Sean Cody: Dillan Fucks Randy (Bareback)

Dillan Fucks Randy (Bareback) at SeanCody

Dillan Fucks Randy (Bareback) at SeanCody

Dillan Fucks Randy (Bareback) at SeanCody

Dillan Fucks Randy at SeanCody, Scene Summary:

As Dillan and Randy played around skateboarding and joking around, playful touching quickly turned into wanting something more… Dillan takes Randy straight to pound town, where both studs blow their hot loads all over each other!

Watch as Dillan Fucks Randy at SeanCody

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Watch as Dillan Fucks Randy at SeanCody

Miloš Del Rey says:

I love both models but I just don’t see Dillan as a top. But I won’t complain it could be alot worst and Randy is always a blessing. Hoping Dillan bottoms soon.

von schlomo says:

Well, you can’t complain, because, you know, it’s a Sean Cody update and the bridge troll gets a dollar for every sign he makes. And even if you and I block him, everyone else sees it, so the universe is still ruined.

2345 says:

It could be worse. Kit could have come back to pleasure Dillan’s hole

tst tst says:

Dillan topping for 100th time, Randy bottoming for 1000th, limp dicks galore and scene cuts every 2 seconds… so fresh, so original!

Brandon85 says:

The gif almost make sure me wanna watch Dillan attempt to fuck Randy. Randy is a jewel and gets better with age. I’d like to blow him for five straight hours. Okay maybe a few breaks LOL.

jag2power says: Randy. The last of a dying breed over @ SC. His body is looking tighter than ever…now, let’s dance for the good-ole-days.

Scrapple says:

Why is Gwen Stefani’s cousin in Da Club?

gaycockluvr says:

I love seeing Randy on the bottoming streak, but SC, why in the hell is Dillan not getting fucked here too? Just why? Anyways, that first pic of Randy is incredibly hot…he still needs the beard though. Really wish he would have plowed my Dillan too…that ass is begging for it.

sam my says:

I have literally been staring at this gif for the past 20 min. Jesus.

Brandon85 says:

Donald Trump Donald Trump Donald Trump. Is your hard on gone now? Your welcome. Go
to bed.

Brandon85 says:

I was just trying to help you out

Scrapple says:

You need to stop.

Scrapple says:

I’m going to my happy place. A happy place involving Jess and Dillan laughin’ and fuckin’.

gaycockluvr says:

I don’t know what I would do if that happens…

Brandon85 says:

Please tell me Dillan is bottoming in this happy place

2345 says:

Show us the one where he shoves 4 fingers up his ass ;)

elmtree says:

If by “first pic” you’re talking about this pic of Randy, omfg he is SO HOT here! Zowie!

And I fully agree it should have been Randy topping Dillan. Or at least a flip.

gaycockluvr says:

That’s the one!

johnp says:

Awwww thanks guys :)

Brandon85 says:

That’s why Corbin Fisher is better. The Sean Cody guys on average are more attractive but all of the models except Gabe that stay for a prolonged period of time end up bottomming. We would’ve seen Jess and Dillan bottom by now and Landon bottom more than once. If Aidan had stayed at Sean Cody we might never have seen him bottom. Sure he loves have his ass eaten but so did Chase and we never got to see him bottom.

Cubankid says:

It should be “Randy fucks Dillian” but okay.

Brandon85 says:

I love seeing a big dicked bottom too but I want to see Dillan bottom more. This is the second Sean Cody update in a row with a top that should be bottoming. This could’ve been their best video in years. And honestly who wouldn’t want to bottom for Randy? If I had that at the house I’d never leave.

Jason says:

Maybe Randy’s cock is too big for Dillan?

Brandon85 says:

If Randy is too big I’ll settle for Jess

elmtree says:

“…but I want to see Dillan bottom more”

Bottom more? Has he ever bottomed?

Brandon85 says:

I meant I want to see him bottom more than I want to see a big dicked bottom.

johnp says:

Awww thanks :)

sam my says:

Is it just me or does it seem like Dillon when topping struggles to get and find a rhythm ? His topping leaves a lot to be desired.

Here’s hoping we have a Kaleb Jr in the making. Embrace your inner bottom Dillon

Brandon85 says:

I was almost pissed when I saw what a good bottom Kaleb was. All those awful topping scenes we suffered through.

cammaxx says:

Well, this was NOT the weekend update from Sean Cody that I was hoping for! I’m so over Dillan “topping” and swear if they don’t bring Avery back soon, I’m gonna finally pull the trigger and cancel my subscription. Fingers crossed that Corbin Fisher delivers with their Friday scene!

