Sean Cody: Dillan Fucks Barron (Bareback)

Dillan Fucks Barron (Bareback) at SeanCody

Dillan Fucks Barron (Bareback) at SeanCody

Dillan Fucks Barron at Sean Cody Scene Summary:

Barron was immediately infatuated by Dillan’s small-town Southern charm and good looks.

“I hope you like getting pounded pretty hard cause I get kinda rough when I get into fucking”, Dillan exclaimed.

Of course Barron was all in, “Bring it!”

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Watch as Dillon Fucks Barron at Sean Cody

Cubankid says:

Congrats SC, you just took three major steps backwards.

sam my says:

What is this level of appeal they think Barron possess ?

Cubankid says:

He’s fucking the right guy.


Sam more than 0 but less than 2 and even that’s being highly optimistic !

ajholditdownbaby says:



Cuban I humbly disagree feels more like 6 ………….

Redphyro says:

After many weeks of hot updates, we are back with this crap!

Dillan is not a top and the only Barron i wanna see on a gay scene is Barron from CF

Sean says:

I was really hoping for a good pairing this week.

Brandon85 says:

I don’t think they’ll ever have another good update.

Dannyboi says:

Barron is so unmemorable, I had to click his tag link to see when he even debuted, was shocked to see he was in 10 scenes already.

L. T. says:

Man, I thought Dillan was Robbie for a moment in that first pic.

Kj says:

Dillan and Barron should be fun. When do we get another scene with Shaw ?

Scrapple says:

Dillan went from fucking Brysen and Randy and Joey and Blake and Shaw and getting fucked by Jess to fucking Barron! How amazing is that!

ajholditdownbaby says:

Tskkkkkkk….Barron’s still living?

Denver2020 says:

Well, Barron is neither hot nor cute. It’s hard to describe him but not an eye candy that’s for sure.

Bair says:

Who is he? Don’t tell me he’s in jail for murdering his boyfriend, or something like that. LOL I made this MANY MONTHS ago and have no idea who any of the several guys in the video are. The drag queen is Chad Michaels, I believe.

Ivan Jimenez says:

He reminds me of a Ginger Jarek Wentworth!

So hot, yet so stupid and has to protect his ass all day long from what my NYPD friend tells me. Prisoners get horny, both women and men, and they would do ANYTHING to fuck the weakest inmates ass either with their fingers, toilet paper, or their dicks!

Bair says:

I have no idea who he is. I feel sure the beard is fake. But with what little face is exposed I can see a resemblance to Jarek. The prison story makes me sad, but I can see why that might be true. Jarek was a handsome man, and if the inmates learn he did gay porn, well….I can see how that would be it for him, with all the horny men he’s surrounded by. Our prison system is so badly in need or reform, which may NEVER happen.

Ivan Jimenez says:

Is that supposed to be the Ginger version of Jarek Wentworth?

If he could top and bottom the way he looks, then I’m all for this dude to sign exclusively to Sean Cody not MEN!

SacsayhuamanAntoninus says:

Keep Up The Good Work Sean Cody DAMN THE HATERS

Love Ya Dillian and Barron

Brandon85 says:

Don’t pray for the haters pray for a good Sean Cody update.

classyboy says:

I swear they just stopped caring

Target says:

Keep your head up, Dillan!

Bair says:

I’m slow (sometime) getting things. Am I getting this right? So called “fem” tops get more arrows (hate) shot at them than the military, but they are stronger and keep standing. I LOVE it, if I am getting it right. I wrote “so called” because I really don’t think of Dillan as “fem”. He, to me, is just so charming and personable. A “gentleman” rather than a one dimensional Brute, for sure. But I don’t see that as him being “fem”.

James Freedman says:

First thing that caught my eye in the first pic before I scrolled down was the difference in teeth color of Dillan and Barron

James Freedman says:

Moreover in my opinion Dillan is too fem to be a top

Brandon85 says:

Almost every gay guy I’ve met is at Dillan’s level of Fem. Not the over the top stereotype you see in tv and movies but kinda on his level.

Sask says:

I was hoping Sean Cody would release another newbie scene. Maybe Saturday.

sanfv says:

Hey Girls, checking in on this episode of black mirror called gay porn in 2018 aka homeless straight men doing homosexual acts for alright amounts of money.

Also, is Bair still a thing or did we stop it in its tracks?

