mole rate tried it!

Ivan Jimenez says:

I can’t believe Frankie is a top like Andy Cohen and Don Lemon.

I can see Anderson Cooper as a top, but not Don or Andy. Frankie just comes across as one of those feminine gay men you’ll probably fight at a bar. I know I did!

Kevin says:

It is going to be a mediocre scene at best, a bit better then Brandon’s bottoming scenes.

Quinton Jackson says:

*grabs inhaler* Sis don’t do this to me.. I really want this to be true, but he has chickened out before, so i’ll have to wait and see if he’s really going to be on the receiving end. Since its his first time, I say go easy on him – pair him uo with a weak top like Manny or Arnie. Event though I want Jess, Landon, and Randy to thrash that ass.

david david says:

I’m finally excited for an Sean Cody scene again. I’ve been waiting for his bottoming debut for what seems like forever. I’m glad it’s finally happening. I really hope they’ll get the top right. Can’t wait!

EDIT: Saw the short clip of Kaleb announcing his bottoming debut and I can’t help but smile. He seems like a good-natured guy and really personable. I may not be impressed with his topping skills, but his overall cuteness and personality gets me every time. Hope he does really well in his bottoming debut.

Brandon85 says:

Good that’s the only way I want to see him. Even if you guys hate the update i know I’ll like it like I liked both Brandon bottoming videos.

Brandon85 says:

I just saw his trailer and I gotta tell you it made me wanna get on a plane and top him and I’m a big ole bottom.

Kevin says:

They posted a vid of him confirming it, just keep your expectations low.

CA says:

That’s ridiculous.

david david says:

Don’t worry, he’ll come back tonight to give you the wet dream of your life. LOL!

2345 says:

I enjoyed the trailer. He has me [mostly] convinced that he really wants to get fucked especially since he couldn’t bottom for Sean

2345 says:

LOLOL then make it happen. I can always donate him to you afterwards ;-)

Brandon85 says:

Nixon would be good I’d prefer a huge guy but Nixon is smaller and won’t be too gentle

Kevin says:

It’s Jayden.

Quinton Jackson says:

OMG, Sis, I just that update. UGH, i’m not here for Jayden but I’m willing to watch for Kaleb. I told you his first top would be weak.

david david says:

I don’t mind Jayden so I’m all good. LOL! But I really love Ms. Quinton’s suggestions (except Daniel). Hope they all come true soon.

Quinton Jackson says:

Yass! I want Randy to destroy that ass, let him rest up and then have Landon do more damage, let him rest and then let Daddy Daniel get his turn. We he’s able to take more have Jess on speed dial and ready to go. I want him to be treated like a $2 hoe.

creativejuices says:

That all makes sense. Hope you at least had a cool code name with the secret organization.

CA says:

I mean, “fan” is a very exaggerated assignment. I have never had the distain for Henry like most here at WB, he’s not unattractive, but I am def. not watching Henry scenes regularly.

Kenny though….I do not find Kenny attractive at all….at all.

david david says:

A big YES! to this comment.

david david says:

Yes! I hope he won’t pull a Brysen and do it only once. Or even a Nixon, making us wait 6 months only to disappoint us. He needs to do it like Shaw and start bottoming moving forward.

david david says:

I heard he’s on a break. It’s frustrating really. I just want Sean Cody to give us another great bottoming scene for Nixon and he’s nowhere to be found. It’s been months since his last scene. I’m really rooting for Sean Cody but without Nixon, it’s getting harder for me to do so.

CA says:

Ugh, no. We’ll chalk this up to preference.