Rodney H says:

Randy is one of my fave tops so hopefully his lil bottoming streak ends soon, not that I’m complaining as anytime I see Randy I’m happy. I like Dillan too so this coo

paultacoma51 says:

Randy is just so perfect! Gets hotter with each update! He’s one that if he were overused I wouldn’t care one bit.

johnp says:

Thanks!!! I appreciate that so much

Easternzones says:

This isn’t funny, they know these positions are mixed up.

Redphyro says:

Top who doesnt want to bottom is okay
Top who sucks at giving blowjob is okay
but power bottom who pretends they are top is not okay!

Jason says:

A performer can be versatile you know.

Brandon85 says:

He isn’t versatile though. Randy is.

Scrapple says:

I miss hairy Randy. But shaved Randy works too. And while I love Dillan’s zany ass, what is up with that first pic? Is Dillan the new Bitchelor? Between the giant image and the top billing you would think Dillan was the model with 40+ scenes and Randy is the newbie. Looks like Sean “prettiest girl” title has been snatched.

slipperyslope says:

For me, Randy is the true MVP of SC. There’s literally nothing I can imagine that he’d balk at. He does it all with gusto and cum-hungry piggishness that warms my heart and stirs my loins.

Scrapple says:

And he hasn’t become a jaded douchebag!

Scrapple says:

But why is there a gif of Jackée Harry’s ex-husband? Mary?

slipperyslope says:

Because he likes gay porn?

Also, that “Mary” was missing about three syllables…

Brandon85 says:

Anyone you thinking of in particular

Scrapple says:

Not really.


Although ur point is well taken I think Dillan got top billing simply because he was topping Randy .

Scrapple says:

Which would be fine. But the billboard sized photo with the flowered backdrop? If you see that pic without scrolling down all the way it looks like they’re advertising a solo.

Brandon85 says:

I like seeing him both ways. Your not gonna like this but next is like to shave Beau and Thomas at CF

Scrapple says:

You’re right. I don’t like that.

diego_pablo29 says:

I would like to see a new scene with Randy and Blake with them now more experienced in this game

Jason says:

I hope Dillan is claiming to be straight?

Jason says:

I don’t care what he claims as long as he performs his job well.
To me, he is too fem to claim to be straight, but you never know.

Brandon85 says:

Honestly and I don’t mean to sound racist but most young white guys are well kinda feminine. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing but it’s just something a noticed.

Scrapple says:

Any time someone needs to preface a statement with “I don’t mean to sound racist but…” it’s best to think long and hard about what it is you are about to say.

Having feminine qualities has nothing to do with age or skin color. I’m watching Masterchef Junior right now, and there are plenty of pre-teen White kids running around not femming it up. And if “most” young White guys really fell into that stereotype then having feminine character traits wouldn’t be vilified the way it is in many different communities. It would be seen as the norm, not something deviant.

Brandon85 says:

Forget it it I don’t really care if it sounds bad. Thanks for calling me out. If you say something you should stand by it and not care if it sounds offensive. In my opinion most young white guys ive met seem feminine. That’s my opinion and I stand by that.

Scrapple says:

It’s always best to double down on generalized statements based on nothing more than your own experiences. And when someone shares with you an opinion they’ve formed about Black people which you know isn’t true, I trust you will also respect their steadfastness. Like a certain poster who insists all southern Black gays are raging femme qweens. With all those White Fems and Black Queens running around I guess that’s why gay hate crimes are such a rarity in the south. Seems like a plausible theory.

Jason says:

Did u pull that opinion out your ass? Really?
So, most young white guys are fem? How ignorant can you be? There are millions of young white guys in the States and you are saying most of them are fem?

Brandon85 says:

I said it was my opinion not that it was a fact. You can’t tell me what my opinion is.

Jason says:

Your opinion is very ignorant and immature. As if you researched every young White male on the planet.

Jean Grey's Anatomy says:


von schlomo says:

Only now that Sean Cody is so dark from burning up all its fuel is Randy this big bright star. (I’m still not a fan) I really have never understood the love for Randy. I guess its folks who don’t care that he seems mentally retarded or perhaps a stage of development prior to homo sapiens? And fuck no I don’t want him or anyone else with a fucking beard. I think Randy is a great marker for what is actually average for Sean Cody if you consider what they made prior to 3-5 years ago when it was sold to assholes.

