Sean Cody: Nixon Fucks Dean (Bareback)

Nixon Fucks Dean (Bareback) at SeanCody

Nixon Fucks Dean (Bareback) at SeanCody

Nixon Fucks Dean (Bareback) at SeanCody

Nixon Fucks Dean at Sean Cody Scene Summary:

After a leave of absence, Nixon has graced us with his presence again, and Dean couldn’t be more excited! “What doesn’t turn me on about this guy? ‘Cause look at him over there…this guy is a Greek god!” We could certainly see that, especially since there was definitely some worshipping here.

Watch as Nixon Fucks Dean at SeanCody

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Watch as Nixon Fucks Dean at SeanCody

moondoggy says:

If they can find some chemistry, this should be good. Here’s hoping.

John Doe says:

That’s very unlikely. I can see Dean managing to fake it, but Nixon is such a bad actor.

John Doe says:

The important thing is he tried…he did try right?

John Doe says:

Guess this means Nixon finally broke up with his GF. Guess we’ll be seeing more of him. Shame he’s stiff in every way that doesn’t matter.

Rockhard says:

Should him fucking a woman and we’ll see a better performance. If not then he’s just a lousy lay which wouldn’t surprise me all these muscle guys think they look so good they don’t have to do any work so they don’t learn anything

elmtree says:

“After a leave of absence, Nixon has graced us with his presence again”

This “gracing” better include him bottoming again…soon.

John Doe says:

Why? He’s so bad at it. He’s hot, but a terrible performer.

elmtree says:

I’ll take him as a terrible bottom than a terrible top.

Rockhard says:

He probably took one for the team during team building exercises in the Army.

DaveAtom says:

Nixon is a greek god indeed. He’s hot af although I want to see him bottoming again.
And Dean is so handsome too, and a great performer. Thanks for this, hopefully the action is great.

Kevin says:

What’s is so special about Nixon coming back, he hasn’t changed. He is still the same limited, one note performer.

John Doe says:


C A says:

I’m glad you said it. I was looking hard for the pic of a dick in his mouth.

Rough&sweet says:

Yes..same thing with Dillan

Redphyro says:

Whats worth the wait here Nixon? You didnt even suck a dick.

Steve Crockett says:

He maybe the same limited performer, but dont think anyone would say no to have a chance to taste and get pounded by his dick . . .

Colby Parr says:

Right! These hatin’ ass hoes would give their right arms for a shot at Nixon.

Zombieking says:

What a waste the bt=ring back Nixon they could at least pair him with someone hot like Dexter it would have been perfect but of course they the overused Dean. Dean, Blake Lane Curtis, Joey the only bottomon that site

Scrapple says:

It would appear Nixon still has the body…and the limitations. From a visual standpoint this will probably be an entertaining display. But I’m not expecting fireworks and a marching band.

Gazzaq says:


joeguy45 says:

lol. so i joined for $2 to watch it as its all ready gone live.. Just the usual .. Nixon is HOT but very “one trick pony” i actually huffed on so much poppers getting off to it , my lips are totally blue ..

Redphyro says:

Havent seen the vid yet. Did he suck a dick?

joeguy45 says:

No. his performance skills haven’t changed .

Cubankid says:

Damn y’all turned on Nixon quick. Quicker than y’all did Brandon ( which was understandable ).

Love slutty Dean, he makes a fantastic bottom.

sam my says:

You know this comeback, this scene and the hype around it was a mess.

As good of a bottom Dean is, he can’t save the scene or Nixon’s lack of topping skills.

swan says:

and Dean is always an annoying

Scrapple says:

I still like the idea of Nixon. But the reality is disappointing. It’s like when a restaurant reopens after being closed for a while and you see they’re still serving the same food. At least throw in a new menu item or a signature cocktail. Something.

sam my says:

Or taking back an ex, after he tells you he’s changed, only to see he’s still the same, and doing the same shit that pissed you off the first time.

Scrapple says:

I’ll take your word for that. I don’t do repeat offenders.

Unless they’ve got good hair, good dick, good ass and good credit. Then they get put on probation.

sam my says:

You forget, Ive never had a bf, Im talking to a guy now though. Progress, Ill be losing that V card any day now. Lol I was mostly speaking from the outside looking it.

LIke what was this “you wont want to miss this” stuff Nixon was saying? Like how is this update any different than his other lackluster videos ? Because it has Dean in it? That’s once again hiding behind the model popularity, instead of just being/showing better.

Sean Cody was a big flop this week, both updates were a letdown. Corbin Fisher better come through.

