MEN: Michael Roman Fucks Armond Rizzo in ‘Put It In Me!’

Put It In Me! (Michael Roman Fucks Armond Rizzo) at Drill My Hole

Put It In Me! (Michael Roman Fucks Armond Rizzo) at Drill My Hole
Put It In Me! (Michael Roman Fucks Armond Rizzo) at Drill My Hole

Put It In Me! (Michael Roman Fucks Armond Rizzo) at Drill My Hole

Michael Roman Fucks Armond Rizzo in ‘Put It In Me!’ at

Ripped cutie Armond Rizzo can’t seem to get any sleep with his noisy roommate, Michael Roman, playing loud music so early in the morning. He begs and pleads for the muscular top to turn it down, but to no avail. He heads into Michael’s room and catches him dancing naked! He’s instantly turned on by Michael’s huge, thick cock, and waits for him to return home later in the day with his spread ass cheeks. Will Michael take the bait and put it in him?

Watch as Michael Roman Fucks Armond Rizzo at

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Watch as Michael Roman Fucks Armond Rizzo at

DTG says:

Good to see Armond’s hole not looking like as much of a canyon as it used to.

moondoggy says:

“You know, Marge, in some ways, you and I are very different people.” The precise reason I watch Armond Rizzo is to see him fucked by raw cocks that look like my forearm.

McM. says:

Michael Roman and Armond Rizzo. O-kay…

Not even sure where to begin with this one. Know what, I’m gonna make this real short.

If either one of these dudes come up on twitter talking about how they were paid extra for USING condoms, my only response will be “…. …. that sounds ’bout right.”

c_find says:

It’s their job, you gotta do things you don’t like sometimes to pay the rent.

No_No_No_Yes says:

I can’t with Armond’s hair.. He and Diefro are trying to start some shit.

elmtree says:

I can only assume Armond’s hair is the reason for this expression…

Tempest says:

lol at the condom magically popping up and LMAO at Armond’s hair.

tysandsnyc says:

My dream is to have Jason Vario and Michael in a scene together. Two tall glasses of water.

Guy says:

I have never been a huge fan of the little slut that is Armondo Rizzo, but with this new hairdo, NO THANKS!! Michael Roman doesn’t do much for me either. Nice body, but the face is a NO!