Sean Cody: Buddy Fucks Barron (Bareback)

Buddy Fucks Barron (Bareback) at SeanCody

Buddy Fucks Barron (Bareback) at SeanCody

Buddy Fucks Barron (Bareback) at SeanCody

Buddy Fucks Barron (Bareback) at SeanCody

Buddy and Barron at SeanCody, Scene Summary:

Buddy returned to Sean Cody sooner than expected. But we weren’t complaining at all!

Neither did Barron, “I think he’s a cutie!”

Little did Barron know, though, Buddy has a dominant side, and he was eager to show Barron.

“Yeah, he’s definitely gonna be my bitch.”

With that said, they seemed to be rushing back to the Sean Cody house to get started!

Let’s just say Buddy really gave Barron a pounding of a lifetime. He also rewarded him with an amazing facial — of which Barron gladly accepted.

Watch Buddy and Barron at SeanCody

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Watch Buddy and Barron at SeanCody

sam my says:

Is this a Helix or Sean Cody update?

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

Helix wouldn’t even stoop this low. Barron shouldn’t be in porn. Period.

Louisbb says:

Oh, I just saw your cum-ment…
I don’t want to be accused of being a copy cat

Doctor Bombay says:

Barron. Regan. It’s like Sean Cody actively pursuing guys with faces like Lord of The Rings dwarves.

Luthor says:

Just a reminder: Some of you commenting here are actually paying Sean Cody to
produce this. You are actually paying to watch someone like Buddy to
have sex with someone like Barron.
And I’m not being mean, they are
not very ugly looking but the fact that Sean Cody has the audacity to produce a
scene like this when few people would even watch these two have sex for

Targareyn says:

I’ve seen more sex appeal at a nursing home!! Who ASKED for this?

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

Those straight interns at mindgeek do not know what US homos want

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

I like Buddy, I’m glad he is back.
Barron would not have been my first choice but he’s fine I guess.

Cubankid says:

You’re such a nice guy.

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

I’m in a good mood boo :P

von schlomo says:

Barron’s face. Buddy’s name. Both bodies are so un-Sean Codyesque.

von schlomo says:

We NEED to see so much more finger fucking!!!

Said no one ever.

von schlomo says:

I blocked your sign, Sherlock. Try to pay attention. I have ABP and then you just right click on any of your tedious fucking signs and hit BLOCK ELEMENT.

Moof Nixon says:

Please God, tell me this isn’t happening.

Scrapple says:

This is like going to the deli, ordering a hoagie and being given a Mayo sandwich. I’m not trying to eat that.

And it’s hard for me to buy the kid who was getting shame blowjobs is now a trash talking dominant top. I’m going to forget this and get back to my Dillan and Mario retrospectives.

tst tst says:


gaycockluvr says:

They’re both kinda bland, but I don’t hate this.

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

are you sure you’re a homosexual?

Louisbb says:

I mean, it’s not that I detest them but is this HeLiX?

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

LMAO. They went from someone like Abe

Or Stu

to these 2 messes? Might as well throw Regan and make it a threesome that nobody will ever watch. Yuck yuck

tst tst says:

They had a lot of filler scenes between these two. And have you seen how they look now? Total mess!

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

Stu looks weird now but abe is hotter imo

tst tst says:

On the last pics I saw he was really out of shape. But he never bottomed, and was a boring top so I don’t care. At least Stu knew how to spread those cakes – probably that’s why he’s ovecompensating his “masculinity” now.

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

This is his latest pic on his insta. This is out of shape? Abe was one of the best Sean Cody tops. HOW DARE YOU

tst tst says:

oh, I see he’s back in shape, but he needed a thousand injections and thousand scene cuts to pretend he’s “topping”. That’s why I hate these “straight’ tops.

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

Wasn’t he at some sort of bodybuilding competitions? That’s why he was “bloated” when he came back to Sean Cody for one scene? Have you see his scene with charley? he came 3 times.

tst tst says:

Sean Cody scenes take hours, days to film. And still he couldn’t get hard. Using “straight” guys who can’t get hard as tops is dumb.

Rockhard says:

Not sure. He had to be hard to do those internal cumshots

tst tst says:

fake cumshots

CA says:

A boring top?! You’re insane.

tst tst says:

I’m not a sraight worshipper. I must be insane.

JK3 says:

Tragic. Barron just doesn’t have the face for porn. Buddy is cute, but that was a porn razzie worthy performance. I guess they’re just ceding the night to Corbin Fisher.

JK3 says:

I detect no lies.

Hell, Corbin Fisher brought a newbie that I was like “Hell no” to when he first appeared, but they put him through a budget bel ami-esque makeover and managed to one up SC.

Sask says:

These models may have wonderful personalities. But that is not the reason why SeanCody became such an important brand in gay porn. I’m sure many of the posters here, if they wanted, would make hotter vids than this one. At this rate, it will be a long time before my hard drive for saving Sean Cody vids is going to fill up.

Sushi says:

The bland fucking the boring.

Rockhard says:

Well let’s just say Brysen’s current BF is an upgrade over Barron…

Louisbb says:

who is the current one?

Louisbb says:

a cute twink it seems
as much as I love Brysen, his hair looks terrible on that picture

david david says:

The boyfriend lookes really cute.

