Sean Cody: Dillan Fucks Manny (Bareback)

Dillan Fucks Manny (Bareback) at SeanCody

Dillan Fucks Manny (Bareback) at SeanCody

Dillan Fucks Manny (Bareback) at SeanCody

Dillan Fucks Manny (Bareback) at SeanCody

Dillan Fucks Manny at Sean Cody:

Southern Sean Cody stud, Dillan, gushes over the dark and handsome Manny as they play Frisbee. They also talk about what they like about each other.

The tall, lean and boyish hunk, Dillan, looks over at Manny smiling ear to ear.

“He’s got like a super ripped body and a nice cute butt on him. He’s got some nice hair and heís a pretty funny guy and I plan on stretching that butt hole out,” says Dillan.

Dillan continues, “Making some new space for someone else to move in.”

“All I see is an invisible penis line right now!” says Manny.

“I like his accent and he has a nice dick too; it doesn’t hurt.”

Finally, after all that back and forth, Manny and Dillan take it inside. There, Manny can get his ass rimmed and rammed.

Watch as Dillan Fucks Manny at SeanCody

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Watch as Dillan Fucks Manny at SeanCody

Ivan Jimenez says:

Manny should’ve topped Dillan with his big, thick Latin hung dick!

Bair says:

LOL When I saw Manny was back with that cock of his that should be in the DICK HALL OF FAME (if there were such a thing) I thought: “why does he not top…WHY????” His cock is SO BEAUTIFUL! I’m fantasizing about a Manny/Jax flip flop. Aahhhhhhhhh! The guy who bottoms that I most want to top, and the guy who tops that I most want to bottom.

pilot101 says:

i’m here for Dillan, not for manny.

DaveAtom says:

Mmmm… Meh, I think this looks bland. I mean, they are good looking and kinda hot, but none of them really stands out.

simp says:

Manny’s body is looking damn good here.. totally overlooked that he’s gotten his body tighter and leaner in the july 4th update.

Cubankid says:

I’ll watch for Manny, but Dillan is NOT a good top.

Kj says:

Hairy Handsome Manny is always a welcome sight.

Sure would like to see Shaw again.

some charge says:

this is worse than MEN’s trash scene

Sushi says:

I want to see Dillan fucked again.

burghboy says:

Lazy Sean Cody. No imagination or effort. Feels like I have seen this all before.

Dannyboi says:

somehow this feels like a repeat but holy cow does Manny look great.

Dannyboi says:

i wanna play with those nipples, yum

Bair says:

YES! And ALLLLLLLL the rest of him too.

Franklin says:

As everyone knows, MindGeek is the owner of Sean Cody and MEN.
Sean Cody also had a little surprise, a trans man, but it’s not going to happen after the events of the past few days.
They can’t be too naive to introduce bi/trans content, and just think that everyone would accept it.

Kevin says:

How do you know this?

Franklin says:

A producer. The guy was going to film his solo this weekend.
They will definitely deny everything, and they told those who are involved in this to keep their mouths shut.

SacsayhuamanAntoninus says:

Thank you @franklin2018:disqus for that tid bit of tea and SC’s owners knew/know DAMN WELL it would have FAILED TOO seeing as HOW Sean Cody was A GAY MANS VISION from the get go and now they trying to come in here and F it up emphasis on the word trying. Cause if that shoot would have happened I guarantee members would have shut that $%^& DOWN REAL FAST. Its one Thing Sean Cody Members don’t play about and that their HOT MENS HUNNY not HOT TRANSMEN but HOT MENS period. again @Franklin thank you for sharing.

Kraterus says:

By the way, sorry for pestering you, but you mentioned that you knew the names of the models who had done bi scenes… Are you going to let us now anytime soon?

I must admit that I am enjoying watching everything unfold a little…


Franklin says:

I will give the names the next days.

Kevin says:

Thanks, and what is this info about models doing bi scenes?

Franklin says:

MEN filmed four other bisexual scenes, and it was planned to shoot even more.