DaveAtom says:

Not really.
The hotness of a scene with these guys depend on how hot are their partners. Just them together, yawn.

DeeGee says:

Wake me when it’s over.

Brandon85 says:

What has happened to my favorite site? Corbin Fisher is killing them lately.

sasuk388 says:

not barron fan at all. dillan needs to fuck. jakob or sean jess. someone hot. just sayin

Sushi says:

Not interested in Dillan topping. He should be taking big dicks, like he did with Jess.

david david says:

This is not the Barron I want to see this week. That’s all I have to say.

Ivan Jimenez says:

Dillan needs to bottom for Jack, Deacon & Asher, Brysen, Randy, and now Robbie!

moondoggy says:

And no tats. I’ll give it a chance unless it gets eclipsed by the holiday weekend releases.

sanfv says:

They’re gay?! Next, you’ll be saying Mariah is no longer a skinny legend.


The Cure 4 Bair is 2 BLOCK THAT ANNOYING BITCH !!!

Brandon85 says:

Someone should compose s list of 13 reasons why Sean Cody sucks LOL.

Bair says:

Skinniest? Hmmmmm! I don’t know. She’s lost weight, for sure, BUT have you seen my Aretha?

Brandon85 says:

What on earth has happened to Aretha? One boob alone used to be bigger than she is now. BTW where are her boobs in that pic.

Ivan Jimenez says:

What happened to our legendary diva Aretha Franklin?

She doesn’t look the same anymore!

I pray she gets better!

Cubankid says:

Did you respond to my email? I haven’t checked it because its that time of the month. They only thing waiting for me over there are bills.

Bair says:

She claims she is okay. She has lost so much weight. She is in the process of doing her (perhaps) last cd, with some new music written (and all songs arranged) by Stevie Wonder. She looked so good just a few years ago, when she sang “Natural Woman” before Obama, and he (and I) cried she was so incredible. There are no words to express how much I love Aretha, so I want to believe that she is okay (as she says she is) but I fear she is very, very sick. She looks so tired. Her boobs have greatly reduced. I made this gif from a video from a year ago, when she was already too thin, then.

Brandon85 says:

Well I look forward to the new cd. She isn’t such an amazing singer.

david david says:

She’s making another album? That’s good to hear. I thought she already retired and her last album would be that covers album with Rolling In The Deep. I’d love to hear new original songs from her.

Brandon85 says:

I said earlier that he is the good looking version of Barron.

Bair says:

LOL The funny thing (or one of the funny things) is he is always writing how he left Sean Cody a long time ago and would never join again. He just comes here to perform a public service and complain about Sean Cody (and the performers), bitterly. BUT, he watched this video, some how. HMMMM!

Bair says:

The definition of cute is to be attractive in an endearing way. If Dillan is not endearing, then no one is. No one in the entire world is cute if Dillan is not. And I enjoy Gingers, so much. And particularly cuddly and playful ones, like Barron. So, I see 2 CUTE guys….EXACTLY.

Bair says:

I know. Me too. I love Re more than words can say.

Bair says:

Fingers crossed. She is in the studio now starting the process with the back-up singers. Patti LaBelle was supposed to duet with her. Jamie Fox as well. It will be older songs like, “What’s going on”, and new songs written by Stevie Wonder, just for her. She has retired from performing live and says this will be her last CD, which makes me fear she is ill to be closing up shop the way that she is.

david david says:

She’s doing a duet with Ms. Patti? I will need to go on a wig shopping spree and purchase as many wigs as possible. They’re going to make me so bald. I hope that duet will materialize. I think she said something about wanting to spend more time with her family, hence the retirement. Can’t blame her. She’s been doing this almost her whole life. Everybody needs a break. But I wish her well and I hope she’ll live a really, really long and healthy life.

Bair says:

Patti said she was supposed to do a duet with Aretha on Watch What Happens Live (Andy Cohen) and wanted to do it so badly. What a treat that would be with 2 legendary divas trying to out do the other. It could be music magic. I don’t think either would win the battle, but both would exquisitely tie. But, I must confess, I love my Aretha more.

david david says:

Indeed. That would probably be the greatest duet of all time along with Whitney and Mariah. I know it would be real epic. Both are equally great and still sound amazing so I’m sure it’s gonna be an equal vocal battle. Don’t make me choose ’cause I love both. LOL!