ChaosMen: Maurice

Maurice at ChaosMen

Maurice at ChaosMen

Maurice at ChaosMen
Maurice at ChaosMen
Maurice at ChaosMen
Maurice at ChaosMen
Maurice at ChaosMen
Maurice at ChaosMen
Maurice at ChaosMen
Maurice at ChaosMen

Maurice at

Maurice was literally the last model of 2017 that I got to work with.

He hit me up very near the end of the year, and with not much going on for New Years, I booked him for the last two days of the year. Typically, over the Holidays, I avoid booking any flights because so few are available and what is available can be quite expensive.

Thankfully, Maurice and his boyfriend were able to drive to Austin, and I even got another model to come work with him on New Year’s Eve.

Doing porn was something Maurice has always wanted to do. With his 10.5″ cock, he knew he had the dick for it, but he also worked really hard on his body, putting on some muscle and getting his abs rockin’.

Maurice is a versatile guy, saying he likes to bottom a little bit more than topping.

He was eager to show-off his dick, and strokes his cock during the interview. When he pulls off his pants, his cock is literally spilling out the bottom of his underwear. His cock was pretty chubby, and he swings it around by shaking his ass.

Maurice gets comfortable in the bed, and then gets his cock all the way hard. He is a slow stroker, so we get to see his giant cock in all its glory. He lightly fingers his hole as he strokes his cock.

If you are a versatile guy, you won’t be able to decide if you want to sit on his dick, or fuck his hot ass. Do both!

Maurice was awesome to work with, so stay-tuned next week to see him in action!

Watch Maurice at

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Watch Maurice at

Mycenaeus says:

He’s…actually cute without the hair. I like black guys with dimples when they smile (and it is a nice smile). He seems to be batting for our team too.

But yeah, that hair’s gotta go. He’s fighting the hotness with that hair. CM has a lot of fixer-uppers it seems. Guys that other studios might groom and present better. But CM has always been warts and all. I guess someone has to balance out Lucas Entertainment and their airbrushing and photoshopping maestros. LE goes beyond for presentation, sometimes into fantasy land. LOL

Mike Daniels says:

Gaydusa needs to shave the snakes off her head before she films a sex scene. She has a good face and dick.

Ivan Jimenez says:

Get him & Jerome & Gerard to flip-fuck & cum-swap!

ajholditdownbaby says:

That’s another way to look at Checkers fries 🤔

tysandsnyc says:

Cute boy. Just too young for my taste.

JK3 says:

I see you, Bryan. Coming through at the end of Black History Month with a snack. That hair just gives Calhoun something to grab on when he’s plowing. I’m here for every inch of Maurice and the “action” that Bryan teased better be some hard fucking or I’m going to be upset.

Scrapple says:

I’m just now reading what you posted, and I’m reading what I posted, and I can’t stop laughing.

Sadistic Faggot says:

He should get a better haircut. Other than that, just my taste!

Da Gayngsta says:

Aw yea i luv dis niggu!

gaycockluvr says:

A black, big dick bottom? Calhoun is gonna love him! I wish he didn’t have that hairstyle. He kinda looks like ASAP Rocky at some angles too. I wanna see him return.

groovy. says:

Will Maurice and I get married?
A) Yes
B) Of course
C) Without a doubt
D) Si

2345 says:

Really? Tell us how you really feel ;-)

Scrapple says:

February 26th. I see you, Bryan.

This is what I have to commend Bryan for. He has always been about diversity. And it’s not about gimmicks or fetishes. And he doesn’t just go for light-skinned brothers. He’ll get dark-skinned brothers with locks, twists, all of that. It’s refreshing.

Having said all that, I’m not really feeling Maurice’s hair. I’d like it if it were longer. But everything else is good. He has this young Flex Alexander thing going. You know Calhoun is already waiting in line for some of this.

ChillPoint says:

And Calhoun is going to say some things during that dirty talk that… well… let’s just say I think Calhoun would enjoy being able to poke into some chocolate. Calhoun’s aggressiveness would be hot.

Scrapple says:

Now I know you didn’t forget Calhoun’s threeway with Jason and Bennett. Calhoun was practically fighting Jason for Bennett’s ass.

ChillPoint says:

I didn’t forget. That’s what I’m thinking of lol… Calhoun is a cocky redneck that seems really into black guys. So let him have it.. and let him run his filthy mouth and use that big dick properly.

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

If Calhoun doesn;t fuck Maurice, Bryan will let us all down,

paultacoma51 says:

I would’ve recommended some well done extensions to get the look he wants and then continue to grow his hair. I think the choice of style is right but not the execution.

jinger says:

Cute, but I don’t like his ass.

Eric AS says:

Literally more comments on the studs hair than his enormous dick. Obviously the readers are saltier than they are thirsty.