Scrapple says:

That’s pretty disgusting. Not that they would film a trans man, that they would use one for stunts and gimmicks. Are you that creatively deficient? I guess so.

sam my says:

I agree to an extent.

Kraterus says:

Wow! Are the really THAT clueless?

Besides, unlike their straight platform, where these sorts of scenes and films are placed in the subsidiary sites that are not that popular, they go and present it all in their flagship gay websites!

I think that there would have been a backlash if they had opened a bi/trans website with gay men participating (it’s evident that no one likes it) but it wouldn’t have been quite as strong as it has been now.

Talk about poor business decisions and thinking that the public will like something just because you do…

Scrapple says:

Southern Sean Cody stud, Dillan, gushes over the dark and handsome Manny as they play Frisbee.

Oh, we’re still doing that thing where we pretend Manny is Latino because the roster is lacking some “exotic” flavor? Loving it.

“Invisible penis line” makes me think of “Invisible panty line.” Which then makes me think of moose knuckles and camel toes, and it’s all down hill from there.

Scrapple says:

Southern Sean Cody stud, Dillan, gushes over the dark and handsome Manny as they play Frisbee.

Oh, we’re still doing that thing where we pretend Manny is Latino because the roster is lacking some “exotic” flavor? Loving it.

“Invisible penis line” makes me think of “Invisible panty line.” Which then makes me think of moose knuckles and camel toes, and it’s all down hill from there.

Redphyro says:

Always here for Manny and i dont understand the love for Dillan.

Ed Stoneback says:

Yes yes very sexy handsome Mannie is hotter than ….love the muscle definition sweet smile and super sexy hairy masculine body Dang super hot Latin hunkie

Scrapple says:

Southern Sean Cody stud, Dillan, gushes over the dark and handsome Manny as they play Frisbee.

Oh, we’re still doing that thing where we pretend Manny is Latino because the roster is lacking some “exotic” flavor? Loving it.

“Invisible penis line” makes me think of “Invisible panty line.” Which then makes me think of moose knuckles and camel toes, and it’s all down hill from there.

Mark says:


some charge says:

Wish it ended in threesome. The guy on the left needs to start making porn ASAP

freater says:

Dillan looks great here

gaycockluvr says:

Dillan, I need you to take after Kaleb and give up them cheeks more often. They both look good here though. Really glad to see more Manny after his little break.

Gazzaq says:

Not a fan of Manny I’m afraid although he is a good seasoned performer and Dillon needs to get Fucked again pronto…

Steve Crockett says:

Love that pic of Manny staring up at the camera, legs apart, dick pointing north while he is getting Fucked! Nice!

Guy says:

Cute sexy guys, unfortunately both bottoms.

Bair says:

It’s refreshing to see someone advocating for Blake to top. When he tops; usually a bunch of guys whine and bitch because he is not bottoming. UGH! But, as I’ve written before, watching that ass of his (from behind) as he “properly bangs” someone is as mesmerizing as watching it getting fucked.

some charge says:

they have straight scenes in their archive i think but thankfully Sean Cody killed it before it laid eggs unlike CF

Cubankid says:

Were you able to unlock the video I sent you?

Leo says:

Are you seriously calling trans guys ‘fake men’?

Bair says:

YES, Leo, he is. If you scrape the bottom of the barrel you will find where nbtx27 lives. Needless to say, he is NOT WOKE. Tehehehehe!

Gazzaq says:

Nicely put…

Kraterus says:

What about NakedSword? They seem to put out some excessively polished scenes, but they tend to be quite good.

Kraterus says:

That’s a good point, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find those sorts of scenes – even most scenes in Sean Cody have always felt rather over-directed and overacted. Look at anything that Daniel appears in, for example, and how evident he makes that the guys are told to exaggerate.

Still, NakedSword is not selling trans/bi content, so I guess it’s among the studios that can be supported.

Scrapple says:

Naked Sword had a trans performer in a movie not too long ago. It was the one with Justin Brody.