Scrapple says:

I figured you had been wifed up during your time away, things went sour, and the name/identity change was part of your entrance into the Booty Protection Program.

gaycockluvr says:

The main difference, I think, is that Brandon actually had some good scenes for a while there and then he just stopped caring. Nixon topping has always been bland. He’s still hot as hell, but bland. Agreed about Dean though! I am actually kinda looking forward to this because of him.

L. T. says:

This. Real talk, I loved Brandon (though there were some who did indeed get tired of him fast) but he started getting arrogant and I was tired of him. That and the fact that he followed the old gay porn motto of “bigger is better” with his body turned me off as well.

Jose says:

How come each Nixon is getting cuter and cuter but his performance is still boring as shit.

James Freedman says:

If Nixon is not bottoming having that great big butt, I am not really interested

jag2power says:

I’m on the fence; off the wagon, and …unless Nixon turns up his ass again?

SacsayhuamanAntoninus says:


joeguy45 says:

she’s awesome

Colby Parr says:


L. T. says:

This pairing hasn’t already happened before?

entireleaves says:

They are at least both hotter than most of the new guys so I’m not complaining.

david david says:

Sean Cody overhyped this scene too much I thought Nixon would be bottoming again. I got so excited when I saw they were teasing Nixon’s return earlier this week. Then it was another topping scene. Now, I like Nixon as a top to be honest. But I LOVE him as a bottom and I was expecting him to do that here. Now I ain’t judging the scene ’cause I haven’t watched it yet, but I hope he did something different this time. I need to see him suck a dick, else it’ll be the same with the scenes he did back then, just with a different partner.

whodunit? says:

Sean Cody knew what we all wanted to see but they chose this route. Surprised? No, not at all. They better keep him around for a bottoming scene up next.

Bring Jack back to bottom as well.

paultacoma51 says:

Glad Nixon has returned! Disappointed he’s not bottoming. And Mr. Dean who hates doing gay sex. Not the pairing I was hoping for.

freater says:

Nixon should’ve bottomed

Doctor Bombay says:

What the fuck is going on with the skin tones in the video? The stills look normal but the scene is an episode of “When Spray Tans Go Bad.” Nixon is orange and Dean has weird splotches of orange / tan, like he was sprayed before he shave his body so like his stomach is orange / tan, but his pecs are natural. Kinda distracting from an otherwise hot scene.

Young Neil says:

I feel like we have had this already.

Knowing Sean Cody, they probably haven’t ever been paired together for whatever odd reason, but sometimes you see a pairing and you will welcome seconds, even thirds… (even though it never comes) this is not one of those times. I don’t even know If I want firsts and I like Dean and don’t hate Nixon. It just is a super boring pairing to me.

Sushi says:

Nixon getting fucked again would have been amazing. Watching Dean get fucked again for the 4oth time? Hard pass.

jinger says:

In the first picture I thought they could pass for twins.


Dean still looks with a big dick N his ass if he had of just kept his big FUCKING fly trap shut I could over look BEAUTIFUL Nixon’s lackluster performance .lackluster or not I still LOVE him but Dean I am sorry but I cannot overlook his IGNORANCE !!!

Ivan Jimenez says:

Waiting for Jess, Robbie, Jack, Daniel, Nixon, Randy, Shaw, Deacon & Asher, Dillan, Frankie, Dougie, Archie, Malcolm, Marty, Manny, and Brysen to star in the next getaway flip-fuck orgy!

Marx says:

Everybody seems can’t wait to jump on the Nixon hatred bandwagon… I still love him.

ArgleBjargle says:

Nixon’s back? I didn’t realize he was gone.
It’s not like he does anything memorable.
A dildo would be more passionate.

Gustav19 says:

Ugh, Dean? Pass.

emercycrite says:

Nixon is bae

Cubankid says:

I think I just threw up in my mouth.

Cubankid says:

I usually watch previews just to see if I would like the scene before judging it, but I knew that pairing would be a travesty without even watching it.

I’m still a fan of Nixon. The sudden Nixon hate is not only confusing but also not justified. I would like to see him bottom more though. I enjoyed his scene with Daniel.

Cubankid says:

I bet he can see into the future. Turning over in bed and having those eyes staring back at me would probably scare the shit outta me.

Nixon is great. These people on here don’t know what they want. I still haven’t watched that scene yet. Probably because I feel like the roles should have been reversed. I’ll get to it eventually. It took me forever to watch the Kaleb and Derick scene, but man it was worth the wait.

Cubankid says:

I’m also glad Kaleb accepted his bottoming position. Now i want to see him get gang-banged.