Soooo, I’ll actually watch this scene because Dillan is attractive, as opposed to many of their other models, and Randy is now so much hotter because we’re grading on a curve and the curve started at the sale. But I’m not hopeful because Dillan doesn’t seem to know how to fuck.

johnp says:

Hey come on I’m not that dumb lol. I got good grades in school

Bree Van de Kamp says:

Two of my favourites. I just wish Dillan would take a stab at bottoming. No pun intended.

Brovaries says:

Hairy Randy + roles reversed would have made this a great scene in my book. Rip.


Randy & Dillan both look FANTASTIC but as much as I enjoy seeing Randy with a dick up his GORGEOUS ass this scene would have been even HOTTER had Randy flipped Dillan over and rammed his big dick so hard up his ass that Dillan would have lost his load as soon as Randy big dick penetrated his spinster muscle

Brandon85 says:

I have no interest in seeing most of the Sean Cody guys top. Let Randy, Jess, Landon, Frankie, Jack, and Brysen do all the topping everyone else can bottom. That’s not to say I don’t want to see those guys bottom they just need to do it for one of the guys I listed. AND NO MORE MALCOLM TOPPING!

SacsayhuamanAntoninus says:

Randy Dillian LOVING IT
@Randy How long you been boarding?


johnp says:

@sacsayhuamanantoninus , I only boarded for about 2 years when I was like 12-14 lol I’m now 28

Scrapple says:

I keep forgetting Randy skates. Maybe because it seems like he wouldn’t, because he’s so big.

Randy, on his back, with his chest, abs and dick popping and his hole gets poked will never get old. Same goes for when his is waving around like a wand as he bounces on a cock. I can’t believe Dillan didn’t eat Randy’s ass. Dillan never leaves a hole uneaten. I’m also surprised Randy went in for a facial. I don’t really think of that as being his thing.

I like Dillan’s topping, but usually he’s more focused and determined. His topping here felt more forced. Between that and the diminished loads, I’m wondering if he was having an off day, or he shot another scene before this and was worn out. The pullout handsfree popshot was cool, but I’m not sure why he didn’t just cum in Randy. Also, both guys were doing way too much. All that hootin’ and hollerin’? They sounded like Scooby Doo villains trying to make a house seem haunted. And the sex talk was uninspired and repetitive. They’re both better than that.

david david says:

I love that SC’s doing more oral cumshots and facial these days. If Randy’s taking a long on his face, then I really need to see this. As for all the hollering, I blame the producer/director there. On that Frankie/Dexter scene, the director was like, “make noises”. I was shaking my head when I heard it. Same instruction was probably given to these two. I can’t recall Randy being that loud until recently.

Scrapple says:

It’s not much of a load. At all.

david david says:

Yeah, saw it already. And it’s too bad. I feel like Dillan’s being overworked. I remember during the last getaway, he barely spurt any cum ’cause he’s been in so much scenes. That dick needs some serious rest.

Scrapple says:

Give that booty some work while that dick rests.

david david says:

YES!!! You couldn’t have said it more perfectly!

Brandon85 says:

I agree

johnp says:

Sorry. They def make us do too much on the sounds

Scrapple says:

They need to focus on you doing too much with that dick and ass.

johnp says:

Ya I’m sorry for all the sounds. That’s what they want. I always tell them it’s too much but they want it so that’s what we do lol

Jakub Houng says:


Scrapple says:

Actually If you re-read my two comments, nowhere in those comments did I infer feminine qualities in a guy is a bad thing. Nowhere in those comments did I insist you were making an insult. I spoke about making generalized comments and applying it to an entire group of people. Had you wrote “many” or “some” or “a lot of” instead of “most” I wouldn’t have a reason to reply. “Most” implies a majority. And the statement you made does not apply to the majority of young White men. Because again, if that were true feminine gays wouldn’t be treated so poorly.

For all that talk about standing by statements you make, you seem to be particularly puffy that your comment was challenged. You made a prefaced statement about sounding racist. You made a comment about standing by comments that may sound offensive. So you already knew your comment was messy and you made it anyway. I didn’t call you out. You called yourself out.

Brandon85 says:

I don’t care that my comment was challenged and was actually annoyed with myself more than anyone. I do believe what I posted and tried to qualify it in order not to be offensive and I shouldn’t have done that. I said in the post with the trans lady that people shouldn’t hesitate to say how they feel and I did that in my original post.

