Lucas Entertainment: Sergeant Miles Fucks Drake Rogers in ‘Bareback Cuckolds, Scene 2’

Bareback Cuckolds, Scene Two (Sergeant Miles Fucks Drake Rogers) at LucasEntertainment

Bareback Cuckolds, Scene Two (Sergeant Miles Fucks Drake Rogers) at LucasEntertainment

Bareback Cuckolds, Scene Two (Sergeant Miles Fucks Drake Rogers) at LucasEntertainment
Bareback Cuckolds, Scene Two (Sergeant Miles Fucks Drake Rogers) at LucasEntertainment
Bareback Cuckolds, Scene Two (Sergeant Miles Fucks Drake Rogers) at LucasEntertainment

Sergeant Miles Fucks Drake Rogers in ‘Bareback Cuckolds, Scene 2’ at Lucas Entertainment:

Sergeant Miles is not an easy guy to live with. That is, to let alone be committed to.

For Sergeant Miles, it’s all about him and his needs. Therefore, if you don’t like it, then you know where the door is. Drake Rogers enjoys being Sergeant’s beta boy, though, and he services Sergeant’s alpha-top needs without question.

Ultimately, Drake Rogers is always left feeling used and thrown away after Sergeant Miles fucks his throat and ass with his fat raw cock!

Watch Sergeant Miles Fucks Drake Rogers at Lucas Entertainment

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Watch Sergeant Miles Fucks Drake Rogers at Lucas Entertainment

No_No_No_Yes says:

Gotta hand it to Miles, he keeps himself on point. I have no idea what he said/did, I used to depend on Sanfv for that shit but I never see her anymore. These dudes are not in porn because they got bored at Harvard. If they do something REALLY disgusting like that ass clown at GISP that is another story.

I’ve never really been into miles, and I have never seen Drake until this. His asshole looks like it’s been a busy life. Going by the trailer, Lucas is consistent, his scenes always look hot. I just can’t get his face out the rear view mirror. I’m actually surprised he hasn’t sold out and toddled off to Palm Springs or wherever old homos go, he has to be getting up there. You can only tug and staple that shit so far before your own balls are actually on your chin.

Young Neil says:

It’d be nice to see Sergeant Miles bottom again. I know he is a polarizing figure, and I don’t fallow these models everyday lives, Most of the controversial things I’ve heard from him I could see where he was coming from, but I assume it gets worse. Long story short, he’s still a pretty good looking verse model, and I guess I am shallow enough like that!

I feel like there is more to me disliking Porter while still liking Sergeant Miles, but I can’t put my finger on it at the moment (besides seeing uglier things from Porter)… so I am just going to call myself shallow and horny (and admit deep down inside that looks are still an influence on me).

c_find says:

At least you’re honest with yourself. Everyone have different cutoff lines

moondoggy says:

I see a lot of the discussion about what porn stars said and did as a little silly. People have the attention span to follow entertainers and hold them accountable for the things they do, but in the realm of politics where it really matters, they’re completely checked out. Personally, I think if you vote responsibly, you can cut yourself some slack for a lack or porn vigilance.

Sgt Miles is kinda repugnant to me, but I didn’t like him even before he said stuff. I won’t ruin him for you by being specific. But I hate this update anyway because of the tattoos. Geordie gets a pass from me, but not these two.

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

I try to keep myself away from discussions around porn and politics (I am a foreigner so not only my context is different but I don’t have all the facts, history, background, etc to have a valid and informed opinion) and also the personal lives of models. It’s just not my thing, but I get why it may be important to others.
I love Geordie and I actually like his tatts, same with Miles. I don’t really know how to explain it, but I feel those tatts just fit them. On the other hand I can’t with Drake’s leg tatt or Dylan James’ covered body.

More says:

Some ppl feel like their dicks are personslly violated by watching assholes have sex on screen. That’s only one concept tho. I know I don’t like jerking to idiots tbh

Young Neil says:

Yeah, I think on Porn Stars being Trump supporters, it can be annoying when they shove it in your face or show themselves to be true deplorables (by kind of being an unprovoked jerk, I mean or at least repeatedly or extremely unapologetically hypocritical), but they aren’t politicians, they aren’t even the same thing as celebrities. I kind of feel like pretending like they have a voice anywhere outside of possibly advocating gay rights or prostitution/pornography is being in an internet bubble. I also feel like I have a certain expectation for a level of imperfection from everyone.

(That said, I mostly don’t get upset with Trump supporters as a whole, I tend to think of them as manipulated… especially in the LGBTQ+ community, or minorities… or non-millionaires… well, I know it is a perspective that they find annoying… but I assume they think the same about me, despite I feel like it’s easy to prove the manipulation)

Most of the Scandals I’ve seen with him are about voting for Trump or being upset with people who seal his work or criticize him for not being gay in gay porn. On that subject, I kind of feel like one answer is unpopular but obvious, and the other is nuanced with several different factors of all different problems that show the symptoms that make the topic controversial.

