NOIR Male: Miller Axton Fucks Jack Hunter in “My Wife’s Boss”

My Wife's Boss (Miller Axton Fucks Jack Hunter) at Noir Male

My Wife's Boss (Miller Axton Fucks Jack Hunter) at Noir Male
My Wife's Boss (Miller Axton Fucks Jack Hunter) at Noir Male
My Wife's Boss (Miller Axton Fucks Jack Hunter) at Noir Male
My Wife's Boss (Miller Axton Fucks Jack Hunter) at Noir Male

Miller Axton Fucks Jack Hunter in “My Wife’s Boss” at NOIR Male:

Miller Axton invites his wife’s boss, Jack Hunter over to confront him. Is Jack fucking his wife!?

Jack Hunter makes it very clear to Miller Axton that he is not. That the only person he wants to fuck is Miller!

Jack Hunter is all too happy to show him just how much he craves Miller Axton’s huge cock filling his holes, till he’s ready to explode from a hard pounding!

Watch as Miller Axton Fucks Jack Hunter at NOIRMale

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Watch as Miller Axton Fucks Jack Hunter at NOIRMale

moondoggy says:

Miller’s whole career, at least as documented here, was condomless until now.

CarlA says:

Miller and Jack are lookin’ hot as fuck!!!

Scrapple says:

So…you were mad at the possibility of your wife fucking your boss, you find out she isn’t, then you fuck him? First Beaux, not Miller. It’s like that Black Panther thing never happened.

Mikhal says:

you don’t show off so much beautiful ass only to tell me that Axton is only topping.