Denver2020 says:

I think that Dillan is a not-too-bad top. Wish he showed off his armpits more. Being on the feminine side, he would make a good bottom as well. I think Sean Cody is just waiting to make him bottom but it will happen soon. Randy is cool but he’s been over-exposed and lost the newness and freshness. Hoping to see more new bloods at this site.

2345 says:

Is it an American thing to assume feminine gay guys always bottom? I agree that Dillan should bottom, but not because he acts a certain way.

Ivan Jimenez says:

I just want Randy & Blake to fuck Jack like he asked for in his scene with Forest!

I want Robbie to revenge fuck Shaw before he fucks Jack, flip-fuck zaddy Daniel, fuck Asher & Deacon, and fuck Randy!

JJ says:


Ivan Jimenez says:

Brysen retired?

Brandon85 says:

Let’s hope not. If he did I hope Jess gave him a going away fuck.

James Freedman says:

#metoo this should have been “Randy fucks Dillan”………………Sean Cody is doing a very poor job lately

clayshanks says:

two updates from Sean Cody this week that featured two of the few guys in its lackluster stable who have the ability to deliver halfway decent internals.

not a one to be found in either scene.

this studio puts out about one good scene every four months or so — if that.


freater says:

Not that fucking randy again UGHHHHH this could’ve been good :(

Walter Van der Wahl says:

I felt that Dillan would have preferred and would have had more chemistry with a smaller bottom- Randy has a big, muscular body and a huge, beautiful cock. To me is was a mismatch. Dillan is certainly a attractive man, has the face and the body. I see him topping a shorter blond boy. Thats my two cents.

Jason says:

I actually don’t but you are entitled to your opinion based on my comment…

Dillan seems to be an enthusiastic performer and he is doing a good job, however, for my ‘own’ personal choice he would be too fem for me to mess with and thats not to say he is a bad person or that I would not befriend him.

I prefer someone slightly more masculine but not over the top. Those are my personal choices in my personal life.

Now regardless, what a performer’s demeanor is, if he is doing a good job in his scenes I will be his cheerleader.

Brandon85 says:

How did I miss him topping Shaw and Brysen? I guess I truly am not interested in him topping if I skipped a Brysen and especially a Shaw update. I’d like to lick Shaw after a long run.

Ivan Jimenez says:

Jack & Jess & Daniel & Hector & Asher & Deacon & Malcolm & Marty & others are up next to bottom for his dick!

Brandon85 says:

Like Brandon he’ll bottom when we no longer care.

Scrapple says:

“Don’t you want somebody to love?”

Scrapple says:

No thanks. I was ignoring that person even before he felt the need to hurl racial slurs at me for no reason. And I shall go back to ignoring him.

jag2power says:

Slay girls! Slay!

Cubankid says:

I know lol. I don’t have him blocked. I’m just ignoring him.

They need to hurry up with the Price scene, watching him on cam isn’t enough. Yeah, the guy is a freak! I hope they allow him to display this o camera for all to enjoy. But Gay Hoopla is a studio ran by straight guys, so I won’t be holding my breath. I didn’t know he was that young, I doubt this is new to him though. Lol

Cubankid says:

I just want Paul to be the sole bottom. Its rare that I find flip fucks hot. The way Paul was riding that dildo on that cam show, he’s def not new to this. He slid that thing in with ease and no lube. I actually their str8 site, the chicks are much better looking than those busted ones Corbin Fisher provides. Its a win – win. They do focus on diversity ( at least that’s why i assume ) its a great thing.

Cubankid says:

Yeah, Price. My apologies, i’m responding to you and two others lol. I hope him rimming doesn’t mean he’ll be the top. That would be a crime to have a guy who is clearly a bottom, being a top.

February 23 is the date. Also he has some new shows up on that site I told you about.

Cubankid says:

That was two bottoms. They should’ve just got a double ended dildo. I enjoyed the scene though, both guys are incredible attractive. I also love Price tan lines. They could have kept that Buck and Jonas scene in their vault. Nobody wanted it.

Scrapple says:

I reported as soon as I saw it. And took a screenshot.

AlexM says:

Hey, that sounds hot but I couldn’t find anything with a quick search.What company is GH/ who are Paul and Pierce? I feel like I’m missing something awesome. Sorry if it’s a dumb question.

Brandon85 says:

Your love needs to come to Sean Cody and get pounded by Randy and Jess. There’s no tops for him at Corbin Fisher.

2345 says:

pricehogen19 gay porn- run that as a google search and you’ll find CB (when he’s on it) and a bunch of images