GP says:

“Most of the controversial things I’ve heard from him I could see where he was coming from”

He called children hiding in closets from a school shooter “cowards”, he also wants citizens of the USA to be able to buy automatic rifles, rocket launchers and tanks. Also a T***p voter and supporter.

You say you could see where he was coming from?…..

More says:

Chief said that ain’t it

Jack says:

lmaooooooo I can’t beileive yall brought chief to the porn world im done

More says:

chief was summoned by fuckery. sorry 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😒

Young Neil says:

Yeah. “Seeing where someone” is coming from is not agreeing with them, but understanding how they got there.

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

I’m well aware that Sergeant Miles is the definition of mess, but god damn it he’s such a good looking man. His body is on point and has a good amount of hair, he is handsome, cock looks tasty and he’s a pretty good performer.
Drake Rogers is a cutie, I don’t really like his huge leg tatt but if the scene is hot I can overlook that and this certainly looks very hot.

lemonline2 says:

He looks great — I avoid social media — all I need to know is what I see on his videos. But being that he’s stopped bottoming, can’t say he’s a guy I watch these days.

Tim says:

Shouldn’t the alpha be a higher rank?

Neel Dutta says:

I am really annoyed with Michael for wasting my baby, Drake’s talent with douchebags like Sgt Miles, and Manuel Skyy time and again. Drake Rogers is such a fucking gorgeous guy(fully, my type). He should get partners, worthy of him, like Jeffrey Lloyd, Derek Allan, or Leo Rex. Drake is sex god…..Cute, handsome, super infectious energy, and a great performer.

More says:

Couldn’t agree more. Pair him a normal fucking person and not these weirdos. Don’t forget about max konnor or andre donovan or bama. they’re candidates too. And Michael is an asshole too anyway but I don’t hold it against the good models. You just have to take the vids as they come🤷🏾‍♂️

More says:

Look man my dick is mad asf. Is it so hard to find a porn star that’s a normal person that I can jerk my dick to and move on with my life. I’m tired of cancelling ppl. Looking forward to Drake roger having a scene with a normal person

lemonline2 says:

Do normal men and women get into porn. I guess maybe if they are desperate, but they don’t last long if they are just doing it for some quick cash.

Justin Trenton #NotMyPresident says:

Why do men ruin their pecs by putting animal tattoos on them? Twinks get birds, jocks get poisonous animals. They look ugly and ruin the look of a hot chest.

The crocodile is even worse, but at least that’s not a common tattoo. It looks like a skin disease.

Scrapple says:

Sergeant Miles. One of the leading examples of why porn models shouldn’t have sm accounts. All that hotness wrapped up in so much crazy, intolerant anger.

For Sergeant Miles, it’s all about him and his needs.

All the truths.

Devin says:

Isn’t Miles like 5 ft tall? You guys are all up in arms because he’s a Trump supporter. Who gives af? I know some decent people who are Trump supporters. I don’t agree with them, but it doesn’t bother me. I’m not going to cut them off because they’re Trump supporters. The funny thing is a lot of people who were originally Trump supporters are no longer Trump supporters. The man is such a dodo bird that it’s only a matter of time before people turn their backs on him. Give it time, they’ll all come around. Back to Miles, I keep hearing that song in my head “don’t wan’t no short short man”.

Scrapple says:

Who said they were only mad because he’s pro Trump? His incendiary comments go beyond who he supports in the White House. The man said children who don’t fight back against armed assailants are cowards. He allegedly went after gay co-stars demanding to see their STI test results, because he thinks gays are diseased and promiscuous. He has made disturbing comments about feminism, immigration reform, and so many other issues. Supporting Trump isn’t his only problematic issue.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Wow. We really need to keep a tag board somewhere with a running list of porn stars, their blighted tirades and dirty deeds – that is some seriously hateful, twisted shit. I wasn’t into him before – but if what you say is true I find it difficult to consider supporting a company that would continue to use him knowing all this.

As for his status as a “straight” man, bitch you suck and ride dicks for a living, sell it somewhere else. All this AND he is only 5 feet tall? It is true, you really do learn something new every day.

There must be some weird little genetic mutation of the self hating gay variety that includes delusions of grandeur and near Tourette’s level inability to keep their insane thoughts from spilling out as publicly as possible, coupled with Napoleonic stature. We can call it “Miles -Black” syndrome.

c_find says:

What does his height have to do with anything???

Scrapple says:

Because apparently we should be more turned off by his stature, not the fact that he’s a venom-spewing idiot.

DTG says:

I read some people complaining about Miles in another post, but they didn’t elaborate why they found him so offensive…but based on everything said about him here, I now like him that much more. Glad that he supports the 2A, is not a liberal snowflake/sniveling SJW caught up in hyper hysterical “feelings,” and is a supporter of PRESIDENT TRUMP! I feel so much closer to him now! :D Love ya Serg!

Guy says:

Sgt. Miles again?