HaloH25 says:

This is a disgrace, I don’t recognize this site anymore, I mean what the fuck happened? Two pasty vampire lesbians with strap-ons get it on? I haven’t been able to watch a single Sean Cody update for over a month. Star Wars, Democracy, & Sean Cody are dead, when I needed them most in this world.

ajholditdownbaby says:

Nuh uh Barron ain’t it sis 👎🏾…good night

nodoubtfan says:

Aggressively unremarkable.

Ivan Jimenez says:

Should had been a flip-fuck & cum-swap!

JohnnyVooDoo says:

Who was waiting on this ? Neaither of them are cute. And yet they are in porn. I’m sorry but we onky care about the exceptional looking White Guys. You can have this shit.

Scrapple says:

This motherfucker Buddy actually came out of his mouth with “There’s a new sheriff in town.” Bitch I don’t know who told you this Fisher Price kink you’re working with is the truth but it most certainly is not. The only thing he did right was dump a load on Barron’s face. And he doesn’t get credit for that, his balls do. Buddy, Texas will not be thanking you for your service. You should go back to feeling guilty, because what you offered up was shameful.

Barron, you went from getting Brysen’s beefstick for free to getting paid Buddy bone. I don’t know what you did to fuck up a good thing, but you did something. There are repercussions for our actions, and this is yours. Reflect on that.

Gazzaq says:

Hopefully now Buddy has come back so soon, that this means Archie will return soon as well in the usual Topping in his first duo scene and then will back to Bottom. In his video he came across as being an alright guy and is a good addition to the site with his fit body and all. Hopefully Archie wont be a one off. on SC.


This scene is just HORRIBLE !!!

TomCNR says:

A double serving of nope.

golechunkymonkey says:

WTF is that ?
certainly not at the level of what we’re supposed to expect from SC
remember the Ashton, Calvin, Jarek, Stu , Jamie, Peter etc ???? and now this ??????

bo69 says:

Very hot and almost cute scene, but, HELLO BUDDY: You could suck some dick, you know. Jeez.

david david says:

I’m surprised Buddy came back right away. But I kinda like him. Just wish he was paired with a more interesting bottom.

James Freedman says:

bland update….who pays to watch this shit?

Miloš Del Rey says:

Are we being punished for not voting Trump?

Louisbb says:

You didn’t vote Hillary either, aren’t you Canadian?


Or maybe this is some sick attempt to make gay’s convert STR8ING UP and fly right !!!

Brandon85 says:

Damn I can’t even escape President Tangerine in porn blogs. What’s sad is even if he’s impeached or moves to hell we’d be stuck with evil Anderson Cooper as president.

Miloš Del Rey says:

I meant the gay community as a whole since Sean Cody is American and jokingly. Though, I still supported Hillary and made sure I got as many of my American friends and family to vote got her. And I myself voted for daddy Trudeau. Canada is very influenced by American culture, America catches a flu and Canada catches the sniffles. And there are people up here in Canada who wear trumps hats as well. Hope that helps.

tst tst says:

Didn’t Toronto elect i’s own Trump long before Trump?

Louisbb says:

Trump hats in Canada?
I have not seen any of those here in Mtl.
Anyone supporting that person (other than to save one’s job which says a lot on their principles) is beyond human comprehension

Miloš Del Rey says:

We’ve never really had anyone as uncouth as Trump in power. And even so our version of a Trump wouldn’t be as bad what most Americans have to deal with.

Miloš Del Rey says:

Get out of here with these window movie maker 2007 gifs

Miloš Del Rey says:

Slightly better. But keep trying you will get there.

Miloš Del Rey says:

You need to come to Toronto and travel in the ttc. I can’t tell if people wear them because they actually support or if they want a reaction. Alot of people who support Rebel Media wear them and rebel merchandise. Also wear them on the street while advertising for the company too.

Louisbb says:

I wouldn’t wear a Trump cap in the USofA, I’d be afraid to get shot :P
Mind you, it would more likely be the Second Amendement people doing the shooting.
If you invite me to your place, I’ll gladly return to TO :P

Miloš Del Rey says:

Omg you’re more than welcome to come visit. Just make sure you don’t bring Baire with you. But I would be scared to wear a Trump hat too. Even as a joke on a Halloween night.

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

Just thinking about him makes me horny!

Trepakprince says:

He’s even cuter in person. We were on the same flight to Hong Kong and before we boarded I immediately knew who he was, I told him that in my eyes he’s a supermodel and he just laughed it off. My husband, who is not the jealous type at all then proceeded to tell me to get my tongue off the floor.

Miloš Del Rey says:

Lol dont you pop the bubble wrap? It’s annoying and bad for the environment but it’s still fun just to get a few pops in.

tst tst says:

can’t be worse than CF

tst tst says:

It could be both. But I agree. Muscles are hot but too much is too much.

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

I hate you :P

Louisbb says:

You are so sweet…and smart. It shows through your comments. :P

Louisbb says:

Halloween night would be a perfect night to wear one in order to scare people off

Sask says:

I have been an Sean Cody subscriber for several years and I have been downloading scenes since the start. I am a “legacy” subscriber so I still can download. (A couple of weeks ago, it took forever, but now the download speed is faster. They must have got new servers.) I find that the hottest scenes were up to 2014. And then the Mindless Geeks had their way.

tst tst says:

older, unattractive or worse, balding, or muscle bound guys still better than none (like in 2017) or very recent Corbin Fisher additions like Troy (BARF)

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

Woof, he looks amazing there.