Family Dick: Growing Pains, Chapter 1: I Want To Be A Doctor One Day

Growing Pains, Chapter 1: I Want To Be A Doctor One Day at FamilyDick

Growing Pains, Chapter 1: I Want To Be A Doctor One Day at FamilyDick
Growing Pains, Chapter 1: I Want To Be A Doctor One Day at FamilyDick
Growing Pains, Chapter 1: I Want To Be A Doctor One Day at FamilyDick

Growing Pains, Chapter 1: I Want To Be A Doctor One Day at FamilyDick:

It’s natural for young men to look up to the older men in their lives; to want to do as they do and learn from them. And oftentimes, boys will grow up wanting to do the same work their dads did. For this curious boy, he can’t help but admire his handsome doctor daddy. In fact, seeing him come home in his flattering scrubs stirs up all kinds of feelings. When he asks his old man about a future in medicine, his sexy step dad is happy to give him some beginner lessons in anatomy… leading to him showing off his big, beautiful daddy dick!

Watch Growing Pains, Chapter 1 at Family Dick

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Watch Growing Pains, Chapter 1 at Family Dick

some charge says:

that doctor needs a prostate exam

moondoggy says:

omg, even with all the ink, i want this doctor to teach me about safe sex through his very, very, very bad example. Start by teaching me all of the ways to take my temperature.

Scrapple says:

He’s gonna lose his medical license and his child.

Marseric says:

The old guy is fucking hot

freater says:

At least he’s a different old guy. Not the hottest, but better than the other ones.

Sask says:

NIce to see natural man-hair on the young guy.

Jamie says:

Yes. It’s just right.

bo69 says:

Hot couple but who are they?

Guy says:

Doctor, I feel a fever coming on!

No_No_No_Yes says:

Family dick.. I just can’t with this.

Gay men are renowned the world over for elevating class, improving social conditions and higher living. I am all for a hot.. grandpa knocking down some twink ass, lord knows I went through my “grey” curiosity. But fer fucks sake, check your class, you seem to have misplaced it.

Oh SHIT no, I didn’t read the write up till just now.. is Nica working here now? THIS is just plain disturbing, and the more I looked at grandpa the more he looks like some underpass dweller. This is just fucked up.

Duncan Mudge says:

I think the bottom is really cute. Who he?

Duncan Mudge says:

who is the bottom?